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At-Risk Report and Auto-Code


This report can be used to determine any new at-risk students, any students who may be removed from At-Risk, or any students who remain based on the fall snapshot date or a date selected at the time the report is run. An option also exists to run the report and auto-code the students. (TX71)

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

Student Selection

  • All students who have been enrolled in the selected schools during the selected school year are included.

Report Only

The report provides a list of students by school. The header includes counts of new At-Risk students, students continuing to be At-Risk and students who are now no longer At-Risk. Within the school, the report is ordered by New At-Risk students, students maintaining an At-Risk status, students no longer At-Risk, and students coded At-Risk in their record but who have no supporting data explaining why they are At-Risk. This last category would most likely be the result of years of manual coding where the user coded the student as At-Risk in their record, but didn't code one of the supporting 13 elements with the reason.

There is one more category that may appear if the user is re-running the report after an auto-code and after changing data that would cause a student to be At-Risk. This category is "Student not At-Risk after Effective Date re-run". In this case a student may be marked At-Risk as of a particular date, and then the report is re-run for this date with no At-Risk data found. In this case, the report will show that the student is not At-Risk as of this date and if the Auto-code was run, the record would be removed as there cannot be an At-Risk record with the same entry/exit date. Within each category the student order is by grade level, then last name and first name.

Within each of the overall categories, the report shows the changes in each of the elements that are auto-coded. For each student on the report there is a demographic section with the overall At-Risk category, and underneath there is an At-Risk element detail section showing adds, changes or deletes for the elements.

If this report is run without the auto-code option and there are students in the overall categories of new or no longer At-Risk or students who are remaining At-Risk and have changes in At-Risk element status, then the user knows that there are students whose At-Risk status is out of date and they can choose to run the report with the auto-code to update those records. Typically, the users will run the auto-code for the Fall Snapshot date, which is the last Friday in October (the effective date defaults to this date) and then once more as the Summer submission nears.

Report with Auto-Code

This option runs exactly like the Report Only option, but also updates the student's At-Risk record. You must select At-Risk reasons at report runtime using the At-Risk Elements to Include in Auto-Code report input parameter. At-Risk reasons that are not selected will not be updated with Auto-Code.  

  • If a student has never been At-Risk and is now found to be At-Risk, a record is inserted into SPENROLLMENTS and the S_TX_SEN_ATRISK_X table with the entry date of the date the report was selected to run.

  • If a student was At-Risk and is still coded At-Risk but one or more of the element statuses has changed, the current record is closed with an exit date of the date the report was selected to run and a new record is opened with an entry date of the date the report was selected to run.

If the date the report was selected to run is the same as the current date of the student At-Risk record, the report just updates the statuses that have changed.

If nothing has changed, then the record remains as it was previous to the auto-code.

  • If the student was At-Risk and is now found to no longer be At-Risk, based on the auto-coded element statuses, the report simply closes the record with an exit date of the date the report was selected to run.

If the date the report was selected to run is the same as the current date of the student At-Risk record, the report just deletes that record as there cannot be an entry and exit date on the same day.

  • Additional Notes

    • If a student has an open At Risk special program record from a prior year, the auto-code process now closes that record.

    • If the student has at least one At Risk Reason in effect for the current school year, a new record is created and the Entry Date is populated as the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date (last Friday in October 

    • If manual elements are coded as At-Risk, the student will remain At-Risk even if all the auto-coded elements indicate that the student is not At-Risk.

At Risk Reasons and Source Data


  • In At-Risk Report and Auto-Code Version: 23.9.2, a new At Risk Overrides tab was added to the PEIMS/TSDS Information category under the Texas State Information data collection.

    • In some cases, the new At Risk Overrides data collection provides additional data sources for At Risk Reasons that already have source fields in PowerSchool, but where specific students who qualify as At Risk may not have the required supporting data in the SIS.

    • Previously, some At Risk Reasons including Dropout, PK-3 Readiness, Parole, and Incarceration had no PowerSchool data source and required manual coding directly in the At Risk Special Program records.

    • New At Risk Overrides for these reasons now provide a PowerSchool data source for the At Risk Auto-Code process in order to reduce or eliminate the need to edit the special program records directly.

    • At Risk Override Expiration Dates are also provided for any reason that is not considered permanent to assist districts in managing reasons that require re-evaluation.

  • In addition to the overrides, additional At Risk data sources using existing PowerSchool fields and codes have been added for various At Risk Reasons.

  • The At Risk Auto-Code process and report now consider all of the At Risk Overrides, expiration dates and additional new data sources when updating the At Risk Special Program records and the At Risk Indicator for the Fall PEIMS Submission.

