Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-331960 | NCEA Diocese and School Summary PDF Updates | NCEA Diocese Summary: Version 23.10.2 NCEA School Summary: Version 23.10.2 The Diocese and School Summary PDF forms are updated to remove references to specific school years for the principal and teacher retention questions. This is a cosmetic update only with no changes to the report logic. |
PSSR-330790 | 2023-24 Graduation Information Data Collection Updates | Texas Early First High School Completion Program New Graduation Type Code (40) Texas First Early High School Completion Program is now available as a new code in the Graduation Type Code (E0806) dropdown list. Students who are pursuing the Texas First Early High School Completion Program can be assigned a Graduation Type Code of 40, while Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) should be left blank until the student actually graduates. Once the student graduates under this program, Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) should be coded as 01 or 02.
Validations: Existing validations related to the FHSP elements are modified and new validations are added for the new Texas First Early HS Completion Program. While students pursuing this program are not considered to be FHSP Participants, students graduating under code 40 are considered Distinguished graduates even though they are not eligible to earn Endorsements. If Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank, Graduation Type Code (E0806) must be 40. FHSP Participant Code (E1541) must be 0 if Graduation Type Code (E0806) is 40. If Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank, Graduation Type Code (E0806) must be 40. If Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank, FHSP Participant Code (E1541) must be 0 or blank. Distinguished Level Achievement Code (E1542) must be 0 if student is not participating in FHSP or the Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736). If Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank, FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code (E1542) must be 2. At least one Endorsement code must be 1 if FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code (E1542) is 1 unless Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank. At least one Endorsement code must be 2 if FHSP Distinguished Level Achievement Indicator Code (E1542) is 2 unless Texas First Early HS Completion Program (E1736) is not blank.
New Associate Degree Indicator (1596) |
PSSR-330885 | 2023-24 Incident Management Data Collection and Validation Updates | Behavior Codes Obsolete code valid only in records prior to September 1, 2023: 04 - Marihuana or Other Controlled Substance New codes: Valid in records on or after September 1, 2023 62 - Poss/Sold/Gave/Used/Delivered Marihuana/THC 63 - Poss/Sold/Gave/Delivered/Used E-Cigarette 64 – Poss/Sold/Gave/Used/Delivered Oth Contr Subs
New Duration Code: (11) Term Modified By District - DAEP Capacity Duration Code is the source field for PEIMS element DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE. This new code is added and applies to the scenario where the term of a student’s DAEP placement is modified because the DAEP is at capacity and a position is needed for a student who engaged in violent conduct.
New and Updated Validations Updated validation for Action Code and Behavior Code 44425-0018: If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "28", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "02", "04"-"09", "11", "12", "14", "16"-"19", "26"-"32", "35", "36", "46"-"48", "55", "57", "60", "62 - 64."
New validation for deprecated Behavior Code 04 and Action Date Range Begin Date Existing Behavior Code “04- Marihuana or Other Controlled Substance” is now only valid in Incidents dated earlier than 09/01/2023 per TEA edit 44425-0078: The new validation is implemented based on the combination of the Behavior Code and the source field for Date of Disciplinary Action, which is the Action Date Range Begin Date in the Action record:
New validation for new Behavior Codes 62, 63, 64 and Action Date Range Begin Date TEA rule 44425-0079: If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "62", "63", or "64", then DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must be greater than or equal to September 1, 2023. The new validation is implemented based on the combination of the Behavior Code and the Action Date Range Begin Date in the Action record:
New validation for Duration Code 11 and Action Date Range Begin Date TEA rule 44425-0080: If DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE is "11", then DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must be greater than or equal to September 1, 2023. The new validation is implemented based on the combination of the Duration Code and the Action Date Range Begin Date in the Action record:
New Validation for Duration Code 11 and Behavior Codes TEA rule 44425-0081: If DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE is "11", then DISCIPLINE-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "05", "06", "62", "63", or "64". The new validation is implemented based on the combination of the Duration Code and the Behavior Code:
Note: The above changes to the validations will be added to the Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report in a subsequent release.
PSSR-330805 | 2023-24 Staff Data Collection Updates | New Role ID Code: 121 Chaplain On the Staff Responsibility Record page, a new Role ID code of (121) Chaplain is now available. This Role ID is governed by a new validation warning: If Role ID is 121, Service ID should be SS007000, SS019000, or SS021000.
PK Teacher Requirement Codes On the Staff Information page, the PK Teacher Requirement (E1581) dropdown list is modified to remove obsolete codes, add new codes, and revise the presentation of the codes into two groups These obsolete codes are hidden when the selected PowerSchool term is in the 2023-24 school year: (02) At least eight years’ experience of teaching in a nationally accredited child care program (04) A graduate or undergraduate degree in early childhood education or early childhood special education
The valid codes for 2023-24 and beyond are now displayed in two groups within the dropdown list:
PSSR-326293 | Child Find Student Program Interchange Updates | TX Interchange Student Program: Version 23.10.1 Updates to support the 2023-24 changes to the Student Program Interchange for the Child Find collection are now available. There are no changes to any of the other Child Find Interchanges. StudentChildFindAssociationExtension StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension This complex type was previously reported for all ECI students, but has been removed by TEA for 2023-24 reporting. The Student Program Interchange xml file no longer includes this complex for the Child Find collection.
