State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-317852 | New Remote ADA Class Field and Updated PEIMS Error Check for Missing ADA Period Class | Student PEIMS Error Check Report: Version 23.4.2 Data collection updates to simplify attendance for students with remote classes during the home school ADA period are now available. Previously, ADA period attendance was not sourced from remote classes at other buildings. Schools were required to schedule the student into an additional placeholder ADA period class at the home school where the remote attendance could be recorded. If the ADA placeholder class was not scheduled, students received default present attendance for the day and were also flagged in the PEIMS Error Check for “Missing ADA Period Class.”
A new “Remote ADA Period Class” flag is now available on the Student > All Enrollments > Edit page. This flag identifies the remote class from which attendance should be sourced for the student’s ADA period. The remote class need not be scheduled into the ADA period at the remote school. It does not matter which period the remote school uses for ADA attendance - only the home school’s ADA period matters. After scheduling a student into a remote class during the ADA period, navigate to All Enrollments and click the Edit link for the remote class. Select the Remote ADA Period Class checkbox and submit the page. Validations enforce these rules: The Remote ADA Period Class flag can only be set for remote classes scheduled at a building that is not the student’s home school. On any given cycle day, a single remote class can be flagged as the Remote ADA Period Class.
In PEIMS Error Check > Student ADA and in the Student PEIMS Error Check Report, the query for “Missing ADA Period Class” is now adjusted to consider the new Remote ADA Period Class flag. Students with remote classes scheduled into the home school ADA period no longer show as errors for this check as long as the flag is set on the All Enrollments page. Any days of school enrollment where the student does not have an ADA class at the home school or a Remote ADA Period Class flag will continue to display as errors.
Important Schools that did not previously schedule a home school placeholder ADA class must retroactively add the new Remote ADA Period Class flag to any remote classes the student took this year during the ADA period. Schools should use the PEIMS Error Check for Missing ADA Period Class to identify any classes or days that were missed. As remote classes are scheduled, dropped and re-scheduled during the year, the Remote ADA Period Class flag must be maintained. Once a class is dropped, remote ADA period attendance will no longer be considered as of the class enrollment exit date. The student must either be scheduled into a regular ADA period class at the home school, or into a different Remote ADA Period Class where the flag is set.
This release includes the new Remote ADA Period Class flag and the PEIMS Error Check updates only. In subsequent updates, the attendance calculations in the Attendance Interchange, Student Detail, Campus Summary, Texas Attendance Verification Report, and TREx Extracts will be updated to source ADA period attendance from the remote classes.