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Use the Academic Achievement Report (AAR) option to print a transcript based on the requirements outlined in the Texas AAR Minimum Standards document. The AAR includes student demographics, schools awarding credit, the student’s courses, grades and credits, EOC and national assessments, class rank, and the student’s graduation profile. Performance acknowledgements, industry certifications, and other graduation requirements are also reported. Use the report parameters to specify formatting, sorting, and other options for the report.

Multiple lines display for a course if the same course (course number) is taken in the same school year with the same store code. The AAR will align store codes for S1 and S2 if the course number and school year are the same. If there are multiple stored grades for the same store code in the same school year, the AAR aligns the store code from S1 and S2 that have earned credit greater than 0. The other store codes display on separate lines.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.


  • The student must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting ("Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS").


  • The course must not be marked as Exclude from AAR in Courses or Sections.
  • The course must be flagged in the TEA C022 Service ID code table as "Eligible for HS Credit."


  • The Historical Grades record must not be marked as Exclude from AAR.
  • Only course grades from [StoredGrades] that are flagged as Final Grades in the Texas Store Code Mapping table, and that are mapped to a Final Grade Type of S1, S2, or Average are included.
  • AAR Average Override grades are included if the store code in the associated record is mapped to a Final Grade Type of S1, S2, or Average.  The Average Override is automatically displayed in the AV column.

EOC Assessments

  • The student must have a Test Result for one or more of the EOC assessments listed below where the Numeric Score field is greater than 0.  To report Performance Level, the Percent Score must also be populated.

  • A single EOC assessment result is reported for each subject, representing the best Performance Level result achieved for each of the assessments, which include:

    • Algebra_I 

    • Biology

    • English_I 

    • English_II

    • US_History

  • If a student has multiple test results for the same PS [TestScore]Name, the best result based on the value for the Performance Level score ([StudentTestScore]PercentScore) is reported. If the student has the same Performance Level in both tests, the most recent result by Administration Date is reported.
  • Performance Levels
    • 7 -Not Met
    • 8-Approaches
    • 9-Satisfactory
    • 10-Masters

EOC Assessment Waivers

Students may qualify for EOC Assessment Waivers for a variety of scenarios. The AAR logic for calculated and manually entered waivers is detailed below. In order to display waivers on the AAR, the runtime parameter for "Include EOC Assessment Waivers/Substitutions" must be set to either "Include Both Waivers and Substitutions" or "Include Waivers Only." When this option is selected, the EOC result is displayed as "Waived*" on the AAR, and noted in the legend at the bottom of the page as: *Waived EOC Assessment denotes equivalent course passed outside the Texas public or charter school system, or for those students that were not required to take a particular EOC assessment.

  • Special exempt scenario: A value of "1" exists in the Numeric Score field AND a value of "E" exists in the Alpha Score field in the EOC test record; displays as "Exempt."
  • Waiver for EOC course passed outside of the Texas public/charter school system
    • Student has an Explanation Code of 3 (Credit is awarded based on the district evaluation of the student records).
    • The Service ID (Alternate Course Number) is one of the following:
      • Algebra I: 03100500, 03100507
      • Biology: 03010200, 03010207, A3010200
      • English I: 03220100, 03220107, 03200600, 03200607
      • English II: 03220200, 03220207, 03200700, 03200707
      • US History: 03340100, 03340107, A3340100, I3301100, I3301300
    • Explanation Code 3 is flagged in the stored grade record representing the final portion of the EOC course, as determined by the Course Sequence Code (calculated or override).
    • The Store Code is mapped to a Final Grade Type of S2 or AV in Texas Store Code Mapping.
  • STAAR EOC Alternate/Alternate 2 Waiver based on ARD decision: Displays as "9-Meets" (default) or "10-Masters" if Performance Level score = 10
    • STAAR EOC Alternate:  [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore contains "G"
      STAAR EOC Alternate 2:  StudentTestScore]AlphaScore = "ALT2/M" or "ALT2/N" or [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore contains "M" or "N" or "A"
  • Manual Waivers entered in State/Province - TX > Graduation Information > EOC Status > EOC Waivers
    • (AM)  ARD Medical Exception: Displays as “9-Meets”
    • (AN)  ARD No Authentic Response: Displays as “9-Meets”
    • (AO)  ARD Other: Displays as “9-Meets”
    • (CO)  COVID: Displays as “Waived*”
    • (E1)  ELL E1 Exempt: Displays as “E1 Exempt”
    • (IG)  IGC: Displays as “Waived*”
    • (OT)  Other: Displays as “Waived*”

