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Student Extended School Year

Student Extended Services for School Year

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Texas State Information > Extended School Year

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name
School Year

The year for this record data.


  • The global student selection criteria for the Extended Year collection is updated to include records for any student enrolled in the prior year who has a qualifying record for the Extended Year submission, regardless of whether the student has an enrollment in the current school year.

  • Categories of Extended Year Records to be verified

    • ESY Students

    • Bilingual/ESL Summer School Students

    • High school students with manual entry summer school stored grades records for Dual Credit or College Prep courses

    • ADSY Students

  • Impacted Interchanges

    • Student

    • Student Enrollment (Student School and Student Section)

    • Student Program (Base Program + ESY Program)

    • Student Transcript

    • Master Schedule: to be verified; there must be a Section record for any student with a reportable student section/student transcript record.

    • Attendance: ADSY students only

Campus ID (E0782)The campus the student was enrolled for the services.[S_TX_STU_ESY_C]E0782_CAMPUS_ID
Grade Level Code (E0017)The grade level the student was at the time the services were rendered.[S_TX_STU_ESY_C]E0017_GRADE_LEVEL
Instructional Setting 1 (E0173)The primary instructional setting for the student.[S_TX_STU_ESY_C]E0173_INSTR_SETTING1
Contact Hours in Instructional Setting 1The number of contact hours received for the first instructional setting.[S_TX_STU_ESY_C]E1013_CONTACT_HOURS1
Instructional Setting 2 (E0173)

Used for speech if the student received more than speech services.

  • E0173 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (TX-InstructionalSetting)
    • If the SPED student does not receive Speech (Speech Therapy Code = 0) an Instructional Setting other than 00 is reported.
    • If the SPED student receives only Speech (Speech Therapy Code = 1), Instructional Setting is reported as 00.
    • If the SPED student receives Speech + Additional Services (Speech Therapy Code = 2), at least two records are reported: one with an Instructional Setting Code other than 00 and another with Instructional Setting Code 00 (for Speech).
Contact Hours in Instructional Setting 2The number of contact hours received for the second instructional setting if applicable. [S_TX_STU_ESY_C]E1013_CONTACT_HOURS2

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