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Student Demographics

On this page:

General Demographics

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Student Name

Last Name and First Name are required. Middle Name is required if applicable.

Use the PEIMS Name Override fields if the first name, middle name or last name exceeds the number of characters allowed by PowerSchool or if the name to be reported for PEIMS differs from what is on the Students Demographics page.

Note: Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into these fields.




Last Name Override

Enter if the last name exceeds the character limit on the Demographics page or if the last name needs to be reported differently from the core Last Name.



  • As of the 2019-20 school year, the maximum length allowed for TSDS/PEIMS for staff names is 60 characters. Names that exceed this character length will be truncated in the extracts.
  • The TEA max length is 60 for each of the name fields; TREx max length is 30 for Middle Name. Values that exceed the max length will be shortened in state reports as needed.
  • Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into this field.


First Name Override

Enter if the first name exceeds the character limit on the Demographics page or if the first name needs to be reported differently from the core First Name.



  • As of the 2019-20 school year, the maximum length allowed for TSDS/PEIMS for staff names is 60 characters. Names that exceed this character length will be truncated in the extracts.
  • The TEA max length is 60 for each of the name fields; TREx max length is 30 for Middle Name. Values that exceed the max length will be shortened in state reports as needed.
  • Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into this field.


Middle Name Override

Enter if the middle name exceeds the character limit on the Demographics page or if the middle name needs to be reported differently from the core Middle Name.



  • As of the 2019-20 school year, the maximum length allowed for TSDS/PEIMS for staff names is 60 characters. Names that exceed this character length will be truncated in the extracts.
  • The TEA max length is 60 for each of the name fields; TREx max length is 30 for Middle Name. Values that exceed the max length will be shortened in state reports as needed.
  • Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into this field.


Generation Code (Optional)

Choose a generation code form the pop-up menu.

Note: When reporting the generation code for TREx, the short codes are reported such as 1, 2, 3

1          Jr
2          Sr
3          II
4          III
5          IV
6          V
7          VI
8          VII
9          VIII
A          I
B          IX
C          X



Enter the student’s home address.






Mailing Address

Enter the student’s mailing address.





Phone Number

Enter the student’s home phone number.



Date of Birth

September 1 impacts enrollment eligibility.

Format mm/dd/yyyy



Federal Ethnicity and Race


Select Yes or No for the students Ethnicity.





Federal Ethnicity and Race


Select the student's race. One or more may be selected.



StudentRace is linked to the Students table by the internal Student id ([Students]ID links to the [StudentRace]StudentID)

StudentRace has the following fields

ID (Internal number of record)

StudentID ([Students]ID)

RaceCd (this is the RaceCd from the Gen Table.

A record is created for each race a student has.


Enter the father’s name. Format = Last, First


Guardian Email

Enter any emails for guardians that wish to receive emails. Multiple emails may be added by separating with a semi-colon.




Enter the father’s name. Format = Last, First



Select the student's gender.



Legal GenderSelect the student's legal gender.[Students]LegalGender
Grade LevelEnter the student's grade level[Students]GradeLevel
Graduation YearEnter the student's graduation year.[Students]GraduationYear
Guardianship Enter the student's guardianship[Students]Guardianship
Guardian EmailEnter the guardian's email address[Students]GuardianEmail
Mother (last, first)Enter the mother's name.



Mother's Cell PhoneEnter the mother's mobile phone number.[Students]MotherCell Phone
Mother's EmployerEnter the mother's employer.[Students]MotherEmployer
Mother's Home PhoneEnter the mother's home phone number.[Students]MotherHomePhone

Previous Student ID

Enter if applicable (for local use).


Student ID


This may be a state-assigned number beginning with S or social security number.


Note: The Student ID must conform to one of the following formats: NNN-NN-NNNN, NNNNNNNNN, SNNNNNNNN., or SNN-NN-NNNN

  • Must have 9 digits

  • The first 3 digits and should not be 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.

  • The 4th & 5th digits should be between 01 to 99.

  • The 5th through 9th digits should be from 0001 to 9999.


Local Student ID

Enter the local student number or use the number PowerSchool automatically assigns at the time of enrollment. This field is optional for PEIMS.


Unique Student Identifier

Enter the unique student identifier assigned to the student by the state of Texas.


Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS

Choose Yes to exclude this student from PEIMS reporting.

Optional. Default is No.


Exclude from Ed-Fi

Choose Yes to exclude this student from Ed-Fi reporting.

Optional. Default is No.

Student Language Information

Home Language Survey DateEnter the date the original Home Language Survey was administered to a student upon initial enrollment in a Texas public school.[S_TX_STU_X]Home_Language_Survey_Date

Home Language Code

Choose a Home Language code.

Home Language the language spoken in the student’s home most of the time, as determined by the student’s home language survey.

Required. The default is (98) English.

This may also be entered on the Other Information page.


Student Language Code

Choose a Student Language code.

Student Language is the language spoken by the student most of the time, as determined by the student’s home language survey.

Required. The default is (98) English.

This may also be entered on the Other Information page.

Previous Home Settings Language Code 

 Select the Previous Home Settings Language Code.


Other Student Information

Other Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Birth Country

Choose a code for the student’s birth country.

This is used to automatically create Immigrant records in special programs.


Date First Enrolled in US Schools

Enter the date the student first enrolled in a U.S. school.

This field displays only when Birth Country is not (US) United States or (PR) Puerto Rico.

This is used to automatically create Immigrant records in special programs.

Months Not in US Schools

Enter the number of months the student spent outside of U.S. schools. Used to account for periods of non-enrollment for Immigrant coding.

This field displays only when Birth Country is not (US) United States or (PR) Puerto Rico.

This is used to automatically create Immigrant records in special programs.


Entering Student Email

Student Email

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Email Address

Enter the student’s email address.



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