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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: CDC Hepatitis B Vaccine Logic Update

The Hepatitis B CDC vaccine compliance logic and will now correctly identify the student as not compliant if their 3rd dose is given less than 6 months after their 2nd dose (taking into account the 4 day grace period).


All States/Provinces: Append Student Import Functionality Update for the Enhanced UI

The Append Student Import ID page and functionality is now available in the Enhanced UI at the following path:

Navigation: Start Page, Data and Reporting, Imports, Append Student Import ID.


All States/Provinces: Compliance Report link Update for the Enhanced UI

Compliance Report link will display as expected on the left navigation menu within the Enhanced UI.


Accelerated Instruction Navigation Updates

Improvements to the user interface navigation for student Accelerated Instruction records and associated Time Log records are now available.

  • Blank Time Log pages no longer display when switching to the next student or to the previous student using the forward and backward buttons in the upper left.

  • After creating a new Log record or viewing Log records, the user is returned to the main Accelerated Instruction page for the associated subject.

  • When switching to the next student, the main Accelerated Instruction record is displayed by default.


Career and Tech Verification Report Updates for CTE Programs of Study

Career and Tech Verification Report: Version 23.12.2

The report is updated to include the TEA-calculated CTE Programs of Study records, which can be now be imported from the district’s PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation.csv file. See the related release note for the new Import Process for TEA Calculated CTE Programs of Study. First run the import process, then run the Career and Tech Verification Report to view the CTE Programs of Study for each student.

As before, the report displays basic student identifiers and enrollment information, data from the Career and Tech Special Program records, and a list of the student’s current year CTE Classes including V Hours and Funding Tiers/Weights.

The student’s CTE Programs of Study records display below the list of classes with these elements:

  • School Year

  • Program of Study

  • CTE Indicator

  • State/Region

  • State Cluster

  • Federal Cluster

If a student does not have a current year Career and Tech special program record or any CTE Programs of Study, “No records for this student” displays within the applicable section of the report.


Discipline Interchange and Incident Management Verification Report Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-335228

Incident Management Verification Report: Version 23.12.2

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 23.12.2

The queries for these reports are updated to no longer rely on internal lookup codes when identifying Incident Management codes and attributes for TEA reporting. All reportable elements are included and extracted as expected regardless of the internal codes.


New Import Process for CTE Programs of Study

Import Process for TEA Calculated CTE Programs of Study: Version 23.12.2

A new import process is now available under the Student Programs category on the State Reports page. The CTE Programs of Study import creates and/or updates student records using the information contained in your district’s PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation.csv file, which is available for download from the TSDS system. The TEA file contains the calculated CTE Programs of Study records based on CTE course completion data submitted in the PEIMS Summer and Extended Year submissions.  Before proceeding, you must first download the TEA report in CSV format.

Import Process

  • The CTE Programs of Study import can be run for different files and different school years.

  • In the Academic Year parameter, select the year that corresponds to the value in column A of the TEA file you wish to import. The 2023 Academic Year file is the most recent file available from TEA and includes 2022-23 records.

  • Click the Browse button to select the TEA file. If the selected year does not match the Academic Year in the file, an error message is displayed.

  • If the file is valid, click Import File to initiate the import. The user is directed to the State Reports Queue.

Record Processing

  • Students are matched using the Student Number from the Local ID column in the file. If no matching student number is found, the import matches based on Unique ID.

  • Records are imported for active and inactive students, including Graduates.

  • For students with a single TEA-calculated Program of Study, a single record is imported for the corresponding school year.

  • Students with multiple Programs of Study will have multiple records.

  • If records for a particular school year already exist, they are overwritten and updated using the records in the TEA file.

  • Records for students with no matching PowerSchool Student Number or Unique ID are not imported.  These records appear in the companion Excluded Students file.

CTE Program of Study Records

  • Records from the TEA file are imported into the PowerSchool CTE Programs of Study table (S_TX_STU_CTEPS_C), which is a child of the Students table.

  • After importing the records, select a student and navigate to Student Programs > Career and Tech. Click the CTE Programs of Study button to view the student’s records.

  • Students may have multiple Programs of Study for a single year or for multiple years.  The CTE Indicator Codes may differ across records. The most recent records are displayed at the top of the page.

    • School Year

    • Program of Study

    • CTE Indicator

    • State/Regional Program

    • State Cluster

    • Federal Cluster

    • System Comment

  • After running the import process, generate the updated Career and Tech Verification Report, which now includes the CTE Programs of Study for each student. See the related release note for this report for additional details.

Import Process for TEA Calculated CTE Programs of Study Report Output: A zip file is produced containing two csv files. Download and unzip the file, then open the files in Excel or other similar application.

