Special Programs Records
Records from S_TX_STU_ATT_SPR_C
Records are ordered in the following sequence:
Reporting Period
Calendar Code (Track)
Grade Level
Ed-Fi # | Field Label | Ed-Fi Name | Description | COLUMN | Type |
N/A | School Year | N/A | Year ID for the record such as 33 for the 2023-24 school year | YEARID | Number(11,0) |
Ref | School | schoolId | Reportable School ID | SCHOOLID | VarChar2(9) |
Ref | UID | studentUniqueId | Student Unique ID | STU_UID | Number(11,0) |
E0975 | Cal Code (Trk) | calendarCode | Calendar Code (Student Track) | E0975_CALENDAR_CODE | VarChar2(2) |
E0934 | Rep Period | reportingPeriodDescriptor | Reporting Period | E0934_RPT_PERIOD | VarChar2(2) |
E0017 | Grade | gradeLevelDescriptor | Grade Level | E0017_GRADE_LEVEL | VarChar2(2) |
E0935 | Days Taught | numberDaysTaught | Number of Days Taught | E0935_DAYS_TAUGHT | Number(11,0) |
E0939 | PRS Days | totalEligPregRelSvcsDaysPresent | Total Eligible PRS Days Present | E0939_PRS_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1686 | PRS Days RS | rsTotalEligPregRelSvcsDaysPresent | RS Total Eligible PRS Days Present | E1686_PRS_RS_DAYS PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1687 | PRS Days RA | raTotalEligPregRelSvcsDaysPresent | RA Total Eligible PRS Days Present | E1687_PRS_RA_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E0940 | SPED MS Days | totalEligSpEdMainstreamDaysPresent | Total Eligible SPED Mainstream Days Present | E0940_MS_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1688 | SPED MS Days RS | rsTotalEligSpEdMainstreamDaysPresent | RS Total Eligible SPED Mainstream Days Present | E1688_MS_RS_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1689 | SPED MS Days RA | raTotalEligSpEdMainstreamDaysPresent | RA Total Eligible SPED Mainstream Days Present | E1689_MS_RA_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1652 | RFT Days | totalEligResidentialFacilityDaysPresent | Total Eligible Residential Facility Days Present | E1652_RF_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1684 | RFT Days RS | rsTotalEligResidentialFacilityDaysPresent | RS Total Eligible Residential Facility Days Present | E1684_RF_RS_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |
E1685 | RFT Days RA | raTotalEligResidentialFacilityDaysPresent | RA Total Eligible Residential Facility Days Present | E1685_RF_RA_DAYS_PRES | Number(25,10) |