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Child Find

TSDS Child Find Collection

The TSDS Child Find Collection is used to record the Timely Initial Evaluation and Eligibility Determination (SPPI-11) and Early Childhood Transition (SPPI-12) data into one collection related to special education services for Student Enrollment, Student Parent, and Student Program Interchanges for School year 2021-2022 and onwards.

Navigation:  Start Page > Student Selection > Special Programs > Child Find

Data Elements

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these reports

Entry Date

Enter the date the student entered the special program.

Format mm/dd/yyyy


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Exit Date

Enter the date the student exited the special program.

Format mm/dd/yyyy

Required if the student exits the program. If a student has a change in services or enters, exits, and re-enters the program, a new record is required to reflect the history. The student does not have to be exited at the end of each school year if they are going to be in the program the following school year.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Campus ID of Evaluation (E1710)

Indicates the unique campus identification number corresponding to the campus where the student was initially evaluated for special education services


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Instructional Track - Calculated (E0975)

Indicates a unique campus calendar of school days for a particular group of students on a campus.  Students with the same instructional track have the same number of days taught in a particular reporting period at a campus.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Instructional Track - Override (E0975)

Indicates a unique campus calendar of school days for a particular group of students on a campus.  Students with the same instructional track have the same number of days taught in a particular reporting period at a campus.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Student's absence within Time frame - Calculated (E1711)

Indicates the number of student absences, if any, beginning the first instructional day following the date on which the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written parental consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Student's absence within Time frame -Override (E1711)

Indicates the number of student absences, if any, beginning the first instructional day following the date on which the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written parental consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Early Childhood Intervention

ECI Notification Date (E1712)

Select the month, day, and year (ECI-NOTIFICATION-DATE) the LEA Notification of Potentially Eligible for Special Education Services was sent by the early childhood intervention (ECI) contractor to the local education agency (LEA) to notify them that a child enrolled in ECI will shortly reach the age of eligibility for Part B services and the child is potentially eligible for services under Part B, early childhood special education (ECSE). The LEA Notification constitutes a referral to the LEA for an initial evaluation and eligibility determination of the child which the parent may opt out from the referral.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

ECI Transition Conference Date (E1713)

Select the month, day, and year (ECI-TRANSITION-CONFERENCE-DATE) when the transition conference was held (for a child receiving early childhood intervention (ECI) services) among the lead agency, the family, and the LEA where the child resides to discuss the child’s potential eligibility for early childhood special education (ECSE) services.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

ECI Effective Date Services - Calculated

(Read only)

  • This is a read-only field sourced from the Special Education special program record.

  • The Entry Date from the earliest SPED record where the Early Childhood Intervention (E0900) = 1 is displayed.

  • This field is blank if an ECI student referred for evaluation and transition does not have a SPED record for Early Childhood Intervention.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

ECI Effective Date Services - Override

Enter the date when the student began receiving services in the ECI program.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Original ECI Services Date (E1737) - Calculated

date, and year when an infant or toddler,
from birth through age 2, became eligible to
participate in the early childhood
intervention program.


  • Report TX-Original ECI Services Date as the Override from ECI_EFFECTIVEDATE_Ovr (if not NULL), otherwise report the calculated value from X.ECI_EFFECTIVEDATE_CALC.

    • Note: the calculated value is based on the student's Special Education special program record for ECI (if exists) using the Entry Date in the earliest record where Early Childhood Intervention (E0900) is not NULL.

    • The Original ECI Services Date is only reported in records for students who are being evaluated for transition from ECI services to regular SPED services.

    • If the values in the Override & Calculated fields are both blank, suppress the element entirely.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Original ECI Services Date (E1737) - Override

Override - ORIGINAL-ECI-SERVICES-DATE is the month,
date, and year when an infant or toddler,
from birth through age 2, became eligible to
participate in the early childhood
intervention program.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Child Find Initial Evaluation

Consent To Evaluation Received Date (E1738)

The actual date the written consent form was received by the district.

Student Absences Within Timeframe include any absences beginning with the next instructional day after the Consent To Evaluation Received Date through the day before the Initial Evaluation Date.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Initial Evaluation Date (E1715)

Select the month, day, and year (INITIAL-EVALUATION-DATE) when the written full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report was completed.

This data element indicates the start of the 30-calendar day timeframe for completing the initial eligibility determination by holding the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting to make an eligibility determination and admit a student into special education.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Determination Date (E1716)

Select the month, day, and year (SPED-ELIGIBILITY-DETERMINATION-DATE) the LEA held the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting regarding the child’s initial eligibility determination for special education and related services.  An individualized education plan (IEP) would be developed and implemented for a child admitted into special education on this same date.
Note: For download processing, Students must have a Determination Date set and this date is between the Run Range on the TSDS Download page.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Special Ed Determined (E1717)

Select Yes/ No to verify whether or not the student was determined eligible and enrolled in special education and related services as a result of the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report and the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee meeting decision. This field relates to the SPED-ELIGIBILITY-DETERMINATION-CODE.


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Evaluation Delay Reason (E1718)

Select the  justification as to why the written full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report was completed beyond the State-established 45 instructional day timeframe for state performance plan indicator 11 (SPPI-11), or the justification as to why a child who was receiving early childhood intervention (ECI) services had their eligibility for early childhood special education (ECSE) determined beyond the child’s third birthday for SPPI-12.

This data element pertains to both state performance plan indicator 11 (SPPI-11) for students ages 3-21 being considered for special education supports and services and SPPI-12 for students who received early childhood intervention (ECI) services and were considered potentially eligible for early childhood special education (ECSE) when they three years old.

Regarding SPPI-11, exceptions to the State-established 45 instructional day timeframe are conditioned on the number of instructional days left in the year after parental consent and the number of student absences.

Select the Evaluation Delay Reason from the dropdown list:

  • (01) LEA Delay Due to Lack of Available Assessment Personnel

  • (02) LEA Delay Due to Scheduling

  • (03) LEA Delay Due to Late Report from Contracted Personnel

  • (04) Parent Delay (No Detailed Records Maintained by LEA Regarding a Parent of a Child who Repeatedly Fails or Refuses to Produce the Child for the Evaluation)

  • (05) Parent Delay (Detailed Records Maintained by LEA Regarding a Parent of a Child who Repeatedly Fails or Refuses to Produce the Child for the Evaluation)

  • (06) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (No Detailed Records Maintained by LEA)

  • (07) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (Detailed Records Maintained by LEA)

  • (08) Part C (ECI) Did Not Notify/Refer Child to Part B at Least 90 Days Prior to the Child’s Third Birthday

  • (09) Other


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

Eligibility Delay Reason Code (E1731)

Eligibility Delay Reason refers to the reason why the eligibility determination was completed beyond the required timeframe.  

For SPPI-11, the required timeframe is 30-calendar days from the date of the completed full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE).  

For SPPI-12, the required timeframe is by the third birthday for a child receiving early childhood intervention (ECI) services.

Select the Eligibility Delay Reason from the dropdown list, which uses the same TEA codes listed above for the Evaluation Delay Reason.


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