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Student PEIMS Leaver Verification Report

The Student PEIMS Leaver Verification report creates a CSV file that identifies and verifies the related data for students included as Leavers, including prior year graduates, in the Fall Submission Student Enrollment Interchange, School Leaver Extension. 

Note: Graduation data is verified separately with the Student PEIMS Graduate Verification Report.

Selection Criteria

This report has no specified selection criteria.

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.



Select Schools

If run from the District level, use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

If run from the school level, only the current school is available.

Select Students

Select one of the following:

  • The Selected [Number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

School Year

Choose the school year for the student membership and attendance data you want to include on the report.

School Start Window

Enter the appropriate date for the School Start Window for the year being processed. Typically, this is the last Friday in September.

October Snapshot Date

Enter the appropriate date for the October Snapshot Date for the year being processed. Typically, this is the last Friday in October.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Note: For current year enrollment data, some students may have multiple current year enrollments. In this case, the record that determines the student’s Fall Submission Leaver status is included (i.e. No Show Enrollment, Enrollment After the School Start Window, etc.)

Report Output Format: The report outputs a csv file.

Item #

Data Element



1Local Student IDThe student's district-assigned ID number.[Students]Student_Number
2TX Unique IDThe student's state-assigned unique ID number[Students]State_StudentNumber

Student Name

The student's name.[Students]LastFirst
4As of Status CodeThe student's as of status code.Calculated
5Leaver Type

Indicates whether the student is a "Dropout" (if Exit Code 98), "Graduate" if (Exit Code 01) or "Leaver" (all other exit codes).

Note: The report derives a value first based on the State Exit Code, if populated. Otherwise, the report derives a value based on the local Exit Code.

6Accountable School IDThe campus ID of the accountable school.[S_TX_USR_Resp_C]SchoolID
7Accountable School Name

The name of the accountable school.

Note: For schools reporting under the same TEA CDC number, the reportable school is listed.

8Prior Year School IDThe ID number of the school the student used to attend.[Schools]School_Number
9Prior Year School NameThe name of the school the student used to attend.[Schools]Name
10Prior Year Grade LevelThe student's grade level in the previous year.[Students]Grade_Level
11Prior Year Entry DateThe date the student entered school in the previous year.[Students]EntryDate
12Prior Year Exit DateThe date the student left the previous school.[Students]Exitdate
13Prior Year Exit Code

The reason the student left the previous school.





14Prior State Code EquivalentThe student's state exit code, if populated.




15Current Year School IDThe ID number of the school the student currently attends.[Schools]School_Number
16Current Year School NameThe name of the school the student currently attends.[Schools]Name
17Current Year Grade LevelThe student's current grade level.[Students]Grade_Level
18Current Year Entry DateThe date the student entered the current school.[Students]EntryDate
19Current Year Exit DateThe date the student left the current school, if applicable.[Students]Exitdate
20Current Year Exit CodeThe reason the student left the current school, if applicable.




21Current State Code EquivalentThe student's state exit code, if populated.




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