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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-247229ET Enrollment Event Tracking Enhancements

Unique ID Enrollment Event Tracking: Version 1.0.9

Enhancements to support data quality and the resolution of errors for invalid enrollment records are now available.

  • Enhanced Error Listing
    • The companion “Error Log” file is renamed to “Excluded Students and Records” and new columns are added or updated.
      • Current School Code (new)
      • Name (no change)
      • Student Number (label change from Local ID)
      • Reason for Exclusion (label change from Error Note)
      • Detail (new column)
  • Invalid Unique ID's
    • The report now excludes students with invalid Unique ID's from the submission file and instead reports these in the companion “Excluded Students and Records file” file.
      • Unique ID's that are not 10 numeric characters
      • Unique ID's with leading or trailing blank spaces
    • The invalid UID value is now listed in the new “Detail” column of the report.
  • Invalid Enrollments
    • The report now excludes invalid enrollment records from the submission file and instead reports these in the companion “Excluded Students and Records” file.
    • The following Reasons for Exclusion are listed; the School #, Grade Level, Entry Date, and Exit Date appear in the new "Detail" column. Each invalid record is listed in a separate row.
      • Exit Date > 1 day after school calendar end date
      • Entry Date before school calendar start date
      • Entry and Exit Dates outside of school calendar
      • Reverse Enrollment
      • Duplicate Entry Dates at same school
      • Duplicate Entry Dates at different schools
      • Overlapping Enrollments
  • Students with missing or invalid required fields continue to be output in the Excluded Students file as before:
    • Birthdate
    • Federal Ethnicity
    • Race
    • SSN
PSSR-246036New Early Reading Verification Report

Early Reading Verification Report: Version 1.0.0

To support the Student Early Reading Indicators for the Fall and Summer PEIMS submissions, a new Early Reading Verification report is now available under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports category on the State Reports page.

  • Parameters
    • Select Schools: the report can be run at either the school or district level
    • Start Date and End Date
      • The report will extract Student Early Reading records with Effective Dates that fall within the specified date range.
      • These dates are automatically defaulted to the first and last day of the current school year and can be adjusted as needed.
    • Include students with missing records: Select “Yes” to include students in the target grade levels of KG, 1, and 2 who are missing an Early Reading record; otherwise, the default is “No.”
    • Output Format: select PDF or CSV
  • Report Output
    • SchoolID
    • Unique ID
    • Student Number
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Grade Level
    • Birth Date
    • Enroll Status
    • FALL Effective Date
    • FALL Early Reading Indicator
    • FALL Early Reading Description
    • FALL Asst
    • FALL Lang
    • FALL Score
    • FALL Comment
    • EOY Effective Date
    • EOY Early Reading Indicator
    • EOY Early Reading Description
    • EOY Asst
    • EOY Lang
    • EOY Score
    • EOY Comment
PSSR-245647New Section-level Exclusion Date Range for CTE Vocational Hours

The following updates are available:

  • To support the scenario of a non-certified CTE teacher assigned to a CTE course section, two new fields are now available on the Sections page to suppress CTE funding for the class for a specified date range.
    • Exclude CTE Hours Start Date (S_TX_SEC_X.Exclude_CTE_Hrs_Start_Date)
    • Exclude CTE Hours End Date (S_TX_SEC_X.Exclude_CTE_Hrs_End_Date)
  • The new fields appear directly below the existing Vocational Contact Hours field.
  • If the end date for the exclusion is not yet known, enter the Start Date and leave the End Date blank.
    • Do not override the Vocational Contact Hours field to reset the value to 0.
    • Once a CTE certified teacher has been identified for the section, edit the Teacher - Section Lead record to apply an End Date to the prior teacher, and enter the same date in the Exclude CTE Hours End Date field.
    • Create a new Teacher - Section Lead record for new teacher.
    • If a certified CTE teacher is never assigned to the section, the End Date can be left blank and all Vocational Hours from the section will be excluded.
  • The Exclude CTE Hours dates must be valid dates that fall within the Year and Term defined for the section.

