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AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection

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The AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection report produces a transcript with the exact same output as that of the standard AAR. The only differences in this version are the student selection options as detailed below. Refer to the main AAR Report Documentation page for all other details

Student Selection Options

  • Student Number: enter up to 10 student numbers
  • School and Grade Level: select a single school and grade level
  • First Letters of Last Name: enter up to 2 starting letters and 2 ending letters to filter students by last name. The maximum range supported is 9 characters of the alphabet such as A - I, or Hi - Pe.
  • The Selected X Students: create a selection of up to 600 students on the Start page. If the selection exceeds 600, the report Submit button is disabled. Return to the Start page to first refine the selection before running the report.

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