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State Reporting Release Notes

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Release Note

PSSR-249846Fall PEIMS Student Interchange Update with Option to Report Prior Year Certifications

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.33

  • The report is updated to support the additional "catch-up" opportunity to include certifications earned in the prior school year as announced by TEA in the October 2021.2.3 version of the Data Standards.
    • Normally, the only IBC's included in Fall PEIMS are those earned by students during the prior summer between 06/01/2020 and 08/31/2020.
    • A new parameter is now available to allow users to also extract all IBC's earned between 09/01/2019 and 08/31/2020: "Include certifications earned during the prior school year."
    • Per TEA guidance, this catch-up opportunity applies only to IBC's that were not reported in last year's PEIMS Summer Submission.
      • In the exceptional case where a student's 2019-20 certifications were not entered in PowerSchool in time for Summer PEIMS, districts can make a selection of the impacted student(s), and use the new option.
      • This option should not be used when generating Student Interchange for all students.
  • In addition, the report is updated to output the IBC Vendor Code element with a blank value to trigger a loader error if the IBC Vendor Code value is not populated in PowerSchool.
    • IBC Vendor Code is a required field for each certification reported this Fall.
    • If reporting a student's current or prior year certifications, ensure that this element is populated in the Certification/Licensures record.
PSSR-250386TREx Extract Updates for Academic Session Transcript Records

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.23
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.17

  • The TREx Extracts are updated with logic to appropriately report grade records when multiple store codes are mapped to the same final grade type.
  • Additionally, the accelerated course logic is updated to accurately report grades for accelerated semester-length classes (full year's curriculum completed in one semester). Course Sequence 1 and Course Sequence 2 records will be reported based on the quarter term dates and the stored grades mapped to final grade types of S1 and S2.
PSSR-240818Updates for the ECDS Collection and Other TSDS Interchanges

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.40
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.30
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.41
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.54
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.39
Updates for the 2020-21 ECDS Collection along with other TSDS collections are now available.

  • EdOrg Interchange
    • ECDS Collection
      • Class Period Ref and Class Period complex: an additional default period of "99" is now included for all schools to support remote classes where the remote class period may not exist at the student's home school.
      • Obsolete elements are removed.
    • TSDS RFT and SPPI-14 Collections: per the October 2021.2.3 version of the Data Standards, the Course complex is no longer reported and is removed from the output.
  • Master Schedule Interchange
    • Remote classes are now reported with a class period of "99" regardless of the actual period where taught at the remote campus.
    • Obsolete elements are removed.
    • PK-Curricula Code: the hierarchy of data sources is updated to account for the new school and district-level defaults previously added to the data collection. The first non-blank value identified in the PK-Curricula Code (E1579) fields is output.
      • Section: S_TX_SEC_X.E1579_PK_Curricula
      • Course: S_TX_CRS_X.E1579_PK_Curricula
      • School: S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.E1579_PK_Curricula
      • District: Prefs. E1579_PK_CURRICULA
    • PK School Type: the hierarchy of data sources is updated to remove the deprecated section-level field, and to add the new district-level default previously added to the data collection. The first non-blank value identified in the PK School Type (E1555) fields is output. If both sources are blank, a default of “02 Public Pre-K” is reported.
      • School: PK School Type.S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.E1555
      • District: Prefs.E1555
  • Staff Interchange
    • ECDS and Class Roster Collections: Staff section records are reported if the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code = NULL, 00, or 06 (Non-campus teacher providing instruction at another district facility); otherwise records are not reported for any other type of Non-Campus Based Instruction.
    • Class Roster Collection: when a teacher’s assignment to the section has an exit date that is the same as the Class Roster snapshot date, the record is now reported as expected.
  • Student Enrollment Interchange
    • ECDS Collection
      • The Student Instruction element is added to the Student School Association complex for the PK ECDS collection.
        • This element is sourced exclusively from the Student Instruction (E1558) field in the Section record for the ECDS class flagged as the Homeroom Section.
        • This field must be populated in all PK ECDS Homeroom Sections with a value of (01) Full Day, (02) Half Day – Morning, or (03) Half Day – Afternoon. No default is applied if left blank.
      • The PK School Type element is added to the Student School Association complex for the PK ECDS collection using the same hierarchy of data sources as noted above for the Master Schedule Interchange.
    • Class Roster Collection: the record selection criteria is updated to include classes with Explanation Code “R” (summer/night school), and to exclude classes with Explanation Codes “3” (Credit awarded based on the district evaluation of the student records) or “L” (Local Credit).
  • Student Program Interchange
    • The parameter for “Limit to Grade KG and/or PK" is removed as the Program Interchange is reported only for the PK collection.
    • Consideration of the obsolete state grade-level override is removed.
    • The student selection criteria are updated to report records only for PK students (grades -1 and -2) who have or have had a Special Education Special Program record in effect for at least one day during the current school year.
    • Removed the StudentProgramAssociation complex from the ECDS-PK output and replaced it with the
      StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension complex type.
      • Student Program records are now reported only for PK students who have or have had a Special Education Special Program record in effect for at least one day during the current school year. A fixed value of "Special Education" is reported in all records.
      • Records for students in regular education are no longer included.
  • Student Parent Interchange: all required changes were provided in a prior release of this TSDS interchange; no additional updates are included in this release.
PSSR-251305Updates to FALL PEIMS Interchanges

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.40
TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.33
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.54
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.41
Updates are now available to correct issues identified for the Fall PEIMS Submission.

  • EdOrg Interchange
    • In the Courses complex, the selection criteria is restored to its correct state.
    • All courses assigned to the school in the current year are included as long as the Service ID is not blank.
    • Courses do not need to have scheduled sections to be included.
  • Student
    • The required Star of Texas Indicator now reports as expected for all PK students, including PK3.
  • Student Enrollment
    • The handling of Fall Graduates is updated to ensure that students who graduate after the August 31 cut-off date for reporting prior year graduates are not reported as Leavers/Grads.
    • Fall Graduates who enrolled in the current year to complete coursework or other requirements are now reported with a Student School Association record only.
    • Students who graduated in the prior school year up through August 31 continue to be reported with Leaver and Grad Program extension records as expected.
  • Staff
    • The record selection query is updated to ensure that records for district-level staff are reported as expected when the "Include District Staff" parameter is set to Yes.
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