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Student Extra and Co-Curricular Activities

Enter Student Extra and Co-Curricular Activities

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

School YearEnter the School Year to which the activity record belongs; stored as the two-digit Term ID such as 31 for the 2021-22 school year.


Extra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
Reporting PeriodEnter the reporting period for the record.[S_TX_STU_ECC_C]Reporting_PeriodExtra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
Campus IDEnter the student's campus of enrollment for the ECC record.[S_TX_STU_ECC_C]CampusIDExtra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
ECC IndicatorEnter the TEA ECC Indicator Code for the activity.[S_TX_STU_ECC_C]ECC_IndicatorExtra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
CommentsOptional comments for the record.[S_TX_STU_ECC_C]CommentsExtra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
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