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Career and Tech

On this page:

Add/Edit Current and Previous Records

Navigation:  Start Page, Student Selection, Special Programs, Career and Technical

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

Entry Date

School Entry Date

This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school.

Format is mm/dd/yyyy


[Students]EntryDate or


Exit Date

School Exit Date

This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school.

Format is mm/dd/yyyy


[Students]ExitDate or


Exit Reason

Choose a exit reason code.

For a list of acceptable codes, refer to the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation C162.

Required for all withdrawn students.

[Students]Exitcode or


Grade Level

Grade EE, PK, and KG are recorded numerically in Power School and converted when reported to PEIMS. PowerSchool will use PK=-1 and EE=-2.

Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation code table C050.



CTE Indicator (E0031)

  • Choose a CTE Ind code.

    • (0) Not CTE (applies only to students with a CTE Override of 2 who do not have at least one day of CTE class enrollment in the current year)

    • (1) Enrolled in a CTE Course

    • (2) Participant in a coherent sequence of courses

    • (3) Participant in the Tech Prep program (obsolete code available only in records dated prior to 08/01/2016).

  • Reference the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C031.

    This field may be left blank if the district elects to use the CTE Ind Code (calculated).



Auto-Code Status

This field is populated by the CTE Auto-Code to indicate the student’s CTE Course status for the current year:

  • CTE currently scheduled: The student is currently scheduled in at least one CTE course.

  • CTE not completed: The student was previously enrolled in a CTE course but dropped the course prior to completing the class or earning a completion grade.

  • CTE completed: The student has completed at least one CTE course or course part in the current year and is not currently scheduled for another CTE course.

  • CTE completed and currently scheduled: The student has completed at least one CTE course or course part in the current year and is currently scheduled for at least one other CTE course.

  • CTE not scheduled: The student has a CTE Indicator or CTE Override =2 but is not scheduled in any CTE classes in the current year.


Transportation CTE Support Service (E0917)

  • If a student is coded as 1 for the Transportation CTE Support Service (E0917) element, a check is now made against the Economic Disadvantaged special program records to determine if the student was identified as Economically Disadvantaged during the same school year.

  • If not, a warning message is displayed. Note that this is a warning only and the CTE record can be saved as coded. Districts must ensure that the correct coding is in place per TEA fatal edit 41169-0003:


Out of Workforce Individual (E1039)

Indicates that the student is Out of Workforce Individual (E1039)

[S_TX_SEN_CTE_X] E1039_Displaced_Homemaker

Single Parent Pregnant Woman (E0829)

Indicates that the student is Single Parent Pregnant Woman (E0829)

[S_TX_SEN_CTE_X] E0829_SinglePar_PregWoman

Exclude Vocational Contact Hours

Select this option to Exclude Vocational Contact Hours


System Comment

Comments about this special program. This field is read-only and reserved for SRC TX Special Programs automation features.


Additional Information on CTE Auto-Code Process

  • General Functionality

    • Career and Tech records are closed, opened or updated as described below for each of the possible scenarios.

    • When prior year records are closed, the Exit Date is set to the day after the last day of school.

    • When a new record for the current year is created, the Entry Date is set as follows:

      • If the student has at least one day of CTE enrollment in the current year, the Entry Date is set to the earliest Entry Date for a CTE class.

      • If the student was manually coded as CTE 2 in either the CTE Indicator or the CTE Indicator Override in a prior year record but does not have at least one day of CTE enrollment in the current year, the Entry Date is set to the student’s first day of enrollment in the current year.

      • Entry Dates in existing current year records with a value of 2 for the CTE Indicator or CTE Indicator Override are left intact.

    • When new records are opened, the additional fields in the CTE record are handled as follows:

      • Grade Level: the student’s grade level is set to the student’s current or most recent grade level.

      • School: though not visible on the page, the School ID in the record is synched to match the student’s current or most recent school of enrollment.

      • Existing values of 2 in the CTE Indicator or CTE Indicator Override field are always carried forward.

      • Transportation CTE Support Service (E0917), Displaced Homemaker (E1039), and Single Parent Pregnant Teen (E0829): existing values are always carried forward.

