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Additional Student Fields Upload File

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Additional Student Fields extract is available under the Assessment Pre-Code Extracts category on the State Reports page. This optional extract can be used to flag students in Cambium for the specific testing exceptions described below.

This extract currently supports seven specific fields that are unique to the Additional Student Fields Upload, and which are not already reported in the Cambium Student Registration File.

  • December, Spring and June EOC Retester Flags

  • Test Mode (Paper)

  • Paper Test Format

  • Designated Supports

  • Extra Day

Students must be registered for the assessment(s) in Cambium before additional student fields can be loaded. Run and load the Student Registration File extract first, then run the Additional Student Fields extract as needed.

Data Collection by Assessment


      • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper.

        • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.

        • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper to online.

        • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.

      • Paper Test Format

        • (RP) Regular Print

        • (RE) Regular Print Embedded Supports

        • (LP) Large Print

        • (LE) Large Print Embedded Supports

        • (SP) Spanish Regular Print (grades 3-5 Math & Reading, grade 5 Science only)

        • (SL) Spanish Large Print (grades 3-5 Math & Reading, grade 5 Science only)

        • (BC) Braille Contracted

        • (BU Braille Uncontracted

      • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.

      • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.


      • December, Spring and June Retester fields: Select the checkbox(es) if applicable.

      • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper.

        • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.

        • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper to online.

        • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.

      • Paper Test Format

        • (RP) Regular Print

        • (RE) Regular Print Embedded Supports

        • (LP) Large Print

        • (LE) Large Print Embedded Supports

        • (BC) Braille Contracted

        • (BU Braille Uncontracted

      • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.

      • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.


      • TELPAS Reading & Writing

        • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.

        • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper & Holistic

          • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.

          • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper/holistic to online.

          • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.

        • Paper Test Format

          • (RP) Regular Print

          • (LP) Large Print

          • (BC) Braille Contracted

          • (BU Braille Uncontracted

        • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.

      • TELPAS Listening & Speaking

        • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.

        • Test Mode: (H) Holistic or (O) Online

          • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (H) Holistic if applicable.

          • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from holistic to online.

        • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.

Report Input

Generating the Additional Student Fields File

Field Additional Information
Select Schools and Students

Select schools and students (all students is the recommended option).

Assessments (Mandatory)
  • Select one or more Assessments (all assessments can be selected at once)

    • The same student selection criteria as used for the Registration File are first applied to identify students qualifying for records according to the assessments selected.

STAAR EOC Test Administration (Mandatory)
  • If any EOC subject is selected in Assessments, also select at least one EOC Test Administration.

  • Additional filtering is then applied to identify students coded for one or more Additional Student Fields for each of the selected assessments.

Exclude Students with Missing UID or DOB
  • While only the UID is required in the Additional Student Fields file, students with a missing DOB would have previously been excluded from the Registration file.

  • This parameter should normally be set to Yes. In this case, if any qualifying students have missing values, they will be listed in a separate Excluded Student companion file included in file output

Report Output

Additional Student Fields File Output

    • The output is a CSV file that contains four columns: TSDS ID (UID), AttributeName, Subject, and Value.

    • Students with at least one populated value for an Additional Student Field for the assessments selected at runtime are included.

    • Multiple records will be published for a student if the student has more than one Additional Student Field value selected – either for the same assessment or a different assessment.

