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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223171AAR Updates for Student Selection, Explanation Codes Q and S, and Report Legend

AAR: Version 1.0.16
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.12

  • Student Selection Updates
    • The standard version of the AAR is updated to prevent an Oracle error related to the selection of students.
    • Both versions of the report are updated to ensure that the correct selection of students is returned when multiple, concurrent report runs are made.
  • The description for Explanation Code Q is modified from "College Board pre-AP Course" to "Pre-Advanced Placement Course" to match the TREx code table description.
  • Invalid/obsolete Explanation Code S (State-approved course in which content has been modified by ARD) is removed from the UI in stored grades, sections, and courses, as well as the report legend and the course output.
  • The report legend is updated to remove obsolete codes and to add newer codes that appear in the TREx code table and in the PowerSchool Explanation Code lists.
PSSR-225345Assessment Pre-Code Updates

Student Assessment Pre-Code File: Version 1.0.9

The Assessment Pre-Code File is updated so that Accommodation Codes assigned to the STAAR Alt2 3-8 and STAAR Alt2 EOC Assessments for students extract as expected.

PSSR-222830Assessment Quick Import Extract Updates for STAAR 3-8 Re-tests

Assessment Quick Import Extract: Version 1.0.2

The Assessment Quick Import Extract has been updated to support re-tests for STAAR 3-8 Math and Reading taken in the May administration. A new "Is this a Re-test?" parameter is added; if set to Yes, then the Quick Import file will be formatted with a test date of 05/15/YYYY instead of 05/01/YYYY so that the record passes the check for duplicate tests, and the resulting import file does not create duplicate test records.

PSSR-221637EdOrg Interchange Updates: Multiple Collections

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.33

  • TSDS Collections (ECDS, RFT and Class Roster): The Course selection criteria is updated to extract only those courses that are actively assigned to a school in the current year, and which do not have the Exclude from 090 flag set.
  • Summer PEIMS/RFT Collection: The EdOrg Interchange now supports the required format and data element contents for PEIMS Summer Submission 3 so that districts can submit files for the Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) collection
    • The LEA and School numbers and organizational category complexes are removed.
    • The new PK Full Day Waiver Indicator element is added.
    • The Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) Indicator is added to the School Extension. This element temporarily defaults to a value of 0 (No), which will allow the interchange to pass the validations for the purposes of the RFT collection. The interchange will be further modified in a subsequent update for the Summer PEIMS collection to implement full support for ELO reporting.
  • Mid-Year Finance Collection: The LEA and School numbers and organizational category complexes are removed for Submission 2.
PSSR-219629FitnessGram Updates

FitnessGram Report : Version 1.0.12

The record selection criteria is modified to exclude any PE classes when the "Include in Fitness Assessment" value is set to 'No' at the section or course level.

PSSR-224828New SPPI-14 Verification Report

SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report: Version 1.0.0

  • A new SPPI-14 Verification Report in CSV format is added to the Data Verification and Supporting Reports section of the State Reports page: SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report.
  • The selection criteria and business logic mirror that of the SPPI-14 version of the StudentParent Interchange where records are limited to students in grades 9-12 who were reported as specific types of prior-year Leavers in the Fall PEIMS Submission, and who were Special Education participants as of the student's final day of enrollment in the prior year.
    • Leaver Reason Codes: 01 - Graduated, 24 - College, Pursue Associate or Bachelor Degree, 88 - Court-ordered to a GED program, has not earned a GED, 90 - Graduated from another state under provisions of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, and 98 - Other.
    • Students are identified as Special Ed participants based on Instructional Setting Code not blank in the student's Special Ed Special Program record in effect on the student's final day of enrollment in the prior school year.
  • The same "Source for Contacts" runtime parameter is provided as in the SPPI-14 Student Parent Interchange. Districts should select the same source when running either the verification report or the interchange.
    • Legacy Contacts (default)
    • Student Contacts
  • The report output is a CSV file containing the same elements as reported in the StudentParent Interchange, with the addition of the student's Fall Snapshot school of enrollment.
    • School #
    • Student Last
    • Student First
    • Student MI
    • Student Number
    • Unique ID
    • Grade
    • Addr Type
    • Street
    • City
    • State
    • Zip
    • Tel Type
    • Tel #
    • Email Type
    • Student Email
    • Parent ID
    • Contact Last
    • Contact First
    • Contact Addr Type
    • Contact Street
    • Contact City
    • Contact State
    • Contact Zip
    • Contact Tel Type
    • Contact Tel #
    • Contact Email Type
    • Contact Email
    • Relation
PSSR-221640Student Interchange: Summer PEIMS and RFT Collections