EOC Substitution Assessments

Students who attempt and fail an EOC assessment at least once are eligible to use a qualifying score on a substitution assessment in order to fulfill the EOC graduation requirements. Substitution Assessments are calculated by the AAR based on student test scores and specific performance acknowledgements using the same logic as implemented on the EOC Status page. Substitution Assessments can also be manually entered on the EOC status page if the required student test data is not in PowerSchool. In order to display substitution assessments on the AAR, the runtime parameter for "Include EOC Assessment Waivers/Substitutions" must be set to either "Include Both Waivers and Substitutions" or "Include Substitutions Only."  When a student qualifies for a substitution assessment, the AAR displays "Pass Sub" for the applicable EOC exam, along with the month and year the substitution assessment was taken and the substitution assessment name.

  • Refer to the TEA Substitute Assessments Standards for a complete list of the substitution assessments along with the required minimum scores, which vary by year and EOC subject.
  • Manual Substitutions entered in State/Province - TX > Graduation Information > EOC Status > EOC Substitution Assessments
    • Algebra I
      • ACT

      • ASPIRE

      • PLAN

      • PSAT

      • SAT

      • SAT Math Level 1

      • SAT Math Level 2

      • TSIA

    • Biology
      • SAT Biology E
      • SAT Biology M
    • English I and English II
      • ACT

      • PSAT

      • SAT

      • TSIA

    • US History
      • SAT History

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  • If the runtime parameter for "Include SAT/ACT Scores" is set to "Yes", the scores are reported if populated in PowerSchool.
  • For students with multiple sets of results, the related runtime parameter determines the output:
    • Report 1 record with highest combined scores
    • Report 2 records with highest overall scores
  • Test Name: ACT with the following Test Score Names
    • ACT (Composite)
    • ACT_ENG
    • ACT_READ
    • ACT_MATH
    • ACT_SCI
  • Test Name: SAT with the following Test Score Names
    • SAT (Composite)
    • SAT_Mathematics
    • SAT_Reading
    • SAT_Writing_Cumulative
    • SAT_EBRW (Evidence-based Reading and Writing)

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Report Input

Before running a report, verify that all required setup items are entered for students, schools, district, and staff.

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report is described below.

Select Schools

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.
  • All Schools (default) – The report includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.
Current Selection Students

Choose which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If you are running the AAR by Student Number, Grade, Last Initials or Student Selection,

  • enter up to ten student numbers for which to run the report.
  • this option is not available when running by grade level.
Exclude Inactive Students

Select Yes or No to indicate if inactive students should be included.

Note: To print for graduates who have been transferred out, this option must be set to Yes.

School Year

Select the School Year.

During the summer when one school year has ended and the next has not yet started, enter the new school year to print transcripts for students in the upcoming year, or enter the prior school year to print for students in the prior year (such as graduated seniors). This option defaults to the current school year after the new school year starts.

Student Sort

Choose a student sort option.

  • Name, Grade (default)
  • Grade, Name.

Note: If the report is run from the district level, the report sorts first by the school and then by the selected student sort option.

Source for Contacts

Choose an option for parent/guardian information.

  • Legacy Contacts
  • Student Contacts
Course Sort

Choose a course sort option.

  • Subject Area (default)
  • School Year
Course Name Format

Choose a format for how the course name is displayed.

  • Abbreviated Course Name (default)
  • Abbreviated Course Name - Service ID
  • Local Course Name
Grade Display

Choose how to display the grade.

  • Percent (default)
  • Letter

If Percent is selected, but not populated in the stored grades record, the report examines and outputs the Letter grade if populated.

Include Average

Select Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include averages.

If yes, averages will be included if the final average store code is mapped in TX Store Code Mappings to Final Grade and to type of Average. Additionally, if the AAR Average Override field in the stored grades record is populated, this value will print in the AV column. If the Override is populated within a normal final grade store code record such as S1, or S2, the average will always display in the AV column regardless of mapping.

