State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-300474 | 2022-23 Updates to Industry Certification Codes, IBC Vendor Codes and Industry Certifications Page | - The IBC Codes and IBC Vendor Codes are now updated in the PS_Common_Code table that holds the valid TEA values for PEIMS reporting.
- In State/Province - TX > Graduation Information > Performance Acknowledgements > Certification Licensures, the corresponding dropdown lists are updated to deprecate obsolete codes, add new codes, and update the descriptions where applicable.
- The relationships between the IBC Codes and IBC Vendor codes are also updated. Many certifications have revised certifying entities.
- Additionally, the data entry validation for the IBC Certification Result (E1733) field is revised so that it does not fire unless a Certification Indicator Value is first selected. The IBC Certification Result is not required when an Additional Certification for TREx is entered.
PSSR-305504 | Charter School Waitlist Student Enrollment Interchange | TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.10.2 The handling of the School Number is updated to correct an issue which caused Student School Association records to be missing in the interchange. Records are now output as expected. |
PSSR-301435 | Incident Management Data Entry Validation Updates | The following updates are now available for the Texas discipline data entry validations in Incident Management. - In some districts, some of the validations did not always fire as expected, particularly on the Quick Incident Page. Issues are now resolved when validating these elements:
- Behavior Location Codes based on Behavior Code
- Missing Action Begin Date
- Duration Code, Assigned Duration and Actual Duration
- Required Campus of Assignment if Action Code is 02-04, 06-08, 10, 12, 13, 26, 51-55, 57, 59, or 60.
- The following new validations are added:
- If Action Code is 01, 05, 25, 27, 28, or 50, Campus of Assignment must be blank (TEA Rule 44425-0016).
- If Actual Duration is 0, Action Code must be 27 or 28 (TEA Rule 44425-0021).
PSSR-304054 | New Model for Student Assessment Pre-Code Data Collection | The Student Assessment Pre-Code Data Collection has been completely revised to simplify the setup, data entry, and database table structure for the Texas state assessment registrations. Districts can begin student data collection now for student testing exceptions and attributes (accommodations) for STAAR 3-8, STAAR EOC, STAAR/EOC Alternate 2, and TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate. The new student table structure is designed to support ease of entry or import of student-level exceptions. Codes can also be mass-assigned using the Student Field Value function. - Important: The current 22.8.1 versions of the Student Assessment Registration File and Student Test Attributes Upload File on the State Reports page are obsolete and cannot be used to load records to Cambium. New versions of the Student Assessment Pre-Code extracts, along with a new Additional Student Fields extract, are planned for the next state reporting release.
- Obsolete Setup and Student Assessment Pre-Code Pages Removed
- All prior data collection pages for Assessment Pre-Code are removed from District Setup, Courses, Sections and State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Pre-Code. New student-level tabs are now available as described below.
- The assignment of assessments to courses or sections and other pre-code setup that was previously required is eliminated.
- Assessment pre-code registration records for STAAR 3-8 will now be generated automatically for all students in grades 3-8.
- STAAR EOC records will now be generated automatically based on EOC course enrollments. Exceptions can be entered on the student assessment pre-code tabs, including flags for students taking the STAAR Alternate 2 or STAAR EOC Alternate 2 assessments.
- TELPAS records continue to be generated automatically for students with an EB/EL Indicator of 1 in the special program record. Students requiring the TELPAS Alternate version can be flagged in the special program record as before, or in the new TELPAS Alternate field provided on the Student Assessment Pre-Code tab for TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate.
- New S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X Table
- All of the new student assessment pre-code fields are housed this single, new table, which is a simple extension of the Students table. All other tables previously used for precoding are obsolete.
- Refer to the Texas Data Dictionary in the online state reporting documentation for a complete list of the new fields, which include elements reported to Cambium in the Registration File, the Attributes File, and in the new Additional Student Fields File.
- To import student records, begin by exporting basic student identifiers including the Student DCID, then use the Data Import Manager function to import or update records in the database.
- Boolean fields: In the UI, select the checkbox, and a value of 1 (Yes) is saved in the database. If importing, populate these fields with a value of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No); if using Student Field Value, populate with values of True or False.
