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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-278261At-Risk: Auto-Code and Report Updates

At-Risk Report and Auto-Code: Version 22.10.1
PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 22.10.1
Updates are now available for the At Risk process and supporting reports for the PEIMS Fall Submission.

  • The At Risk Auto-Code process and reports now include an option for the Dropout Recovery School/Adult Ed Program. This At Risk Reason is always manually coded by the district if applicable as there is no source data in PowerSchool.
  • In addition, the Auto-Code process is modified to close open records from a prior year, rather than leaving them open when the student remains at risk for a reason that was previously calculated or entered. If the student has at least one At Risk Reason in effect for the current school year (either remaining at risk or newly at risk), a new record is created and the Entry Date is populated as the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date (last Friday in October).
PSSR-302121Auto-Code Non-Campus Based Instruction Code 04 for Texas Connections Academy Sections and Manual Entry Stored Grades

Default Non-Campus Based Instruction Code of 04 populated in all section records and manual entry stored grades records at the Houston ISD Texas Connections Academy school to eliminate the need for section-level overrides in every class section.

  • For the Ed-Fi Section Identifiers, implement a new nightly calculated process along with a triggers upon page submission in Sections and Historical Grades for manual entry stored grades to populate the Non-Campus Based Instruction element with a code of 04 in Sections and Manual Entry Stored Grades.
    • This process applies only to one specific school in Houston ISD where District Number = 101912 and School Number = 100.
    • The process should not be initiated for any other district or school.
    • There is no need to render the existing Non-Campus Based Instruction fields read-only.
    • There is also no need to provide an override to this field.
    • Populate the code value of 04 if not already populated.
    • If a value is populated and does not = 04, overwrite the value.
  • District Setup: display a new preference at the bottom of the list of existing nightly processes,
    • Display this preference only if District Number = 101912
    • Allow the time to be changed - default to 3:30 am
    • Name: Auto-Code Non-Campus Based Instruction Code 04 for Texas Connections Academy Sections and Manual Entry Stored Grades
    • Also move the existing preference for "Flexible Attendance Data Source" up so that it appears directly before the 1st auto-code preference for CTE records.
  • Auto-populate the following existing fields:
    • Sections: S_TX_SEC_X.E1072_Non_Campus_Based_Instr - all records.
    • Manual Entry Stored Grades only: S_TX_SGR_X.Non_Campus_Based_Instr
      • Only populate this value when Section ID = 0 and the School ID in the record is Houston's School Number 100.
    • Implement logic to trigger the auto-population when a new Section is created and the page is submitted, and when a new Manual Entry Stored Grades record is saved.
    • The nightly auto-code process will populate any records (such as imported records) that are missing values.
    • Record Clean-up Added 09/20/22: The nightly process must also ensure that sections or stored grades records that are no longer tied to Campus 100 must not be coded with 04 for Non-Campus Based Instruction & the value should be cleared. This could possibly occur due to incorrect initial data entry or import into Stored Grades & a subsequent correction by the district to change the school.

Texas Preferences Clean-up added 09/21/22: for each of the TX auto-code preferences with explanatory text appearing in parentheses, remove this text and retain the auto-code name only.

PSSR-291564TREx Updates for the 2022-23 School Year

TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 22.10.1
TREx Extract: Version 22.10.1
Updates are now available to support the latest 5.2.1 version of the TREx Data Standards

  • XML file header: The TREx version is updated to 1.3.
  • Demographics Complex
    • The PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator is now extracted from the fields stored in the Pre-K Special Program record for students in grade PK. If any one of the following fields is populated as 1, the Previous Year Indicator is reported as 1.
      • E1649_PK_ELG_OVR (Fall Override)
      • E1649_PK_ELIG_PREV_YEAR (Fall Calculated)
      • E1649_PK_ELG_OVR_SUMR (Summer Override)
      • E1649_PK_ELG_PRE_YR_SUMR (Summer Calculated)
    • Grade Retained: Logic Update
      • Previously, grade retained was reported based on retentions in the prior school year only.
      • The logic is expanded to look for grades of retention at any school in all previous years for grades KG-8. The student’s final enrollment record of a prior year is compared to the first enrollment record of the subsequent year when determining retention.
  • Attendance Complex: Prior Year Attendance
    • Four new elements to report prior year attendance are now included.
      • PRIOR-YEAR-TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT (TE144): PriorDaysAbsent
      • PRIOR-YEAR-TOTAL-DAYS-PRESENT (TE145): PriorDaysAttended
      • PRIOR-YEAR-RS-TOTAL-DAYS-PRESENT (TE146): PriorRSDaysPresent
      • PRIOR-YEAR-RA-TOTAL-DAYS-PRESENT (TE147): PriorRADaysPresent
    • The same logic used to identify regular, RS & RA attendance in the PEIMS Attendance Interchange is applied. If the student was not enrolled or has no attendance in the prior year, these elements are suppressed.
  • Assessments Complex: TELPAS Scores
    • The logic for the identification and reporting of TELPAS scores is expanded to include the two supported models for TELPAS score names:
      • 16_TELPAS Writing or TELPAS Writing: output as TestName 16
      • 17_TELPAS Speaking or TELPAS Speaking: output as TestName 17
      • 18_TELPAS Listening or TELPAS Listening: output as TestName 18
      • 77_TELPAS Reading or TELPAS Reading: output as TestName 77
  • Academic Status Complex: Certifications
    • The existing CertLicCode complex type continues to include certifications from the TEA Code Table C214 as well as records entered in the free form "Additional Certification/Licensure for TREx" field. As many TEA Certification Licensure descriptions now exceed the TREx field length, the TEA titles are truncated to 61 characters as needed.
    • The new IBCEarned complex type is also now included. The output is similar to the IBC records in the PEIMS Student Interchange. For each TEA certification earned or attempted, a separate record is output with the following two elements:
      • IBCCode: 3 or 4 digit code from the TEA C214 table as entered in PowerSchool.
      • TX-PostSecondaryCertificationLicensureResult: 01 (Earned), 02 (Passed/Not Earned); 03 (Failed); the default for this field is 01 if not populated in the record.
  • Technical Updates to Prevent Oracle Errors: The code is updated prevent Oracle errors when a source element in PowerSchool is of the wrong type or expected length in order to avoid character/number conversion errors and "character string buffer too small" errors.
PSSR-252860Update Potential Dropouts & eSped Demographics to exclude end dates student Contacts

eSPED Demographics: Version 22.10.1

Potential Dropouts: Version 22.10.1

The Potential Dropouts report and the eSped Student Demographics are updated. The selection criteria for Student Contacts excludes prior contacts where an End Date exists in the StudentContactDetail table.

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