Include ACT/SAT scoresSelect Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include the student's SAT/ACT scores.
Score Reporting for Students with Multiple Test Results

If ACT/SAT scores are set to be included, select an option.

  • Report 1 record with highest combined scores
  • Report 2 records with highest overall scores
Include EOC Assessment Waivers/Substitutions

Select an option for inclusion of EOC assessment waivers and/or substitution assessments.

  • Include Both Waivers and Substitutions
  • Include Waivers Only
  • Include Substitutions Only
  • Do Not Include Waivers or Substitutions
Specify Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades other than "I" must be specified.

  • Leave blank to use default of "I".
  • Enter any other Incomplete grade code(s) used by the district; separate with commas (no spaces) if entering multiple grades.

Class Rank and GPA Options

Exclude Class Rank

Select Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to exclude the Class Rank.

Note: If Yes, the Class Rank displays as DNR (Does Not Rank), and the Class Size, Quartile, and Class Rank Date display as blank.

Display Class Rank For

Choose display class rank for:

  • All Students
  • Top X % of Class Only

If Top X % is selected, specify the percentile to include: 0 for 10%, 15 for 15%, etc.

This options uses a similar percentile calculation as in the core Class Ranking Report

If 10% is specified: students with a Percentile = or < 10.00 are included.

If 15 % is specified: students with a Percentile = of < 15.00 are included.

For students whose ranks fall below the specified percentage:

Class Rank Date, Quartile and Class Size display as blank.

Class Rank displays as “DNR.”

High School Official GPA displays with the calculated GPA.

Source for Class Rank/Rank GPA*
  • Class Rank Table

    • If selected, the Select Class Rank/GPA Method parameter is displayed.

  • Texas Stored Class Rank with these additional options

    • Graduates Only

    • All Students

    • Do Not Use

Class Rank/GPA Method

Choose the Class Rank/GPA Method. This list is populated from School > Class Rank > Class Rank Methods.

Note: This field is required if Exclude Class Rank is No.

Use Texas Class Rank Overrides*Select Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to use class rank overrides.  
Use Texas Class Rank GPA Override*Select Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to use class rank GPA overrides.  

Choose the GPA 2 method. This list is populated from District > GPA Calculations > GPA Calculation Methods. Optional.

If a GPA is selected but is not populated in PowerSchool, the report calculates the GPA as the report is run.


Choose the GPA 3 method. This list is populated from District > GPA Calculations > GPA Calculation Methods. Optional.

If a GPA is selected but is not populated in PowerSchool, the report calculates the GPA as the report is run.

Class Rank Date Override

Leave blank to use Date from Class Rank Table or Texas Stored Rank.

Additional Options
Transcript Date

Enter the transcript date. This date appears as the date in the Signature Line in the school header section.

School Official TitleEnter the Title of the school official signing the AAR. Optional. Leave blank to exclude the title in the signature area.
Include Digital Signature

Select Yes or No (default) to indicate that the digital image of the school's official as stored in Custom Page Management should be included.

Note: To use this feature, each school's digital signature must be loaded in Custom Page Management and the Registrar Digital Signature must be selected in Schools/School Info.

Include Graduation Seals

Select Yes or No (default) to indicate if the graduation seal should be displayed in the lower right corner.

Note: This option applies only to graduates with a value in the Date of Graduation field on the Graduation Information page. The Graduation Seal is always suppressed for non-graduates, regardless of the parameter selection.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
Student Information
Full Legal Name

The student's full legal name.

Format: Last Name, First Name Middle Name Generation Code





AddressThe student's address.





Parent(s) or Guardian

The student's parent(s) or guardian.

Format: Father Last, First / Mother Last, First or Guardian Last /First

Sourced from Student Contacts or the Legacy Mother/Father/Guardian fields depending on the option selected at runtime in the "Source for Contacts" parameter.

Phone NumberThe student's home phone number.[Students]Home_Phone
EthnicityHispanic/Latino indicator (for students enrolled in 2010-11 and beyond), or identifies the student’s ethnic origin (only for students last enrolled in the 2009-10 school year). 

Students enrolled in the 2010-11 school year or later: [Students]FedEthnicity

Students enrolled in the 2009-10 school year or earlier: [Students]Ethnicity


The student's race.