Data ElementDescription [Table]Field NameData Type
TSDS IDThe unique ID of the student [Students]State_StudentNumberNumber(10,0)
Algebra I ASL VideosAlgebra I ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_ASLBoolean
Algebra I Auto Text-to-SpeechAlgebra I Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_ATSBoolean
Algebra I Basic TI CalculatorAlgebra I Basic TI Calculator[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_CALBoolean
Algebra I Content and Language SupportsAlgebra I Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_CLSBoolean
Algebra I December EligibilityAlgebra I December Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_DECBoolean
Algebra I December RetesterAlgebra I December Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_DEC_RTBoolean
Algebra I Extra DayAlgebra I Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_EXTRABoolean
Algebra I InterimAlgebra I Interim[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_INTBoolean
Algebra I June EligibilityAlgebra I June Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_JUNBoolean
Algebra I June RetesterAlgebra I June Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_JUN_RTBoolean
Algebra I Other Designated SupportsAlgebra I Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Algebra I Paper (Test Mode)Algebra I Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Algebra I Paper Test FormatAlgebra I Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Algebra I Permissive ModeAlgebra I Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_PERBoolean
Algebra I Spring EligibilityAlgebra I Spring Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_SPRBoolean
Algebra I Spring RetesterAlgebra I Spring Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_SPR_RTBoolean
Algebra I STAAR Alt2Algebra I STAAR Alt2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_ALT2Boolean
Algebra I Text-to-SpeechAlgebra I Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ALG1_TTSBoolean
Biology ASL VideosBiology ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_ASLBoolean
Biology Auto Text-to-SpeechBiology Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_ATSBoolean
Biology Content and Language SupportsBiology Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_CLSBoolean
Biology December EligibilityBiology December Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_DECBoolean
Biology December RetesterBiology December Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_DEC_RTBoolean
Biology Extra DayBiology Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_EXTRABoolean
Biology InterimBiology Interim[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_INTBoolean
Biology June EligibilityBiology June Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_JUNBoolean
Biology June RetesterBiology June Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_JUN_RTBoolean
Biology Other Designated SupportsBiology Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Biology Paper (Test Mode)Biology Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Biology Paper Test FormatBiology Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Biology Permissive ModeBiology Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_PERBoolean
Biology Speech-to-TextBiology Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_STTBoolean
Biology Spelling AssistanceBiology Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_SPLBoolean
Biology Spring EligibilityBiology Spring Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_SPRBoolean
Biology Spring RetesterBiology Spring Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_SPR_RTBoolean
Biology STAAR Alt2Biology STAAR Alt2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_ALT2Boolean
Biology Text-to-SpeechBiology Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]BIO_TTSBoolean
English I ASL VideosEnglish I ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_ASLBoolean
English I Auto Text-to-SpeechEnglish I Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_ATSBoolean
English I Content and Language SupportsEnglish I Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_CLSBoolean
English I December EligibilityEnglish I December Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_DECBoolean
English I December RetesterEnglish I December Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_DEC_RTBoolean
English I Extra DayEnglish I Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_EXTRABoolean
English I InterimEnglish I Interim[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_INTBoolean
English I June EligibilityEnglish I June Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_JUNBoolean
English I June RetesterEnglish I June Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_JUN_RTBoolean
English I Other Designated SupportsEnglish I Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_OTHDESSUPBoolean
English I Paper (Test Mode)English I Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
English I Paper Test FormatEnglish I Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
English I Permissive ModeEnglish I Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_PERBoolean
English I PresentationEnglish I Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_PRSVarchar(2)2
English I Speech-to-TextEnglish I Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_STTBoolean
English I Spelling AssistanceEnglish I Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_SPLBoolean
English I Spring EligibilityEnglish I Spring Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_SPRBoolean
English I Spring RetesterEnglish I Spring Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_SPR_RTBoolean
English I STAAR Alt2English I STAAR Alt2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_ALT2Boolean
English I Text-to-SpeechEnglish I Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG1_TTSBoolean
English II ASL VideosEnglish II ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_ASLBoolean
English II Auto Text-to-SpeechEnglish II Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_ATSBoolean
English II Content and Language SupportsEnglish II Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_CLSBoolean
English II December EligibilityEnglish II December Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_DECBoolean
English II December RetesterEnglish II December Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_DEC_RTBoolean
English II Extra DayEnglish II Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_EXTRABoolean
English II InterimEnglish II Interim[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_INTBoolean
English II June EligibilityEnglish II June Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_JUNBoolean
English II June RetesterEnglish II June Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_JUN_RTBoolean
English II Other Designated SupportsEnglish II Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_OTHDESSUPBoolean
English II Paper (Test Mode)English II Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
English II Paper Test FormatEnglish II Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
English II Permissive ModeEnglish II Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_PERBoolean
English II PresentationEnglish II Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_PRSVarchar(2)2
English II Speech-to-TextEnglish II Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_STTBoolean
English II Spelling AssistanceEnglish II Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_SPLBoolean
English II Spring EligibilityEnglish II Spring Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_SPRBoolean
English II Spring RetesterEnglish II Spring Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_SPR_RTBoolean
English II STAAR Alt2English II STAAR Alt2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_ALT2Boolean
English II Text-to-SpeechEnglish II Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]ENG2_TTSBoolean
Math Above GradeMath Above Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_ABOVE_GRVarchar(2)2
Math ASL VideosMath ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_ASLBoolean
Math Auto Text-to-SpeechMath Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_ATSBoolean
Math TI CalculatorMath TI Calculator[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_CALBoolean
Math Content and Language SupportsMath Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_CLSBoolean
