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Career and Tech Verification Report


The Career and Tech Verification Report is a report of students who have taken, are taking or are planning to take Career and Tech Classes, along with details of each CTE class, the student's CTE Auto-Code status, and other indicators from the Career and Tech special program record. The CTE Auto-Code is normally enabled to run nightly; this report can also be used to manually invoke the CTE Auto-Code.

The report is updated to include the TEA-calculated CTE Programs of Study records, which can be now be imported from the district’s PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation.csv file. See the related release note for the new Import Process for TEA Calculated CTE Programs of Study. First, run the import process, then run the Career and Tech Verification Report to view the CTE Programs of Study for each student.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The school must be associated with a student included in the report.

Report Input

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report are described below.



Select Schools

At the District Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools not excluded from state reporting.
  • Select Multiple Schools allows the user to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school you want to run the extract.

At the School Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools not excluded from state reporting
  • Select Current School Only to run the extract just for the current school.
Current Selection of Students

Select one of the following options:

  • The selected students only.
  • All students. 
Auto-Code Option

Select one of the following options:

  • Report Only - CTE data is reported based on calculations from the last date that the CTE Auto-Code process was run.
  • Auto-Code and Report - The CTE Auto-Code process is executed before running the report, and the CTE data is reported based on new calculations.

Run Now

Select this option if the user wants to run the report immediately.


Select this option if the user wants to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:

  • Run Once
    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.
  • Repeat
    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.
      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.
      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.
      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.
      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.

Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end.

Report Output: Career and Tech Verification Report [pdf]

Data Element



Run Date

Date the report was run.

Page Number

Page number of the report.

District Number

The County District Number of the LEA.

District Name

The District Name.

School Number

The county district number for the campus.

School Name

The school name.

Student Count

The total number of students on the report.


Last Name

Student’s Last Name

First Name

Student’s First Name

State Student ID

Date of the extract.


Time of the extract.


Student’s Grade Level on that date.

Enroll Status

Student’s Enrollment Status on that date.

Entry Date

Student’s latest entry date.

Exit Date

Student’s latest exit date.

Note: If a student has current year CTE classes but does not have a current year CTE special program record, the report displays the message “No records for this student.”

CTE IndCTE Indicator
Auto Code statusAuto code status
Single ParentThe student has a single parent.
CTE TransThe student uses Transportation CTE Support Service.
Out of WorkforceThe student is out of the workforce.
Exclude Voc HrsExclude student from vocational hours. 

The following elements are repeated for each CTE course the student has in their All Enrollments.

Course Number

The number of the CTE course in the student’s schedule

Course Name

The name of the CTE course in the student’s schedule

SecThe section of the CTE course

Atl Course Number

The service ID of the CTE course in the student’s schedule

Vocational Hours

The number of contact hours associated to this section.

Fund TierThe weighted funding tier (T1, T2, T3) for each CTE course.
Fund WgtThe funding weights (1.1, 1.28, 1.44) for each CTE course.

Exclude CTE Hours Start

Exclude CTE Hours start time. 
Exclude CTE Hours EndExclude CTE Hours end time.
SourceThe source of Exclude CTE Hours start time and end time values. 

Entry Date

Entry date into this section.

Exit Date

Exit date into this section.

Program of Study

Program of study records

Note: If a student does not have Program of Study records, the report displays the message “No records for this student.”

School YearThe school year.
CTE IndicatorCTE Indicator code.
State/RegionThe state/region.
State ClusterIndicates if the program is part of the state cluster CTE program.
Federal ClusterIndicates if the program is part of the federal cluster CTE program.
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