Students enrolled in the 2010-11 school year or later: [StudentRace]RaceCD

Students enrolled in the 2009-10 school year or earlier: not reported

Student ID

The student’s local identification number.



The student's Social Security Number (SSN) or a state alternate ID.

Note: The student's SSN is only reported if the Include SSN runtime parameter is set to Yes.



The student's Texas Unique Student ID Number.


Date of Birth

The student's birthdate.



The student's gender.


Grade Level

The student's grade level.

Note: Graduates are reported as Grade 12 even if assigned a different grade level such as 99.


The name of the student's current or most recent school of enrollment.





The school's address.





CDC Number

County District Campus number

Note: If the Alternate_School_Number is greater than 0, this value will be used on reports rather than the School Number.




CB / ACT Campus Number

The school's College Board/ACT Campus Number.


Phone Number

The school's phone number.


Official Signature

A signature line where the official signature can be manually entered or stamped.


A title line where the official title of the signer can be manually entered or stamped.

Based on the value entered at runtime in the School Official Title parameter, if populated.

The date of the transcript.

Based on the value entered at runtime in the Transcript Date parameter selection.

Schools Awarding Credit

Note: This section sorts school information in ascending order, from least recent term to most recent term.

Historical year

The academic year in the stored grades record.



The 9-digit County District Campus Number of the Texas public school or charter awarding credit.

For coursework completed at a non-public school or a school outside of Texas, the Alternate CDC Number and School Name fields in historical grades must be entered. 

  • If Alternate CDC Number is populated, the report checks for a matching CDC in the district; if a match is found, the name of the PowerSchool campus is output.
  • If there is no match to a district school, the name of the School entered in the Stored Grades record is output.






School Name

The name of the Texas public school awarding credit.

  • If an Alternate CDC Number outside the district is entered in historical grades, the corresponding Alternate School Name should also be entered and will be displayed.
  • Otherwise, the district School Name is displayed.




Note: Hierarchy of Sources

  • Overrides entered in Historical Grades
  • Overrides entered in Sections
  • Default value from Courses
Subject AreaThe course category or subject area designated for the course.




School YearThe school year to which the course record belongs, for example, 2022-2023[StoredGrades]TermID
Course Name

The name of the course. The format is based on the option selected at runtime in the Course Name Format parameter.

Abbreviated Course Name:




Service ID:




Local Course Name:




The stored grade earned for a store code flagged as Final Grade and mapped as Final Grade Type of "S1" in TX store code mapping. 



If Percent is blank or 0 and Percent was selected at runtime in the Grade Display parameter, then the value is pulled from [StoredGrades]Grade if available.


The Explanation code or codes associated with the stored grade.

Note: If the student has an Explanation code of V, the code is not reported.

Derived from:





The stored grade earned for a store code mapped as Final Grade Type "S2" in TX store code mapping. 



If Percent is blank or 0 and Percent was selected at runtime in the Grade Display parameter, then the value is pulled from [StoredGrades]Grade if available.

CodeThe Explanation code or codes associated with the stored grade.

Derived from:





The final average for the course. 

  • The average is output for store codes mapped as Final Grade Type of "Average" (AV) in TX store code mapping.
  • The runtime selection for the Include Average parameter determines if the Average is included or not.
  • The runtime selection for the Grade Display parameter determines whether the percent or letter grade is displayed




If Percent is blank or 0 and Percent was selected at runtime in the Grade Display parameter, then the value is pulled from [StoredGrades]Grade if available.

CreditIndicates the number of units awarded to the student for completion of a course. The credit earned for Store Codes marked as "Final Grade" and mapped to a Final Grade Type of "S1", "S2", or "Average" on the Texas Store Code Mapping page are reported.[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs
*No Credit due to Excessive Absence Indicator

An asterisk to the right of the percent or letter grade indicates that credit was not awarded due to excessive absences.

The asterisk is included if the Loss of Credit Caused by Absence field in Stored Grades = Yes, or if the Pass/Fail Credit Override in Stored Grades = 4, 5, 12.

Loss of Credit Caused by Absence: [StoredGrades]Course_Equiv = "Yes"


Pass/Fail Credit Override: [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom2

Credit Summary
Total CreditsThe subtotals of State and Local credits, along with the overall total credits earned.

