Incident Management Bullying and Cyberbullying Verification Report
The Incident Management Bullying and Cyberbullying Verification Report includes the Incident Management records that comprise the school-level counts as reported in the Summer PEIMS Education Organization Submission. Each incident containing a Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Code is mapped to "BUL" or "CYB" is reported. Each incident with Bullying contributes a count of one to the Number of Bullying Incidents. Each incident with Cyberbullying contributes a count of one to the Number of Cyberbullying Incidents and a count of one to the Number of Bullying Incidents.
Selection Criteria
Update Incident Management seeding for Bullying Codes in District > Discipline and Log Entries > Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup > Behavior Codes
Code 61 - Bullying:
Update Category from 61 - Bullying^ to 61 - Bullying (TEC 37.0052)^
Update State Aggregate Report code from 61 to BUL
Leave State Report Detail Code mapped to 61.
Code 61c - Cyberbullying:
Update Category from 61c - Cyberbullying^ to 61c - Cyberbullying (TEC 37.0052)^
Update State Aggregate Report code from 61 to CYB
Leave State Report Detail Code mapped to 61.
Include each Incident Mgmt record with at least one Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Report Code = BUL or CYB
Special Considerations/Scenarios:
The number of incidents of Bullying & Cyberbullying need to be reported regardless of the outcome of the incident. It is not necessary for any Action to be assigned to the incident in order for the incident to be included in the campus aggregate counts.
If an incident has multiple students attached as Offenders and/or Victims and multiple students have a Behavior Code of Bullying or Cyberbullying, the incident is to be counted ONCE only.
In cases of allegations of Bullying/Cyberbullying, it is possible that the Inc Mgmt record has only a Victim participant and no Offender participants. These records must also be included in the counts. In this case, the Behavior Code mapped to BUL or CYB will be attached to the Victim.
Counts for BUL and CYB: Cyberbullying is a sub-set of Bullying
If an incident has at least one Behavior code mapped to BUL, but none that are mapped to CYB, this will contribute a count of 1 to the Total Incidents of Bullying.
If an incident has at least one Behavior code mapped to CYB, but none that are mapped to BUL, this will contribute a count of 1 to the Number of Incidents of Cyberbullying AND a count of 1 to the Number of Incidents of Bullying.
If an incident has a mix of codes (both a BUL code and a CYB code), the incident will contribute a count of 1 to the Number of Incidents of Cyberbullying AND a count of 1 to the Number of Incidents of Bullying.
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see Generate Reports.
Field | Description |
Select Schools* | Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options: At the school level:
At the district level:
Current Selection Students | Choose one of the following options:
School Year | Choose the school year for which to run this report. |
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName |
1 | CDC | CDC # (Alternate School Number if populated, otherwise School Number). | N/A Condition-based columns that are dependent on state_agg_code and incident_id. They are not directly derived from any database table column. |
2 | BUL (Bullying) | The bullying category. | N/A Condition-based columns that are dependent on state_agg_code and incident_id. They are not directly derived from any database table column. |
3 | CYB | The cyberbullying category. | N/A Condition-based columns that are dependent on state_agg_code and incident_id. They are not directly derived from any database table column. |
4 | School Number | The school number. | [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Alternate_School_Number |
5 | School Name | The school name. | [Schools]Name |
6 | Incident Number | The Incident Number. | Incident_ID |
7 | Incident Date | The Incident Date. | Incident_Date |
8 | Incident Title | The Incident Title. | Incident_Title |
9 | Behavior Code1 | Behavior code. | Incident_Category |
10 | State Code1 | State detail report code, | State_Detail_Report_Code |
11 | State Aggregate Code1 | State aggregate code. | State_Agg_Code |