Report Formatting

  • A new footer now displays at the bottom of the page to indicate the User Name, date/timestamp, and page number.

  • State Student # is re-labeled to Unique ID

  • In some cases, the At Risk Reason labels have been updated, such as EB/EL instead of LEP.

  • The report column headers are re-labeled to better reflect the reported data.

  • The text displayed in the Details column has been improved to provide more concise information about the source data for the student’s At Risk Reason.

  • Expiration Dates entered for any overrides are now also included.

Global At Risk Auto-Code Logic

  • For each At Risk Reason selected in the report parameters at runtime, the Auto-Code determines if the student is newly at risk, remaining at risk, or no longer at risk for that reason using the Effective Date specifed in the report parameter, and the applicable PowerSchool source field(s) and overrides for each reason.

  • Summary counts for the school or district are provided at the top of the report with the total number of students in each category.

  • When running for the PEIMS Fall Submission, the Fall Snapshot Date should be used as the Effective Date. If running for local purposes after the Fall PEIMS Submission, the current date can be used.

  • At Risk Special Program records are manipulated as applicable.

    • New At Risk records are opened if the student is newly at risk for one or more reasons. The Entry Date in the record is the Effective Date specified at runtime.

    • Existing At Risk records are closed if the student is no longer at risk for any reason. The Exit Date is the first day the student is no longer at risk. For Fall PEIMS, the Exit Date is the Snapshot Date.

    • Existing At Risk records for students who remain at risk for one or more reasons are updated. At Risk Reasons may be added with an indicator of 1 or re-set to 0 as applicable.

    • If a student has an existing At Risk Reason, but that reason was not selected for processing when running the report, the existing data is left intact and the Details column displays “Remaining At-Risk, At-Risk Reason not selected for processing.”

  • The Details column provides information about the source field(s) used when determining the At Risk status for each reason.

  • Some reasons have a single source field in PowerSchool; others have multiple source fields, and for others, the only source field is the new At Risk Override.


  • Student was retained or demoted in a grade between the last enrollment status of the previous year and the first status of the next year for any year, or

  • Student has a Retained override.

  • Students in PK and KG are now considered for this reason unless a Parent Request Retention record for Grade PK or KG is entered in PowerSchool.

  • This reason is considered permanent and never expires.

7-12 Failed Courses

  • Student in grade 7-12 failed two courses in different foundation curriculum subjects within the same semester of either the current or prior year:

    • The foundation curriculum subjects are identified by the AAR Subject Category field:  ELA for English Language Arts, MA for Mathematics, SC for Science and SS for Social Studies. 

    • Failing grades are grades below 70 or special grades that are not marked as passing grades in the grade scale.

  • Student has a 7-12 Failed Courses override that has not expired.

Failed State Assessment

  • Student has a Test Results record for STAAR or STAAR EOC in the current or previous year with a Performance Level Score of 7 (% score), or

  • Test Results name must be STAAR or STAAR EOC

  • Student has a Failed State Assessment override that has not expired.

  • Students remain At Risk until a passing Performance Level score of 8, 9, or 10 is recorded for the same subject area in a subsequent test administration, or until the override expires.

PK-3 Readiness

  • Student has a PK-3 Readiness override that has not expired.

  • This reason previously had no PowerSchool source field and was coded as an override directly in the At Risk Special Program record. Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason.

  • This reason should be re-evaluated annually.


  • Student has a PRS special program record on the report effective date, or

  • Student has a Career and Tech special program record with a code of (2) Single Parent or (7) Pregnant Woman on the report effective date, or

  • Student has a Pregnant/Parent override that has not expired.

  • Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason for any qualifying students who do not meet the PRS or Career and Tech special program criteria.

Alternative Ed Placement

  • Student has an Incident Management record for the current or prior year with an action code indicating placement in a DAEP or JJAEP (codes 02, 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, or 61), or

  • Student has a PEIMS General record for the current or prior year with an Attribution Code of 02 (JJAEP) or 26 (TX JJD) - new data sources, or

  • Student has an Alternative Ed Placement override that has not expired.


  • Student has an Incident Management record for the current or prior year with an action code indicating an expulsion (codes 01, 02, 03, 04, 09, 11, 12, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, or 61), or

  • Student has an Expelled override that has not expired.


  • Student has a Parole/Probation override that has not expired.

  • This reason previously had no PowerSchool source field and was coded as an override directly in the At Risk Special Program record. Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason.

