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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Assessment Extracts: Updates to Report Descriptions

Assessment Import Tool for Texas State Assessments: Version 23.4.1

Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import: Version 23.4.1

The report descriptions on the State Reports page are updated to reflect the current functionality of the extracts and to provide more detailed information and instructions about the manual and auto-import options, student record matching, excluded record errors, and supported file formats.


Child Find Updates

The Child Find Special Program record and Student Program Interchange are now updated with a new override field for the calculated Parental Consent Date. The interchange is also adjusted to report the delay reasons with the updated xml tags for 2022-23.

  • Child Find Special Program Record

    • A new “Calculated Parental Consent Date (E1714) - Override” field now displays on the Child Find page directly after the Calculated Parental Consent Date (E1714).

    • The database field for this override date is S_TX_SEN_CHILDFIND_X.E1714_PRNTL_CONSENT_CLC_OVR.

    • This override is intended for special scenarios only where the Calculated Parental Consent Date needs to be adjusted.

    • Use the override for this identified scenario: parental consent is obtained during the summer and the initial evaluation is also completed during the summer. TEA now advises that the Parental Consent Date should be backdated and reported as the last instructional day of the school year that has just ended.

  • Student Program Interchange Logic Update

    • The Student Program Interchange for the Child Find collection is updated with logic to consider the new override field when outputting the TX-ParentalConsentDate element.

    • If the new override field is populated, the value from the override field is reported

    • If the new override field is NULL, the Calculated Parental Consent Date field value ios reported

    • If both values are NULL, suppressed the element to trigger a fatal error.

  • XML tag for Delay Reasons

    • The prior TX-EvaluationDelay xml tag is modified to TX-DelayReason

    • TX-DelayReason is reported only when Evaluation Delay Reason Code (E1718) and/or Eligibility Delay Reason Code (E1731) is populated in the special program record.


Discipline Records Verification Updates

Incident Management TEA Discipline Records Verification Report : Version 23.4.1

Report updates for two special scenarios are now available.

School Sharing a CDC Number: A new label “Incident School” added between the Inc ID and Enroll Campus in both CSV and PDF to indicate the campus where the incident recorded. For schools sharing a CDC number, this value may differ from the reportable Campus ID of Enrollment in the Discipline Interchange as displayed for “Enroll Campus.”

Incidents with Students from Multiple Schools: One record per student is now reported.


Dyslexia Screening and Risk Codes Updates

Dyslexia Screenings and Risk Codes Report : Version 23.4.1

New validations on the Dyslexia Screenings and Risk Codes page for students in grades KG and 1 are now available along with report updates to add the new Dyslexia Screening Exception Reasons and other enhancements.

Data Collection

  • The conditional display of the Dyslexia Screening Exception Reasons is modifed to display and enforce data entry when the Dyslexia Risk Code = (03) Not Screened based on the student’s current grade level, regardless if a Screening Date is entered or not.

    • If the student is currently in grade KG, and the KG Dyslexia Risk Code = 03, the validation displays: If Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code is 03, then Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason must not be blank.

    • If the student is currently in grade 1, and the Grade 1 Dyslexia Risk Code = 03, the validation displays: If Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code is 03, then Grade 01 Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason must not be blank.

    • Validations do not display for any prior year records.

  • When selecting a Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason, the student’s grade level now dictates the valid codes displayed in the dropdown list.

    • If the student is in Grade KG, Exception Reasons 01 and 03 are grayed out since those reasons apply to Grade 01 only.

    • If the student is in Grade 01, Exception Reason 02 is grayed out since that reason applies to Grade KG only.

Report Updates

  • Enroll Status, School Entry and Exit Dates are added as new elements following the student’s DOB.

  • Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exc Reas (E1732) and Grade 1 Dyslexia Screening Exc Reas (E1732) fields are added as new elements.

  • In the PDF version, the Run Date and Page Number are removed from the header and replaced with a new footer.

    • User Name - Date and Timestamp on the left side of the page

    • Page Number on the right side of the page

  • In the CSV version, Dyslexia Risk Codes and Descriptions are now combined within a single column.


Improved AAR Layout for Explanation Codes and Legend Update

AAR: Version 23.4.1

AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 23.4.1

The spacing for Explanation Codes has been adjusted to support up to six Explanation Codes per stored grades record so that the codes no longer overlap the course grade. The legend at the bottom of the page is modified to update the verbiage for Explanation Code Q from “Pre-AP” to “Pre-AP/Advanced.”


Texas Elements on District Info Page Moved to New Texas District Management Link

The various Texas elements and links that previously appeared on the core District Info page have been moved to separate pages under a new Texas District Management Link. This new link appears at the bottom of the District Information category in District Setup, and each page link within this category is displayed in alphabetical order. Districts can also assign separate page permissions to each of these pages using the Access to Page Permissions feature in System > Security. Note that the CRDC - Civil Rights Data Collection link for district-level CRDC data remains at the bottom of the District Info page.

  • Child Care Operators: ECDS PK data collection for Child Care Operator Names and Numbers for districts using contracted services.

  • Class ID Setup: Configuration for class id/unique section codes for PEIMS and TSDS reporting.

  • CTE Programs of Study: CTE Programs of Study offered by the district for Fall PEIMS.

  • District Finance Records: Budget, Actual and Contracted Instructional Staff records for districts reporting finance and staff data from PowerSchool.

  • Gifted and Talented Programs: Gifted and Talented Program Cdes for Fall PEIMS.

  • PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection: District-level data collection for School Board Requests, default values for the various PK Program fields and ASVAB Indicator.

  • Residential Facilities: Data collection for the RFT collection.

  • Shared Services: District Shared Service Arrangements (SSA’s) for Midyear PEIMS for districts reporting finance data from PowerSchool.

  • Texas Auto-Code and Nightly Process Preferences

    • Enable/disable these automation features

      • Title I Schoolwide Record Automation

      • Title I Targeted Assistance Record Automation

      • PEIMS General Record Automation

      • Clear existing Class Rank & GPA Data when Inactive Students Re-enroll

      • Hide PEIMS Error Check tab at District Level

      • Hide Student Extra and Co-Curricular (ECC) Data Collection

      • Flexible Attendance Data Source

      • Daily CTE Auto-Code (also specify time)

      • Daily Immigrant Auto-Code (also specify time)

      • Daily Auto-Code for Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts (also specify time)

    • Specify the time for these auto-code calculations, which run by default each day

      • Non-Membership Discipline Restraint

      • Child Find

      • Pre-K Eligible Previous Year Indicator

      • Ed-Fi Section Identifier

      • Ed-Fi Stored Grade Section Identifier

      • As-of-Status

      • Staff Responsibility Record Creation

      • Course Sequence

      • Student Truancy

  • Texas End of Year Process Preferences: enable/disable and select options for these summer rollover features for special programs, student tracks, and staff

    • PEIMS General Record Automation and options

    • Career Tech Record Automation

    • PRS Record Automation

    • EB/EL Record Automation

    • Title I Record Automation and options

    • Pre-K Record Automation

    • Gifted and Talented Automation

    • Economic Disadvantaged Automation   

    • Special Education Automation

    • SELA Automation

    • Intervention Strategy Automation 

    • Section 504 Automation

    • Dyslexia Automation

    • Child Find Automation

    • GEH Automation

    • Clear Student Track Assignments

    • Increment Years in Staff Fields

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