    The Student Detail, Campus/District Summary, and Attendance Interchange will be updated in subsequent releases to consider the new section-level exclusion.
PSSR-243268RFT Collection Updates

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.53

  • All required interchanges for the 2020-21 Residential Facility Tracker collection are now available.
    • The Student Enrollment Interchange for the TSDS – RFT collection is updated to remove obsolete logic referring to the student state grade-level override. Students in grade levels -1 and -2 are reported as PK. Grade levels less than -2 are reported as EE.
    • Additional 2020-21 changes to the other RFT collection interchanges were provided in prior releases.
  • RFT Submission
    • RFT records should be submitted on a monthly basis as students enter and exit residential facilities during the school year.
    • Districts with any Special Ed students in residential facilities must submit, promote and validate the full set of interchanges listed below by the interim RFT deadline of December 4, 2020.
    • The RFT collection uses a combination of the TSDS and PEIMS Summer versions of the interchanges. To generate records for the RFT collection, run the following interchanges for the Collection Codes listed:
      • Education Organization: TSDS – RFT
      • Student-Parent: TSDS – RFT
      • Student Enrollment: TSDS – RFT
      • Education Organization: PEIMS SUMR
      • Student Interchange: PEIMS SUMR
      • Student Program Interchange: PEIMS SUMR
PSSR-241871SFTP Output for Student Interchange

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.32

A new runtime parameter to support SFTP output of the Student Interchange is now available. This option will be added to the other Texas Interchanges and to key reports in subsequent releases.

  • SFTP Basics
    • SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is used to transmit files over the web when sensitive data needs to be protected.
    • Many PowerSchool districts are already using SFTP to transmit files to third party vendors or to send files to a secure folder on the district’s network.
    • In the case of Texas state reports such as the Student Interchange, the user can schedule the report to run nightly.
      • Currently, the next morning, the user would log into PowerSchool and navigate to the ReportWorks queue to download the report file.
      • The new SFTP Output option allows the same report file to be automatically copied to a designated folder on the district’s network, such as a State Reporting folder that may be accessed by one or more staff members working on TEA submissions.
  • SFTP Connection Setup
    • In order to take advantage of the SFTP option, an SFTP connection must first be configured in PowerSchool. An existing SFTP connection can be used, or a new connection can be defined.
    • The SFTP Setup is performed on the following page in PowerSchool: Start Page> System> System Settings> Plugin Management Configuration> Remote Connection Manager> Remote Connection Manager> Create Connection
      • Name: Define a name for the SFTP connection.
      • Description: Enter a description
      • Protocol: SFTP (default)
      • Host: Enter the IP address of the server that the Texas reports will be sent to
      • Port: Enter the port number for the connection; the default value is 22
      • Username: Enter the username associated with the connection
      • Password: Enter the password associated with the connection
      • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password
      • Finger Print: optional (for additional server authentication)
      • Remote Path: Enter the path to the designated folder such as /TXReports
      • Allow Download: Not Applicable
      • Allow Upload: check this field to allow the scheduled Texas reports to be uploaded from the PowerSchool server to the designated folder.
    • Once all the necessary information has been entered, select the “Test Connection” button to verify that a successful connection can be established. If the Test Connection is unsuccessful, verify that the hostname, port, username, and password are correct.
  • Schedule the Student Interchange Report
    • Select the Student Interchange
    • Scroll down to the SFTP Connections parameter
      • If no SFTP connection has been set up, the parameter will display “(no available connections)”. In that case, the SFTP configuration should be adjusted.
      • Otherwise, the parameter will display “(Disable)” by default. Choose the appropriate SFTP connection from the dropdown list.
    • At the bottom of the page under “Scheduling”, select the “Schedule” option and complete the rest of the fields to set the Start Date, Start Time, and frequency.
    • Once the report finishes, the output file will be uploaded to the designated server and folder using the credentials supplied in the SFTP connection.
PSSR-249615TREx Update for Race

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.22
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.16

The TREx Extract and TREx Extract by Student Number reports are updated to remove the "Race" element which was required only for students enrolled prior to the 2010-11 school year.

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