Derived from:

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs plus the output from State Credit and Local Credit fields, listed below.

State Credit

Based on the AAR Subject Category or Explanation Code for the course, if the earned credit qualifies as a State Credit, the credit amount appears in this column. 


  • Courses with an AAR Subject Category of "LC" are excluded.
  • Courses with Explanation Codes of "L" (Course Taken for Local Credit Only)

AAR Subject Category:




Explanation Codes:




Local Credit

Based on the Credit Type or Explanation Code for the course, if the earned credit qualifies as a Local Credit, the credit amount appears in this column.


  • Courses with a Credit Type of "LC" are included.
  • Courses with Explanation Codes of "L" (Course Taken for Local Credit Only) are included.

Credit Type:




Explanation Codes:





EOC Columns

EOC assessments are formatted in a four-column output:

  • EOC - The name of the EOC assessment.
  • Level - The Performance Level the student achieved on the assessment.
  • Met - Indicates if the student met the EOC Assessment Requirement (Y or N) based on the Performance Level.
  • Mo/Yr - The month and year the student completed the assessment.

Performance Level – Stored in Percent Score

  • 7-DidNotMeet: N is reported in the Met column.
  • 8-Approaches: Y is reported in the Met column.
  • 9-Meets: Y is reported in the Met column.
  • 10-Masters: Y is reported in the Met column.

Waivers and Substitution Assessments

  • Waived: Refer to the EOC Waivers section above
  • Pass Sub: Refer to the EOC Substitution section above.


Name: [TestScore]Name
Level: [StudentTestScore]PercentScore
Mo/Yr: [StudentTest]Test_Date

Algebra I

The student's performance level, and the date the student took the assessment, for Algebra I EOC.[TestScore]Name = Algebra_I 



BiologyThe student's performance level, and the date the student took the assessment, for Biology EOC.[TestScore]Name = Biology



English I The student's performance level, and the date the student took the assessment, for English 1 EOC.

[TestScore]Name = English_I 



English IIThe student's performance level, and the date the student took the assessment, for English II EOC.[TestScore]Name = Algebra_II 



US HistoryThe student's performance level, and the date the student took the assessment, for US History EOC.[TestScore]Name = US_History 



ACT Columns

ACT tests are formatted in a three-column output:

  • ACT: The ACT test section.
  • Score: The score the student earned.
  • Mo/Yr: The month and year the student took the test.

ACT: [TestScore]Name
Score: [StudentTestScore]NumScore      
Mo/Yr: [StudentTest]Test_Date

The student's ACT composite score, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT



EnglishThe student's ACT score for English, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT_ENG



ReadingThe student's ACT score for Reading, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT_READ



WritingThe student's ACT score for Writing, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT_WRITE



MathematicsThe student's ACT score for Mathematics, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT_MATH



ScienceThe student's ACT score for Science, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = ACT_SCI



SAT Columns

SAT tests are formatted in a three-column output:

  • SAT: The SAT test section.
  • Score: The score the student earned.
  • Mo/Yr: The month and year the student took the test.


  • If the student has multiple SAT results, the highest score and date for that result is reported. This applies to the Total score as well as the individual assessments.
  • If the student has only one SAT record, the date is reported for the Total score only.
SAT: [TestScore]Name
Score: [StudentTestScore]NumScore      
Mo/Yr: [StudentTest]Test_Date
TotalThe student's combined total SAT score, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = SAT




The student's SAT score for Mathematics, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = SAT_Mathematics 




The student's SAT score for Reading, and the date the student took the assessment.

Reading is the original SAT score; now reported as Evidence-Based Reading and Writing.

[TestScore]Name = SAT_Reading 



WritingThe student's SAT score for Writing, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = SAT_Writing_Cumulative



Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

The student's SAT score for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, and the date the student took the assessment.

