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Reporting Period Attendance

Reporting Period Attendance records are automatically calculated by an automated process based on Student Enrollments, ADA Period Class Attendance, Student Program records, ADA Eligibility Code and Flexible Attendance Program. The Ed-Fi Six Week Reporting Period tables allows you to inspect the data and to support troubleshooting.

Calculation Process for Special Programs and Flex Reporting Period Attendance Tables:

A new calculation and update process is implemented for the Ed-Fi Attendance tables, the Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance tables and Flex Reporting Period Attendance tables. This table will store summarized special programs attendance data, and flexible attendance data for six-week reporting periods.

All records are read-only.

  • Basic

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_BASIC_C

  • Special Programs

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_SPR_C

  • Special Ed

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_SPED_C

  • CTE

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_CTE_C

  • Bil/ESL

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_BILESL_C

  • Flex

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_FLEX_C

  • Flex Special Ed

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_FLEX_SPED_C

  • Flex CTE

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_FLEX_CTE_C

  • Flex Bil/ESL

    • Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_FLEX_BILESL_C

Records are ordered in the following sequence:

  • Reporting Period

  • School

  • Calendar Code (Track)

  • Grade Level

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