  • This reason should be re-evaluated annually.


  • Student was manually coded as a dropout in a previous At-Risk record, or

  • Student has a Dropout override.

  • This reason previously had no PowerSchool source field and was coded as an override directly in the At Risk Special Program record. Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason.

  • This reason is considered permanent and never expires.


  • Student has an EB/EL special program record with an EB/EL Indicator code of 1 on the report effective date.

  • No override is provided for this reason as all EB/EL students must be coded as such for PEIMS.

Protective Services

  • Student has a PEIMS General record on the report effective date with a Foster Care code of 1 (In custody of DFPS) or R (Referred to DFPS), or

  • Student has a Protective Services override that has not expired.


  • Student has a PEIMS General record during the current year with a Homeless code of 1.

  • No override is provided for this reason as all Homeless students must be coded as such for PEIMS.

Residential Placement Facility

  • Student has an RFT special program record for the current or prior year, or

  • Student has a PEIMS General record for the current or prior year with an Attribution Code indicating a residential placement

    • 02 (JJAEP) - new data source

    • 21-24 (Residential Treatment)

    • 25-28 (TX JJD Facility) - new data source

  • Student has a Special Education special program record for the current or prior year with an Instructional Setting indicating residential placement

    • 30:  State Supported Living Center - new data source

    • 81-89:  Various Residential Treatment settings - new data source

  • Student has a Residential Placement Facility Override that has not expired.


  • Student has an Incarceration override indicating that the student, parent, or both are or have previously been incarcerated.

  • This reason previously had no PowerSchool source field and was coded as an override directly in the At Risk Special Program record. Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason.

  • This reason is considered permanent and never expires.

Dropout Recovery Schl/Adult Ed Prog

  • Student has a Dropout Recovery Schl/Adult Ed Prog override that has not expired.

  • This reason previously had no PowerSchool source field and was coded as an override directly in the At Risk Special Program record.Users should now use the field on the At Risk Overrides page for this reason.

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report are described below. 



Select Schools

At the District Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools that are not excluded from state reporting.

  • Selecting Multiple Schools allows you to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school you want to run the extract.

At the School Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools not excluded from state reporting.

  • Select Current School Only to run the extract just for the current school.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.
    Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Auto-Code Option

Choose to just run the report or to run the report and auto-code students' At-Risk indicator and reasons.

Effective Date

Choose the as of date that you want to run the report. The default is the fall snapshot date for the year you are logged into but it will retain any date that you set from the option at the right.

At-Risk Elements to Include in Auto-Code

Choose one or more at-risk elements to include in the auto-coding function.

  • Homeless

  • Protective Services

  • Placement facility

  • Incarcerated

  • Dropout Recovery School/Adult Ed Program

Current Year Store Codes for Failing Classes

Select this option to use store codes from stored grades to determine if a student in grades 7-12 has failed two or more core subjects during the current school year.

Prior Year Store Codes for Failing Classes

Select this option to use store codes from stored grades to determine if a student in grades 7-12 has failed two or more core subjects during the preceding school year.

Run Now

Select this option if the user wants to run the report immediately.


Select this option if the user wants to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:

  • Run Once

    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.

  • Repeat

    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.

      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.

      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.

      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.

      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.

  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Run Date

The date and time the report and/or auto-code was run.


Effective Date

The effective date that was selected at the time the report was generated.

Based on the value entered at runtime in the Effective Date parameter.


The page number of the report.


District ID and Name

The district number and name.



School Number and Name

The school number and name.



New At-Risk

The number of new students identified as At-Risk.


Students Remaining At-Risk

The number of students who have no status change.


Students No Longer At-Risk

The number of students who are identified as no longer having a reason to be At-Risk.


Student Name

The student's name.

[S_TX_STU_X]E0705 or [Students]Last_Name

[S_TX_STU_X]E0703 or [Students]First_Name

[S_TX_STU_X]E0704 or [Students]Middle_Name

Unique ID #

The student's unique student ID.



The student's social security number.


Grade Level

The student's current grade level.


Enroll Status

The student's current enrollment status.


Entry Date

The student's latest entry date.


Exit Date

The student's latest exit date.


At-Risk Overall Status

Identifies if the student is New At-Risk, Remaining At-Risk, Student not At-Risk after Effective Date re-run, or Student coded At-Risk but No At-Risk Elements Coded.


At-Risk Element

Identifies one of the thirteen At-Risk criteria that causes the student to be At-Risk.


At-Risk Reason

An explanation of why this student was identified for a status change.


At-Risk Element Status

The student's current at-risk status


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