[TestScore]Name = SAT_EBRW



Class Rank/GPA


  • If Calculated Class Rank = Graduated Students for the runtime parameter, fields in this section are pulled from the [S_TX_STU_X]  fields for graduated students only.
  • If Calculated Class Rank = All Students for the runtime parameter, fields in this section are pulled from the [S_TX_STU_X] calculated fields for all students.
  • If Exclude Class Rank = No and Use Class Rank Overrides = Yes for the runtime parameters, Class Rank and Class Size are pulled from the [S_TX_STU_X] manual entry override fields.
  • If Exclude Class Rank = No and Use Class Rank Overrides = No for the runtime parameters, Class Rank and Class Size are pulled from the [ClassRank] table.
Class Rank DateThe date the class rank was calculated.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank_Date

The date specified at runtime in the Class Rank Date Override parameter selection, if populated. [S_TX_STU_X]Class_Rank_Date_Override



If runtime parameter for Exclude Class Rank = Yes, Class Rank Date is not reported.


The student's class rank.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank


If Class Ranks have not been calculated for the current school year and no value is found in the Class Rank Override field, the report extracts the most recent value in the [ClassRank]Rank field.

If runtime parameter for Exclude Class Rank = Yes, or if the student's Calculated Class Rank is NULL or 0, Class Rank displays as 'DNR'.

Class SizeThe total number of students in the student's class.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Size



If runtime parameter for Exclude Class Rank = Yes, Class Size is not reported.


The quartile and date of the Class Rank.

If Class Rank is reported as any value other than 0, the Quartile is calculated as Rank/Number in Class.

Calculated based on Rank/Number in Class.

  • If result is = or < 0.25 report 1st
  • If result is 0.26 - 0.50, report 2nd
  • If result is 0.51 - 0.75, report 3rd
  • If result is > 0.75, report 4th

If runtime parameter for Exclude Class Rank = Yes, Quartile is not reported.

Class Rank GPA

The Class Rank GPA sourced from the TX GPA Override field (if populated), or the stored Class Rank GPA (if populated), or the calculated Class Rank GPA based on the Class Rank Method specified in the runtime parameter.


  • If runtime parameter Exclude Class Rank = Yes, Class Rank GPA is output as blank.
  • If runtime parameter Exclude Class Rank = No, the output is based on the Use GPA Override parameter options selected at runtime.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank_GPA

If runtime parameter Use GPA Override = Yes: [S_TX_STU_X]GPA_Override, if populated. Otherwise, GPA is calculated using the Class Rank/GPA Method selected at runtime.

If runtime parameter Use GPA Override = No: [ClassRank]GPA, if populated. Otherwise, GPA is calculated on-the-fly using the Class Rank/GPA Method selected at runtime.


[GPA2 Name]

The GPA Calculation Method name and calculated value for the GPA specified as GPA2 in the runtime parameter.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_GPA2

GPA2 name ([ClassRank]GPAMethod) and calculated value ([ClassRank]GPA), if populated. Otherwise, calculated on-the-fly using the GPA method specified at runtime.

Not reported if runtime parameter, GPA2, was not specified at runtime.

[GPA3 Name]

The GPA Calculation Method name and calculated value for the GPA specified as GPA3 in the runtime parameter.

If runtime parameter Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_GPA3

GPA3 name ([ClassRank]GPAMethod) and calculated value ([ClassRank]GPA), if populated. Otherwise, calculated on-the-fly using the GPA method specified at runtime

Not reported if runtime parameter, GPA3, was not specified at runtime.

Graduation Profile
Graduation Program Type

The code and description of the student's assigned Graduation Program Type, if applicable.

Graduation Date

The date the student graduated, if applicable.

Note: If a value exists in the Certificate of Coursework Completion Date field, include that label and the value. If no value exists in Certificate of Coursework Completion field, include Graduation Date as the label and output the value if it exists.

Certificate of Coursework Completion Date

The date on which the district awards a certificate of coursework completion to a student. This applies to students who have completed coursework for graduation, but who have not yet passed the state exit or EOC assessments.

FHSP Participant

Indicates if the student is pursuing the FHSP program, or has completed the program.

Note: The FHSP Participant Code is only reported for students with a Graduation Program Type of 34, 35, 54, 55, 56 or 57. 


  • Graduates:
    If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code of 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57: 'Completed'
  • Non-graduates:
    If the student has an assigned Graduation Type Code of 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, or has a value of 1 in the E1541_FHSP_Part field: 'Pursuing'
FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement

Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement.