PSSR-331459 | Fall PEIMS Student Interchange Updated for New Previous Home Setting Language Code | TX Interchange Student: Version 23.10.1 The Student Interchange is updated for Fall PEIMS reporting with the following logic: If Student Language Code (StudentCoreFields.secondarylanguage) is English (98), but Previous Home Setting Language Code is any language other than English, report Student Language Code with the language code for the Previous Home Setting. If Student Language Code is any language other than English, continue to report the code for that language. Note: Student Home Language and Student Language Code must be coded for all students enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date. If left blank, no default output is applied and these mandatory elements will be omitted, resulting in TEA xml validation errors.
PSSR-331251 | New Field and Nightly Calculation Process for Charter Waitlist - Number of Students Enrolled | To support Ed-Fi reporting, a new school-level field is now available to hold the calculated number of charter students enrolled on the Charter Waitlist snapshot date in each reportable school. The existing calculation for this element has also been implemented in a nightly process. New Field: Number Charter Students Enrolled New database field: S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.E1674.Charter_Enrolled_Stu Label: Number Charter Students Enrolled (E1674) Description: Holds the calculated Number of Students Enrolled in the Charter School on the Charter Waitlist Collection Snapshot date. Validation limits the value to a whole number up to 9999.
Nightly Calculation Process |
PSSR-330928 | New Student Accelerated Instruction Data Collection | A new data collection table and page are now available for student Accelerated Instruction records to support TEA reporting requirements for TREx in 2023-24 and for PEIMS in 2024-25. Note: An additional enhancement is planned for the subsequent release to provide a time entry log to capture the date and minutes for each accelerated instruction session attended by the student. Summary TEA Definition: Each student that fails to achieve at least satisfactory performance on each assessment instrument administered under Section 39.023, Education Code must be provided supplemental instruction for no less than 15 hours or 30 hours for a student whose performance on the applicable assessment instrument was significantly below satisfactory, as defined by commissioner rule. Accelerated Instruction Records are held in a new child table of Students: S_TX_STU_ACCEL_INSTR_C. Students can have one or more records for each school year. Each unique combination of School Year and Subject is tracked in a separate record. In the UI, a new Accelerated Instruction page is now available as the last item under the Student Assessment category:
Accelerated Instruction Data Elements School Year: Required Field The reportable school year for the Accelerated Instruction record. This is displayed in the dropdown as 2023-2024, and stored in the database as the YearID such as 33. Defaults to the current year; additional school years will automatically display as new District Year Terms are created.
Subject (E3084): Required Field Indicates the subject in which the student is eligible to receive accelerated instruction. The valid values from TREx Code Table TC49/PEIMS Table C352 are displayed, along with additional codes for the EOC Assessments, which the TEA code tables do not currently contain. As needed, the EOC codes will be automatically mapped to the four TEA subject codes for TREx reporting. (01) Reading/English (02) Math (03) Science (04) Social Studies (05) Algebra I (maps to 02 if needed) (06) Biology (maps to 03 if needed) (07)English I (maps to 01 if needed) (08) English II (maps to 01 if needed) (09) US History (maps to 04 if needed)
Accelerated Instruction Participation (E3085): Required Field Indicates whether or not the student participated in the prescribed accelerated instruction for the subject in which the student did not achieve satisfactory performance on an assessment instrument. The valid values from TREx Code Table TC50/PEIMS Table C53 are displayed. (01) Participates In Supplemental Accel Instruc (02) Does Not Participate – Parent Opt Out (03) Does Not Participate – Assigned TIA Teacher (04) Does Not Participate – Assigned Accel Instruc In Two Other Subjects (05) Does Not Participate – Retained (06) LEA Exempt From Providing Accel Instruc
Assigned Instruction Hours (E3086): Conditionally Required Indicates the number of hours of accelerated instruction assigned to the student for a particular subject. Formatted to support values of 00.00 to 30.00 with up to two decimal places. Hours are automatically rounded up or down to quarter-hour increments of .00, .25, .50, or .75. Validation: If Accelerated Instruction Participation (E3085) is 01, Assigned Instruction Hours (E3086) must not be blank. Otherwise, this field can be left blank.
Hours Completed (E3087) Indicates the number of hours of accelerated instruction completed for the subject. Formatted to support values of 00.00 to 30.00 with up to two decimal places. Hours are automatically rounded up or down to quarter-hour increments of .00, .25, .50, or .75. In TREx, this is the YTD Hours Completed element.
Hours Difference Reason (E3088) Indicates the reason the student did not complete the full number of assigned hours of accelerated instruction. This element will be reported for PEIMS in 2024-25, but is not part of TREx. The valid values from TEA Descriptor Code Table C354 are displayed. (01) Student Withdrew (02) Parent Opt Out After Initial Acceptance (03) Student Did Not Attend Assigned Hours (04) Failure To Meet Compulsory Attend Requirements (05) Hours Not Completed Before Next Test Admin (06) Unexpected School Closure (07) Unable To Participate: Homebound /Other Off-Campus Instruc Arrange
Comments: Optional 4,000 character text field. Note: The Student Accelerated Education Plan indictor element (E3083) will be automatically calculated and output as 1 for TEA reporting based on the presence of Student Accelerated Instruction records. No additional coding is required for this element.