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.26

  • New RFT Collection Parameter: When the PEIMS Summer Collection is selected, a new parameter conditionally displays to allow the user to specify "Limit records to RFT Students only". When selected, only those students who meet the RFT collection requirements are reported.
    • Student has at least one RFT record in effect for the current year at a selected school (record may be current or previous).
    • Students with an RFT Special Program record must also have a SPED Special Program record where Instructional Setting is not NULL and where the SPED Entry Date overlaps the RFT Entry Date in Special Programs.
  • Dyslexia Risk Code: this new element is reported only for students in grades KG and 1, and indicates whether that student is identified at any time during the school year as at risk for dyslexia and related disorders as a result of screening required by TEC.
    • If the student is currently in grade KG, the value entered in the Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code field in the Dyslexia Special Program record is extracted.
    • If the student is currently in grade 1, the value entered in the Grade 1 Dyslexia Risk Code field in the Dyslexia Special Program record is extracted.
    • If a grade KG or 1 student does not have a Dyslexia record, the default value specified in the district preference for "Dyslexia Risk Code: Specify Default Reporting Code" is output - either (01) Screened – not at risk or (03) Not Screened. If the preference has not been set, a default of 03 is reported.
  • New Tech Indicator Code: this new element is reported only for students in grades 7-12. If the student was enrolled at any point during the year in a school identified in Schools/School Info as a New Tech campus, a value of 1 is reported; otherwise, a default of 0 is reported.
  • Residential Facility Indicator: this new element is required for all students. If a Special Ed student has had an RFT record in effect at any point during the year, a value of true is reported; otherwise, a default of false is reported.
  • PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator: this element is reported only for PK4 students and uses the same logic as implemented for the Fall submission. If the override field in the Pre-K Special Program record is populated for a PK4 student, the value is reported; otherwise, the value is calculated based on the student’s prior year and current year PK eligibility status.
  • TX Industry Certifications: this complex type is reported only for students in grades 9-12. For the Summer submission, each certification earned in the current year since the Fall Snapshot Date is reported along with the Effective Date and Industry Certification code. If the student has no qualifying certifications or the student is not in grades 9-12, the complex type is suppressed.
  • Fall PEIMS Student Interchange: the logic is adjusted to handle PEIMS General records with an Entry Date equal to the Snapshot Date as expected, and to include the values from this record.
PSSR-221636Student Program Interchange Updates for Summer PEIMS and RFT Collections

TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.33

  • New RFT Collection Parameter: When the PEIMS Summer Collection is selected, a new parameter conditionally displays to allow the user to specify "Limit records to RFT Students only". When selected, only those students who meet the RFT collection requirements are reported.
    • Student has at least one RFT record in effect for the current year at a selected school (record may be current or previous).
    • Students with an RFT Special Program record must also have a SPED Special Program record where Instructional Setting is not NULL and where the SPED Entry Date overlaps the RFT Entry Date in Special Programs.
  • New TX-DyslexiaServices complex type: required for all students
    • For each student who has a current or prior Dyslexia Special Program record in effect during the current year where the Dyslexia Services Code (E1650) is populated as 01, 02, and/or 03, a separate record is reported for each unique service.
    • Otherwise, students are reported with a default value of 00.
  • Student Special Ed Program Association Extension: now required in Submission 3 for any student with one or more Special Education program records in effect for at least one day at any point in the school year.
    • Effective Date tracking applies to changes within three categories of special ed data for Submission 3
      • TX-EffectiveDateSpEd: changes to Instructional Setting Code and/or Multiply Disabled Indicator
      • TX-EffectiveDateDisabilities: changes to Primary, Secondary, and/or Tertiary Disability
      • TX-EffectiveDateServices: changes to any of the 14 services elements
    • Students with a single SPED program record for the school year are reported with a single Student Special Ed Program Association Extension record. The three Effective Date elements are reported with the same date, which is the Entry Date in the SPED special program record, or the first day of the student’s current year enrollment if the SPED record was carried forward from the prior year.
    • Students with multiple SPED program records in effect during the current year are reported with multiple Student Special Ed Program Association Extension records. In each record, at least one of the Effective Date elements and at least one of the related special ed elements must be reported with a different value.
PSSR-223923TREx Extract Updates

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.14
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.8

  • The TREx Extract is updated to support the new Course Sequence Codes for Dual Credit classes. The extract automatically reports the course sequence indicator prefixed with a "D" when the course is indicated as Dual Credit in stored grades, sections, or courses.
  • Records for students with ten immunization doses of Polio will no longer cause an Oracle error.
  • Obsolete Explantion Code "S" is no longer reported.
PSSR-224834Update Explanation Code Lists and Convert Existing "N" Codes to "R"

The Explanation Code lists in stored grades, sections, and courses are updated as follows:

  • Obsolete codes 1, 2, 4, and 5 have been sorted to the bottom of the list, flagged as "Obsolete", and displayed in italics.
  • Invalid/obsolete code N has been removed completely (Night School or other instructional arrangement outside the regular school year and/or day).
  • The description for code R has been updated to "Course completed in summer school/night school."
  • A repo schema update is implemented to automatically identify and convert any existing Explanation Codes of N to R in Courses, Sections, and Stored Grades.
PSSR-225732Update Special Programs "Local Programs" Tab

For districts running PowerSchool SIS version 19.11, State Programs no longer appear in the dropdown list of Local Programs.

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