- VarChar2 fields: In the UI, select the desired code in the dropdown list. If importing or using Student Field Value, populate the desired two or three character short code as shown in the dropdown list.
- State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Pre-Code > STAAR/STAAR Alt2 (Grades 3-8)
- Registration File Elements
- New to Texas: There is a single field that appears on each of the assessment tabs. This field applies to the student for all assessments. If selected on one tab, it appears selected on the two other tabs.
- STAAR Alternate 2: There is a single field that applies to all STAAR 3-8 subjects.
- Above Grade: Each subject has a separate field for students testing above grade level.
- Interim Grade: Each subject also has a separate field to designate an alternate/additional grade level for the interim assessments. Once registered for STAAR 3-8, Cambium defaults students as eligible for interim assessments for their enrolled grade. If the student will test at a different grade level, select the appropriate value.
- Attributes File Elements
- The attributes (accommodations) available for each subject are listed in the Attributes column.
- Most attributes apply to all subjects, but some such as Calculator apply only to Math and Science.
- Presentation attribute: Select a value only if the default of English does not apply. Braille is not available for Math or Science. Spanish is not available for Social Studies; currently the dropdown list incorrectly shows Spanish as available and this will be updated in the next release.
- Additional Student Fields File Elements
- Test Mode: Select a value of (P) Paper only if the default of (O) Online does not apply.
- Paper Test Format: For paper testers, select a format only if the default of (RP) Regular Print does not apply. Note that Spanish for paper testers is only available for grades 3-5 for Math and Reading and grade 5 for Science.
- Other Designated Supports: Available for all subjects.
- Extra Day: Available for all subjects.
- State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Pre-Code > STAAR EOC/EOC Alt2
- Registration File Elements
- New to Texas: Select if appropriate.
- December, Spring and June Eligibility
- All students scheduled for an EOC course on the current date or a future date will be flagged automatically for the Spring test administration for the corresponding EOC assessment.
- The Course Abbreviations in the TEA C022 Service ID table along with the corresponding Service ID's assigned to courses in PowerSchool are used to identify enrollments in EOC courses: ALG I, BIO, ENG I, ENG II, and US HIST.
- Otherwise, the December, Spring and June flags should be set as applicable for re-testers and students new to Texas, and for any students who are not scheduled for the EOC course, or who are no longer scheduled for the EOC course when the Registration File extract is generated.
- Interim: Select this option for students who will take an interim EOC test.
- STAAR EOC Alternate 2: Select if for each applicable EOC subject.
- Additional Student Fields Elements
- December, Spring and June Retester flags: These are normally set by TEA but are available for the district to upload if needed to flag additional students.
- Test Mode, Paper Test Format, Other Designated Supports, and Extra Day: These elements work in the same manner as described above for STAAR 3-8.
- State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Pre-Code > TELPAS/TELPAS Alt
- Registration File Elements
- New to Texas and TELPAS Alternate work in the same manner as described for the other assessments.
- Students taking the TELPAS Alternate version can be coded on this page, or by setting the TELPAS Alternate field in the EB/EL special program record as in prior years.
- Attributes File Elements: Permissive Mode, Presentation (Braille) and Speech-to-Text apply only to the TELPAS Reading/Writing.
- Additional Student Field Elements
- Other Designated Supports and Extra Day apply to both Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking.
- Reading/Writing Test Mode (Paper and Holistic): Select (P) only if the default of (O) Online does not apply.
- Listening/Speaking Test Mode (Holistic): Select (H) only if the default of (O) Online does not apply.
- Important: The TELPAS Code field in the EB/EL special program record previously used to set the Test Mode is now obsolete and will be removed from the record in a subsequent release. TELPAS Test Mode codes for students not testing online must be set on the assessment pre-code tab.
PSSR-305135 | Student As-of-Status Code Calculation Updates for PEIMS | The nightly process for student As-of-Status Code calculations is updated to ensure the calculation completes as expected and to address the clean-up of duplicate records, which caused the process to fail and resulted in bypassed students. The calculation is invoked during the state reporting installation process and then executes nightly at the time specified in the Texas Preferences in District Setup. After installing this update, issues with incorrect records in the PEIMS student interchanges are resolved. |