      • Exclude Vocational Contact Hours

        • If the prior record was in a prior school year, any existing values of “Yes” are reset to “No” in the new records.

        • Any existing values of “Yes” in current year records are left intact.

    • The student’s current year CTE Indicator and Auto-Code Status are set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

    • Each time a record is manipulated, the System Comment is populated as “Auto-Code Update: date/time stamp.”

    • In subsequent Auto-Code runs, if the student’s status has changed, the CTE Indicator, Auto-Code Status field, and System Comment are updated as needed.

    • Once a current year record is created, it is left open for the remainder of the school year. Current year records will be closed automatically by the CTE Year End Automation process that will run during the summer of 2021.

    • CTE Auto-Code Scenarios and Actions

      • Scenario #1: Students with open CTE records where the CTE Indicator Override = 2

        • If the record is dated in the prior school year, it is closed, and a record for the current year is created.

          • The existing CTE Override of 2 is carried forward.

          • The CTE Indicator and Auto-Code Status are set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

        • If the record is dated in the current school year, the record is left open. The CTE Indicator and Auto-Code Status are set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

      • Scenario #2: Students with open CTE records where the CTE Indicator = 2

        • If the record is dated in the prior school year, it is closed, and a record for the current year is created.

          • The existing CTE Indicator of 2 is carried forward.

          • The Auto-Code Status is set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

        • If the record is dated in the current school year, the record is left open.

          • The CTE Indicator of 2 is left as is.

          • The Auto-Code Status is set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

      • Scenario #3: Students with records closed by the summer 2020 Year-End Automation process where the CTE Indicator Override = 2 and student does not have a current year open CTE record.

        • A new CTE record is created and the CTE Indicator Override of 2 is carried forward.

        • The CTE Indicator and Auto-Code Status are set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

      • Scenario #4: Students with open records where CTE Indicator = 1

        • If the record is dated in the prior school year, the record is closed.

        • If the student has at least one day of enrollment in a CTE class this year, a new CTE record is created.

          • The CTE Indicator is set to 1.

          • The Auto-Code Status is set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

        • If the record is dated in the current year, the auto-code process verifies that the student meets the criteria for a CTE Indicator of 1.

          • If the student does not have at least one day of enrollment in a CTE class this year, the record is deleted.

          • If the student has at least one day of enrollment in a CTE class this year, the record is left open.

            • As needed, the Entry Date is updated to correspond to the earliest Entry Date for a CTE class.

            • The Auto-Code Status is set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

      • Scenario #5: Remaining students with no open CTE records

        • If the student has at least one day of enrollment in a CTE class this year, a new CTE record is created

          • The CTE Indicator is set to 1.

          • The Auto-Code Status is set as appropriate based on the student’s schedule and CTE course completions.

          • Otherwise, no action is taken.

The Fall PEIMS Staff Responsibility Record Creation process is updated to include sections with Non-Campus Based Instruction Code (04) Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (formerly eCP). Responsibility records are produced if the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code = blank, 00, 04, and 06; records are not created for any other Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes.

CTE Programs of Study

This page lists the TEA-calculated CTE Program of Study records imported from the TEA PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation.csv report file. These records are based on the CTE course completion data submitted in the Summer and Extended Year PEIMS submissions. You can navigate back from the Programs of Study page to the Career and Tech Special Programs page by clicking the “Show Career and Tech” button.

  • For each year beginning in the 2020-21 school year, TEA calculates CTE Indicators and Programs of Study records for each student completing at least one CTE course.

  • Depending on the CTE courses completed, students may have a single record or may have multiple programs of study and different CTE indicators for each program.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table]Field Name

School Year

Enter the academic year such as 2022-2023


Program of Study

Enter the TEA numeric code and Program


CTE Indicator

Enter the TEA-calculated CTE indicator


State/Regional Program

Type of program such as (S) State, (R) Region or No


State Cluster

Choose the State Career Cluster


Federal Cluster

Choose the Federal Career Cluster



Add a comment if required. 


System Comment

A one hundred character system comment used by the import process


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