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P-EBT Upload File

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The new Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) identifies students who are newly qualified for National School Lunch Program (NSLP) benefits during the Summer of 2021 and creates P-EBT File Extract so that the districts can submit the students for Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer to the Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) portal.

Selection Criteria

  • Before running the P-EBT Upload File, districts must first complete the setup for COVID closure days in the School Calendar, along with attendance code and attendance code category configurations for COVID-related absences and virtual attendance.

  • The appropriate COVID-19 and Virtual Attendance codes must also be assigned to students in the ADA period at their home schools as applicable.

  • Refer to the Setup Guide for P-EBT COVID Closures, Absences and Virtual Attendance for details.

School Eligibility

    • Before any students enrolled in a particular school can be considered for P-EBT eligibility, the school must first meet the following eligibility requirements.

      • The school must be coded as participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) In Schools/School Info:

        • 01 Yes, NSLP without any Provision or the Community Eligibility Provision (including (SSO)

        • 02 Yes, NSLP under Provision 2 (including SSO)

        • 03 Yes, NSLP under the Community Eligibility Provision (including SSO)

      • The school is closed OR has been operating with reduced attendance or hours for at least five (5) consecutive days due to the COVID-19 emergency in the current school year. This could be a single student at the school with five consecutive days of COVID-19 closures, COVID-19-related absences or virtual attendance consisting of any of the following:

        • School Calendar: COVID closures where Day Type code = CC

        • Student ADA Period Virtual Attendance: ADA period code = CRS or CRA.

        • Student ADA Period COVID Absences: Any ADA period code attached to COVID-19 Absence Code Category = C19

        • Student ADA Period Virtual Absences: Any ADA period code = VAE or VAU

      • If yes, the school is eligible and student eligibility can then be calculated; if no, the school does not qualify and any student enrollments and attendance within that school are ignored.

      • The School Eligibility Date (first day of the first occurrence of five consecutive days) is also calculated and preserved for use in calculating the number of days students in the school are P-EBT eligible.

      • Student days eligible are only those days on or after the School Eligibility Date.

      • The School Eligibility Date is also output as part of the P-EBT Student Audit Report Companion File.

Student Eligibility

  • Student must have at least one day of enrollment in a qualifying school on or after the School Eligibility Date where at least one of these conditions is met:
    • Student is enrolled in an NSLP Community Provision School: NSLP Code 3 (regardless of Economic Disadvantage code)
    • Student is enrolled in an NSLP School with Codes 1 or 2 AND has an Eco Dis Special Program record with an indicator of 01 or 02 at any point during the school year. Note that once eligible as Eco Dis 01 or 02, that eligibility applies to the entire year; COVID attendance prior to Eco Dis eligibility is included.
  • Student has qualifying P-EBT attendance on or after the School Eligibility Date
    • School closed due to COVID Closure Day (CC in school calendar)
    • Student has an ADA period COVID-19 absence code
    • Student has an ADA period CRS or CRA Virtual COVID attendance present code
    • Student has an ADA period VAE or VAU virtual absence code
  • Students with qualifying attendance in multiple schools will have multiple records in the file.

Report Input


Schools to Report

Choose one, all, or a selection of Schools. A school selection will only be offered at District Office. When running at a school, only that school will be available.

Students to Include

Required. Indicate which students to include in the report by choosing one of the following options:

  • The Selected "" Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Select the school year

Choose the reporting period 

  • Semester 1
  • Semester 2

Choose the change indicator. 

  • Blank: This is the default and the normal runtime option. Records for all qualifying students are included and the Change Indicator is reported as blank.
  • (U) Update existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students whose Number of Days Eligible needs to be updated. The Change Indicator is output as U and will serve to update the Number of Days Eligible in the HHS system.
  • (D) Delete existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students who were previously reported with Days Eligible, but no longer qualify for P-EBT. The Change Indicator is output as D and will serve to delete the existing records in the HHS system. This option could also be used if the district needs to re-start the collection from scratch. In this case, all schools and students would be selected and every record will be flagged with the D indicator.

Enter the file number.

Select the file output type. 

Note that in all cases, the file is output as a .zip file, even if it contains only a single file. The file must be unzipped to extract the Submission and/or Student Audit file(s)

  • Submission and Student Audit Files (default)

  • Submission File only

  • Student Audit File only

Select Yes to

Select Yes to

Select Yes to

Report Output

P-EBT Upload File Output

Data ElementAdditional Information[Table]FieldName

School Year

The school year for this report.



Semester selected for the report


Change indicatorSelected Change indicatorChange_indicator
Last NameThe student's Last Name [Students]Last_Name
First NameThe student's First Name[Students]First_Name
Date of Birth

The student's Date of Birth



SSN or state-assigned student ID


Local IDStudent Local ID


Unique ID

Student Unique_ID


GenderStudent's gender


District Number

The county-district number for the students reported.


Campus Number

The school number for the students reported.

Days eligible for P-EBTThe total number of days eligible for P-EBT. 


Parent's First NameParent's first name


Parent's Last NameParent's last name


DOBDate of birth of the parent


Email addressParent's email address


Phone NumberParent's phone number


Address 1Address Line 1


Address 2Address line 2


CityStudent's city


StateStudent's state


P-EBT Student Audit File Output

Data ElementAdditional Information[Table]FieldName

School Year

The school year for this report.



Semester selected for the report


Change indicatorSelected Change indicatorChange_indicator
Last NameThe student's Last Name [Students]Last_Name
First NameThe student's First Name[Students]First_Name
Date of Birth

The student's Date of Birth



SSN or state-assigned student ID


Local IDStudent Local ID


Unique ID

Student Unique_ID


GenderStudent's gender


District Number

The county-district number for the students reported.


Campus Number

The school number for the students reported.

Days eligible for P-EBTThe total number of days eligible for P-EBT. 



Audit Date



Type (School Closure per Calendar Day Type of CC, COVID Abs or Virtual Att)

Att Code

Blank if school closure; otherwise, the student’s ADA period code for a COVID absence or Virtual Present Attendance code)


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