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Census Block Import Tool

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The Student Census Block Import Tool eliminates the need for manual imports and automatically creates records for the PEIMS Fall Submission in the PowerSchool Student Census Block table. The source file is the Student Census Block output CSV file that is generated by the TEA Census Block Group Tool. Follow these instructions to first generate an export file, upload it to the TEA Census Block tool, and then import the resulting census block records into PowerSchool.


  1. First run the PowerSchool Student Census Block Export to generate a CSV file with student addresses. Several options for student selections are supported.

  2. Download the TEA Census Block Group Tool from the TSDS website and open the application.

    • Use the File Upload option to select the PowerSchool export file.

    • Click the Process File button.

    • Click the output file hyperlink to download and save the resulting TEA output file.

  3. Run the PowerSchool Student Census Block Import Tool to automatically import these records into the PowerSchool Student Census Block table.

    • Select the current School Year and click the Submit button.

    • In the Report Queue, download the confirmation CSV file.

    • This file lists the number of records successfully imported. Any errors due to non-matching Student Numbers are listed. In the case where an invalid file with missing census block records was selected, these errors are also listed.

    • In the imported records, the Effective Date is automatically populated as the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date for the current year. The Comment field provides the date/time stamp of the record creation or update.

    • If a record already exists with the current year Fall Snapshot date, that record is updated; otherwise, a new record is added.

    • Records can be viewed in State/Province – TX,  Student Census Block Codes.

PowerSchool Student Census Block Table

Data Element


[Table] Field Name

Data Type

Block GroupBlock group for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]Block_GroupVarchar2(1)
Census BlockThe 12-digit census Census Block Group code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]Census_BlockVarchar2(12)
CityThe city for the student's address.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]CityVarchar2(50)
ConfidenceThe Confidence percent for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]ConfidenceDouble
County CodeThe County Code for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]CountyCodeVarchar2(3)
Effective DateThe effective date for the record.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]Effective_DateDate
Import File Row NumberThe Import Row Number


Internal field for record processing; not part of the student census block record.

Import FileNameThe Import FIle name


Internal field for record processing; not part of the student census block record.

Import StatusStatus of the imported records


Internal field for record processing; not part of the student census block record.

LatitudeLatitude for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]LatitudeDouble
LongitudeLongitude for the for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]LongitudeDouble
SchoolYearSchoolYear to be selected[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]SchoolYearInteger
StateCodeState Code for the student's Census Block code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]StateCodeVarchar2(2)
StreetThe first line of the student's address.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]StreetVarchar2(60)
Street2The second line of the student's address.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]Street2Varchar2(60)
StateThe state for the student's address.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]StateVarchar2(2)
Student_NumberStudent Number of imported student[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]Student_NumberInteger
TractTract for the student's Census Block Code.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]TractVarchar2(6)
TypeType for the student's Census Block Code[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]TypeVarchar2(50)
ZipThe zip code for the student's address.[S_TX_CENSUS_IMPORT_TOOL_S]ZipVarchar2(5)
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