Note: The FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Code applies only to students in grades 9-12 and to FHSP-type graduates.


  • Graduates:
    If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57 AND has a value of 2 for FHSP Distinguished Level: 'Completed'; otherwise blank.
  • Non-graduates:
    If the student has an assigned Graduation Type Code 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57 AND has a value of 1 or 2 for FHSP Distinguished Level: 'Pursuing' or 'Completed' as entered; otherwise blank.
Arts and Humanities EndorsementIndicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for an Arts and Humanities endorsement.[S_TX_STU_X]E1547_AH_End
Business and Industry EndorsementIndicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Business and Industry endorsement.[S_TX_STU_X]E1545_BI_End
Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Multi-Disciplinary Studies endorsement.[S_TX_STU_X]E1548_MS_End
Public Services EndorsementIndicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Public Services endorsement.[S_TX_STU_X]E1546_PS_End
STEM Endorsement Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a STEM endorsement.[S_TX_STU_X]E1544_STEM_End

Performance Acknowledgements

Performance Acknowledgements apply only to students who are FHSP Participants or Graduates where the Graduation Program Type is 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57. If the student is not an FHSP Participant or FHSP Graduate, or is an FHSP student but did not earn any Performance Acknowledgements, this section is not reported. The Performance Acknowledgement only displays if the student achieved the required performance level.

Dual Credit

The Dual Credit Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

  • Associates Degree
  • College Credit Hours

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator is DC



The Bilingualism/Biliteracy Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

  • Acknowledgment for Bilingualism/Biliteracy

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator is BB


College Readiness Assessments

The College Readiness Assessments Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator is CR


AP Exams

The Advanced Placement Exam Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

  • Acknowledgment for AP Exam Score of 3 or Higher: Name of Subject

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator is AP


IB Exams

The International Baccalaureate Exam Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

  • Acknowledgment for IB Exam Score of 4 or Higher: Name of Subject

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator is IB


Certifications and Licensures
[Name of Credential]

The Certification Licensure Performance Acknowledgement and the date earned.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Code not = 000

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where
Performance_Indicator is CL


Other Requirements

Note: The following fields are only visible if a value is populated at the student level. If the student meets none of the following requirements, this section is not visible.


The month and year that the student met the speech requirement for an FHSP diploma.

CPR Instruction

The month and year that the student completed CPR training.

Peace Officer Interaction

The month and year that the student completed peace officer interaction training.


Financial Aid ApplicationThe month and year that the student completed the Financial Aid application, or submitted an Opt-Out exception.[S_TX_STU_X]Fin_Aid_App_Met_Date
Financial Aid Appplication Code

01: Financial Aid Application Form Completed

02: Exception Submitted/Opt-Out

Financial Aid Application TypeFAFSA or TASFA[S_TX_STU_X]Fin_Aid_App_Type
LegendCourse Codes: A=Tech Prep;C=Correspondence;D=Dual Credit;E=Credit By Exam;G=Gifted/Talented;H=Honors; I=International Baccalaureate;J=HS Course completed prior to Grade 9;K=Pre-International Baccalaureate;L=Local Credit;M=Magnet;P=AP Course;Q=Pre-AP;R=Summer/Night School; T=Credit by Exam;X=Innovative Course;Z=Distance Learning;1=PE waiver/substitution;2=CTE coherent sequence course;3=Credit awarded based on evaluation of records from outside Texas public/charter school system; 4=CTE course that satisfies a specific graduation requirement;5=Final/ Course Grade includes EOC;7=TEKS course with 100 min. physical activity per week meets PE Requirement for FHSP; 8=Course other than LOTE satisfies LOTE Requirement for FHSP;9=Course taken with parent permission satisfies 4th science for Arts Endorsement FHSP;10=Course taken as a part of a FHSP endorsement; *=No Credit due to excessive absence; Other notations: A passing grade is 70 or above;For Class Rank, DNR = Does Not Rank;*Waived EOC Assessment denotes equivalent course passed outside the Texas public or charter school system, or for those students that were not required to take a particular EOC assessment.
Date/TimestampThe date and time the report is run.

User NameThe user's name.



School NameThe name of the school.[Schools]Name
Student Name

The student's name in a Last, Generation Code, First format.




Student Number

The student's local identification number.


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