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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-244947Campus Summary Updates

Campus Summary: Version 1.0.12
Updates to the Campus/District Summary report including new TEA requirements as outlined in the 2020-21 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook are now available. A new row of category totals has been added to the layout.

  • Days Bilingual/ESL and Bil/ESL Refined ADA have been moved to this section.
  • New Bilingual One Way: the total days eligible and Refined ADA for LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 5 (Dual Language Immersion/One Way)
  • New Bilingual Two Way: the total days eligible and Refined ADA for LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 4 (Dual Language Immersion/Two Way)
  • New Bilingual Two Way (Non-LEP students): the total days eligible and Refined ADA for non-LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 5 and an LEP Indicator of 0.
  • New K-3 Eco Only: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible and Refined ADA for students in grades K-3 with an Economic Disadvantaged code.
  • New K-3 Bil Only: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible and Refined ADA for students in grades K-3 with a Bilingual Program code
  • New K-3 Eco/Bil: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible and Refined ADA for students in grades K-3 who have both an Economic Disadvantaged code and a Bilingual Program code
  • New Days Res Fac: the total days eligible and Refined ADA for special education students served in residential facilities.
PSSR-244946Student Detail Report Updates

Student Detail Report: Version 1.0.14
Updates to the Student Detail Report including new TEA requirements as outlined in the 2020-21 Student Attendance Accounting Handbook are now available. The report layout on both the student and summary pages has also been updated to accommodate new elements and category totals.

  • New Reporting Categories: Student Detail pages
    • RF Days: Residential Facility eligible days is added as a new column that appears directly after Resident Campus. This is the total days that a special education student was eligible and served in a Residential Facility based on the student’s RFT special program records.
    • K-3 Eco Code/Days: Early Education Allotment Economic Disadvantaged codes and eligible days now display under a new column for students in grades K-3. This is the total eligible days that a K-3 student was served based on the student’s Economic Disadvantaged special program records.
  • New Reporting Categories: Summary by Grade pages
    • Regular Attendance: all basic attendance and Days Absent, Days Present, Days Eligible, Days Ineligible, and % of Attendance are displayed under this category.
    • Special Attendance: Days Bilingual/ESL has been moved to this section, along with Days PRS and GT. The following new totals are also now provided:
      • Days Bilingual One Way: the total days eligible for LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 5 (Dual Language Immersion/One Way).
      • Days Bilingual Two Way: the total days eligible for LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 4 (Dual Language Immersion/Two Way).
      • Days Bilingual Two Way (Non-LEP students): the total days eligible for non-LEP/EL students with a Bilingual Program Type code of 5 and an LEP Indicator of 0.
      • Days K-3 Eco Only: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible for students in grades K-3 with an Economic Disadvantaged code.
      • Days K-3 Bil Only: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible for students in grades K-3 with a Bilingual Program code.
      • Days K-3 Eco/Bil: the Early Education Allotment total days eligible for students in grades K-3 who have both an Economic Disadvantaged code and a Bilingual Program code.
      • Days RF: the total days eligible for special education students served in residential facilities.
  • Additional Summaries
    • The existing summary sections for Special Education, Regular Flex Attendance, and Career and Tech Attendance remain the same.
    • A new section for Career and Tech Flex Attendance is now available. These calculations apply only to districts using the new "Calculated Minutes" option based on actual class attendance and are not available for districts using the Manual Flexible Attendance option.
  • Flexible Attendance Based on Actual Class Minutes
    • As an alternative to the manual Flexible Attendance tracking provided in State/Province – TX > Manual Flexible Attendance, districts can now take advantage of a new option to have flexible attendance minutes automatically calculated based on the student’s schedule and actual class minutes present for students participating in one of the three OFSDP programs or the HSEP program.
    • Student Setup
      • Data entry for student Flexible Attendance Program codes is now captured exclusively in the PEIMS General record, and this element has been removed from the Manual Flexible Attendance tracking page.
      • When a student begins participation in a flex program, the existing PEIMS General record must be ended, and a new record created.
      • Select ADA Eligibility Code 7 (eligible flex) or Code 8 (ineligible flex), and then select the student’s Flexible Attendance Program type: (1) regular OFSDP, (2) HSEP, (3) OFSDP Credit Recovery, or (4) OFSDP Online Dropout Recovery.
    • District Setup
      • A new “Flexible Attendance Data Source” preference in District > District Info > Texas Preferences is now required for all districts with flex attendance students. This preference defaults to blank (select code) and must be enabled in order for Flex Attendance to be included in the Student Detail, Campus Summary, and Attendance Interchange.
        • (1) Manual Entry Minutes: select this option if your district logs flex attendance minutes on the Manual Flexible Attendance page.
        • (2) Calculated Minutes: select this option to have flex minutes automatically calculated based on the student’s class schedule and assigned attendance codes.
    • School Setup: additional setup steps are required at each school when the calculated flex minutes option is selected. Districts using manual flex attendance do not require these settings.
      • School > Attendance > Preferences
        • Under Attendance Recording Methods ensure Meeting attendance is selected.
        • Select the checkbox for Enable Clock In/Clock Out.
      • School > Calendaring > Bell Schedules
        • In order for flex minutes to be calculated for students:
          • Every instructional period in each bell schedule must have the Counts for ADA box checked.
          • The normal ADA period(s) for the school must have the Official Attendance Period box checked.
      • Click the Edit Schedule link for the first bell schedule
        • Click the Period link for each period in the bell schedule: select the Counts for ADA checkbox.
        • If the period is the normal ADA period for the school, ensure the Official Attendance Period checkbox is also selected.
        • If the period is not the normal ADA period, do not check the Official Attendance Period box.
      • Repeat these steps for each bell schedule and period defined at the school.
    • Automatic Flexible Attendance Calculations
      • When the Calculated Minutes option is selected in District Setup, flex attendance minutes present for each day are calculated based on the classes in the student’s schedule, the number of minutes in each period, and the presence or absence value of the assigned attendance codes.
      • If a student arrives late to a class or leaves early, minutes can be deducted from the total possible minutes using the Clock In/Clock Out feature (available in PowerSchool core version 20.4.5 or higher). Refer to the Add/Update Meeting Attendance and a section of the online docs for details on this feature.
      • In order for a day to be included, the student must have at least 45 minutes present.
      • Flex Attendance is capped at a maximum of 600 minutes per day.
      • The Student Detail report displays the student’s Flex Attendance Program code, along with the total minutes present and equivalent Days in Membership, Days Eligible and Days Ineligible.
      • For the OFSDP programs, the student’s daily minutes are totaled and divided by 240 to arrive at the equivalent days present.
      • For the HSEP program, the student’s daily minutes are totaled and divided by 360 to arrive at the equivalent days present.
  • CTE Hours Calculations
    • When calculating student CTE V Hours and Days Eligible, the “Exclude CTE Hours Start Date” and “End Date” fields added in a previous release to the Sections page are now considered.
    • If a student is enrolled in a CTE class where the Exclude CTE hours date range is populated, no V Hours are accrued for the class during the specified date range.
  • Other Updates
    • When displaying the grade level summaries, grades PK3 (grade level -2) and PK4 (grade level -1) are no longer listed separately. The PK total includes both grade levels. Any student with a grade level of -3 or below is considered Grade EE.
    • All calculations have been re-verified for accuracy.
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