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Student Census Block Export

On this page:


  • TEA Census Block Tool Process

    • The PowerSchool Student Census Block export file serves as the input file to the TEA Census Block tool, which must be downloaded from the TSDS system.

    • Run the Census Block Export and unzip the output file to access the .csv Submission file and the .csv Excluded Students file.
    • Upload the submission file to the TEA Census Block Group Tool, which processes the records and assigns student census block codes.

    • Once the records are processed, the TEA tool provides a download file link; click this link to download and save the file.

    • The TEA output file is in the exact same format as the PowerSchool export file, but now contains the census block codes and other related fields.

    • Use the Student Census Block Import Tool to automatically import the census block records into PowerSchool.

  • Excluded Students File
    • A companion “Excluded Students” file is included when running the Student Census Block Export. Students with missing required fields or invalid values in the address fields no longer appear in the submission file. These students instead appear in a separate Excluded Students file, similar to that provided for the Student UID Request and ET Enrollment Event extracts.

    • The Excluded Students file contains student records for the following error conditions:

      • Invalid or missing UID

      • Missing/Invalid Street Address: Value is blank or contains only numbers

      • Missing/Invalid City: Value is blank or contains only numbers

      • Missing/Invalid State: Value is blank or is not a valid value of “TX”

      • Missing/Invalid Zip Code: Value is blank or is not 5 digits

    • Excluded Students Output File

      • Current School Code

      • Last Name

      • First Name

      • Student Number

      • Reason for Exclusion

      • Detail: Includes the erroneous data as populated or blank in PowerSchool

Selection Criteria

TEA Qualifying Criteria for Student Census Block Codes

    • Enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date

    • Economic Disadvantaged Code not = 00 or blank

    • Homeless Status Code = 0 or blank

    • ADA Eligibility Code not = 0, 4, 5, or 8

    • Attribution Code not = 21 or 23

Student Inclusion Options

  • Qualifying students with no current year record: Students meet the TEA criteria and have no Census Block record dated in the current year.

  • Qualifying students with missing records or address changes: Students meet the TEA criteria, but either have no Census Block record or the student’s address in the Census Block record does not match the student’s current address in PowerSchool.

  • All students enrolled on the Fall snapshot date: TEA qualifying criteria are not applied except for enrollment on the Snapshot.

  • The selected X students: TEA qualifying criteria are not applied; the user creates a selection of students on the Start Page.

Report Input

FieldAdditional Information
Select Schools

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select a Single School – Click the school for which you want to run the extract.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

Select the school year.

The current year and prior year are available. Choose the current school year to verify records for PEIMS and TSDS reporting this year.

Select the students to include:

  • Qualifying students with no current year record   
  • Qualifying students with missing records or address changes    
  • All students enrolled on the Fall snapshot date    
  • The Selected number of Students 

Report Output

Student Census Block Submission File

  • The TEA file format does not include a header row.
  • All columns shown below are required. Blank fields with the exception of Zip Extension will be populated by the TEA Census Block Group Tool for subsequent import into PowerSchool.

Data Element


[Table] Field Name

Student_NumberLocal Student Number. [Students]Student_Number
Street Address 1The first line of the student's address.[Students]Street
Street Address 2 The second line of the student's address (such as apartment number).[Students]Street
CityThe city for the student's address.[Students]City
StateThe state for the student's address.[Students]State
Zip CodeThe zip code for the student's address.[Students]Zip
Zip ExtensionRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
LatitudeRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
LongitudeRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
Confidence %Required TEA column; output as blank.n/a
TypeRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
State CodeRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
County CodeRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
TractRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
Block GroupRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a
Census Block Group NumberRequired TEA column; output as blank.n/a

Excluded Students Output File

Data Element


[Table] Field Name

Current School CodeThe current school code.[students]schoolid
Student Last NameThe student's last name.[students]last_name
Student First NameThe student's first name.[students]first_name
Student NumberThe student number.[students]student_number
Reason for Exclusion

The reason for the exclusion:

  • Invalid or missing UID

  • Missing/Invalid Street Address: Value is blank or contains only numbers

  • Missing/Invalid City: Value is blank or contains only numbers

  • Missing/Invalid State: Value is blank or is not a valid value of “TX”

  • Missing/Invalid Zip Code: Value is blank or is not 5 digits

Student DetailAdditional details about the student.




[students]street [students]state_studentnumber

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