  • Import Confirmation File:  Includes all students for whom at least one Program of Study record was imported.

    • Year

    • Campus ID

    • Student Name

    • UID

    • Local ID

    • Grade

  • Excluded Students File: Includes students that were not processed due to no matching Student Local ID or UID.


Report Footer Timestamp Updated in Electronic Attendance Reports

Electronic Attendance Audit Report : Version 23.12.2

Attendance All Present Audit Report : Version 23.12.2

Section Attendance Status : Version 23.12.2

The timestamp in the report footer now displays the correct local time when the report was generated based on the district’s location.


Texas CRDC Data Collection Updates

Updates for CRDC elements with Texas-specific logic are now available along with new overrides to support data collection for students who do not meet the calculated Texas criteria. The 2021-22 CRDC Report Updates will follow in the subsequent release.

CRDC School Form: Enrollment of English Language Learner Students

  • ENRL-2a.   Is this a student who is an English Learner (EL)?

    • Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot with EB/EL Indicator code 1. To override,  select a value.

    • If a student was identified as an EL student, but does not have an EB/EL special program record in effect for the 2021-22 school year, enter an override on the CRDC Student page.

  • ENRL-2b.   Is this student enrolled in English Learner Programs?

    • Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot with ESL or Bilingual Indicator code other than 0 or an Alternative Language Program code other than 00. To override, select a value

    • If a student participated in an EL program, but does not have an EB/EL special program record in effect for the 2021-22 school year, enter an override on the CRDC Student page.

CRDC School Form - PENR-1 and PENR-2: Gifted and Talented Enrollment

  • Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot in a Gifted program. To override, select a value.

  • If a student participated in a Gifted and Talented program, but does not have a Gifted and Talented special program record in effect for the 2021-22 school year, enter an override on the CRDC Student page.

CRDC School Form - PENR-5 and PENR-6: Credit Recovery Class Enrollment

  • Texas-specific verbiage has been added to the School Info, Courses, Sections and Student pages to support the identification of schools offering Credit Recovery classes and students taking one or more of these classes: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot in classes with Credit Recovery flag = Yes in Courses,  Sections, or Stored Grades. To override, select a value.

  • If the Texas Credit Recovery flags are not set in Courses, Sections or Stored Grades for the 2021-22 school year, students can be individually coded for Credit Recovery on the CRDC Student page.

CRDC School Form - APIB-2.  Student Enrollment in International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme

  • Logic has been expanded to include Service ID’s when identifying IB Courses in Courses and Sections.

  • Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot in classes with Special Explanation Code I or Service ID beginning in "I" but not "IH”. To override, select a value.

  • If a student took IB courses during the 2021-22 school year, but does not have the supporting class schedule in PowerSchool, enter an override on the CRDC Student page.

CRDC School Form - New Questions: Harassment or Bullying based on Gender Identity

Two new Participant Attribute Codes are now available in Incident Management. These codes appear under the Roles for Victims and Offenders.

  • HIBS-2: Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – Gender Identity

    • A new code of I - Victim Gender Identity is now available under the "CRDC Victim of Harassment/Bullying" Participant Attribute.

    • If a student made allegations of harassment or bullying based on Gender Identify, the Victim should be added to the incident with this Participant Attribute and this new code should be selected for the Victim.

  • HIBS-7: Students Disciplined for Harassment or Bullying – Sex

    • A new code of I - Offender Gender Identity is now available under the "CRDC Offender Disciplined  Harassment/Bullying" Participant Attribute.

    • If a student was disciplined for harassment or bullying based on Gender Identify, this new code should be selected for the Offender.

    • Note that Harassment or Bullying based on Gender Identity is considered a subset of Harassment or Bullying Based on Sex (Gender). Gender Identity Offenders will be included in the student counts for this category.

All Other CRDC Data Entry

In addition to the above Texas-specific elements, the standard CRDC data collection is now complete on the following pages. Districts should review and complete the CRDC questions as applicable on each page.

  • District

    • Legacy Navigation: District Setup > District Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: District Management > District Setup > District Info Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Schools

    • Legacy Navigation: District Setup > Schools/School Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: District Management > District Setup > School Info > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Courses

    • Legacy Navigation: District Setup > Courses > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: District Management > Courses and Programs > Courses Civil> Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Sections

    • Legacy Navigation: School Setup > Scheduling > Sections > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: School Management > Courses and Programs > Course Sections > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Students

    • Legacy Navigation: Student > State/Province - TX > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: Student > Compliance > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

  • Staff

    • Legacy Navigation: Staff > Staff Information > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

    • Enhanced Navigation: Staff > Compliance > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC)

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