Math Extra DayMath Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_EXTRABoolean
Math Interim GradeMath Interim Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_INT_GRVarchar(2)2
Math Other Designated SupportsMath Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Math Paper (Test Mode)Math Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Math Paper Test FormatMath Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Math Permissive ModeMath Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_PERBoolean
Math PresentationMath Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_PRSVarchar(2)2
Math Speech-to-TextMath Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_STTBoolean
Math Text-to-SpeechMath Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]MA_TTSBoolean
New to Texas New to Texas [S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]NEW_TXBoolean
Reading Above GradeReading Above Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_ABOVE_GRVarchar(2)2
Reading ASL VideosReading ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_ASLBoolean
Reading Auto Text-to-SpeechReading Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_ATSBoolean
Reading Content and Language SupportsReading Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_CLSBoolean
Reading Extra DayReading Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_EXTRABoolean
Reading Interim GradeReading Interim Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_INT_GRVarchar(2)2
Reading Other Designated SupportsReading Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Reading Paper (Test Mode)Reading Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Reading Paper Test FormatReading Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Reading Permissive ModeReading Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_PERBoolean
Reading PresentationReading Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_PRSVarchar(2)2
Reading Speech-to-TextReading Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_STTBoolean
Reading Spelling AssistanceReading Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_SPLBoolean
Reading Text-to-SpeechReading Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]RE_TTSBoolean
Science Above GradeScience Above Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_ABOVE_GRVarchar(2)2
Science ASL VideosScience ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_ASLBoolean
Science Auto Text-to-SpeechScience Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_ATSBoolean
Science TI CalculatorScience TI Calculator [S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_CALBoolean
Science Content and Language SupportsScience Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_CLSBoolean
Science Extra DayScience Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_EXTRABoolean
Science Interim GradeScience Interim Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_INT_GRVarchar(2)2
Science Other Designated SupportsScience Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Science Paper (Test Mode)Science Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Science Paper Test FormatScience Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Science Permissive ModeScience Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_PERBoolean
Science PresentationScience Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_PRSVarchar(2)2
Science Speech-to-TextScience Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_STTBoolean
Science Spelling AssistanceScience Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_SPLBoolean
Science Text-to-SpeechScience Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SC_TTSBoolean
Social Studies Above GradeSocial Studies Above Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_ABOVE_GRVarchar(2)2
Social Studies ASL VideosSocial Studies ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_ASLBoolean
Social Studies Auto Text-to-SpeechSocial Studies Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_ATSBoolean
Social Studies Content and Language SupportsSocial Studies Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_CLSBoolean
Social Studies Extra DaySocial Studies Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_EXTRABoolean
Social Studies Interim GradeSocial Studies Interim Grade[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_INT_GRVarchar(2)2
Social Studies Other Designated SupportsSocial Studies Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_OTHDESSUPBoolean
Social Studies Paper (Test Mode)Social Studies Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
Social Studies Paper Test FormatSocial Studies Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
Social Studies Permissive ModeSocial Studies Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_PERBoolean
Social Studies PresentationSocial Studies Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_PRSVarchar(2)2
Social Studies Speech-to-TextSocial Studies Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_STTBoolean
Social Studies Spelling AssistanceSocial Studies Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_SPLBoolean
Social Studies Text-to-SpeechSocial Studies Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]SS_TTSBoolean
STAAR Alternate 2STAAR Alternate 2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]STAAR_ALT2Boolean
TELPAS LS Other Designated SupportsTELPAS LS Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_LS_OTHDESSUPBoolean
TELPAS LS Test Mode: HolisticTELPAS LS Test Mode: Holistic[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_LS_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
TELPAS RW Other Designated SupportsTELPAS RW Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_RW_OTHDESSUPBoolean
TELPAS RW Permissive ModeTELPAS RW Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_RW_PERBoolean
TELPAS RW PresentationTELPAS RW Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_RW_PRSVarchar(2)3
TELPAS RW Test Mode: Paper & HolisticTELPAS RW Test Mode: Paper & Holistic[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]TELPAS_RW_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
US History ASL VideosUS History ASL Videos[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_ASLBoolean
US History Auto Text-to-SpeechUS History Auto Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_ATSBoolean
US History Content and Language SupportsUS History Content and Language Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_CLSBoolean
US History December EligibilityUS History December Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_DECBoolean
US History December RetesterUS History December Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_DEC_RTBoolean
US History Extra DayUS History Extra Day[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_EXTRABoolean
US History InterimUS History Interim[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_INTBoolean
US History June EligibilityUS History June Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_JUNBoolean
US History June RetesterUS History June Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_JUN_RTBoolean
US History Other Designated SupportsUS History Other Designated Supports[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_OTHDESSUPBoolean
US History Paper (Test Mode)US History Paper (Test Mode)[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_TESTMODEVarchar(2)2
US History Paper Test FormatUS History Paper Test Format[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_PAPERFORMATVarchar(2)3
US History Permissive ModeUS History Permissive Mode[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_PERBoolean
US History PresentationUS History Presentation[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_PRSVarchar(2)2
US History Speech-to-TextUS History Speech-to-Text[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_STTBoolean
US History Spelling AssistanceUS History Spelling Assistance[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_SPLBoolean
US History Spring EligibilityUS History Spring Eligibility[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_SPRBoolean
US History Spring RetesterUS History Spring Retester[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_SPR_RTBoolean
US History STAAR Alt2US History STAAR Alt2[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_ALT2Boolean
US History Text-to-SpeechUS History Text-to-Speech[S_TX_STU_ASSMT_X]USH_TTSBoolean
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