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Texas Attendance Verification Report

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This report helps you submit the attendance verification data.

Report Input

Field Description
Select Schools*

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.
  • All Schools (default) – The report includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.
Current Selection Students*

Choose which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.
Select the school year for which you want to run the report

Enter the effective date range   

Select the report period.

Select Yes to include the remote class enrollment

Select this option to include learning preferences
Select this option to include parent/guardian

Select the attendance to include:

  • All Periods      
  • ADA Period Only    
Select this option to l

Report Output

Data ElementDescription[Table]Field Name
SchoolThe school ID[Fte]School_ID
Student NumberThe student’s local identification number.[Students]Student_Number
Student Last NameThe student's last name[Students]Last_Name
Student First NameThe students first name[Students]First_Name
Grade LevelThe student's grade level.



TrackStudent trackStudents[Track]
Parent/GuardianStudent's parent ID[S_TX_CONTACTS_S]ID  
RelationshipStudent's relationship with the guardian[S_TX_CONTACT_RELATIONSHIP_S]Relationship_Code
PhoneStudents phone number[Students]Phone
Att DateStudents attendanceCalendar[Date_Value]
Learning PrefStudent's learning preference [S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C]LearningPreference
Cycle DayThe cycle day name that exists in the school where you will later copy this calendar.[Cycle_Day]Day_Name
ADA PerThe percentage of students in attendance during a particular reporting period for each grade level.Calculated
ADA AttThe average daily attendance for all students present during a particular reporting period for each grade level.[s_tx_bsi_x]official_attendance_period
ADA Period TeacherThe average daily attendance for a periodCalculated
Course Number

The course number associated with the attendance taken.

Note: Time attendance does not have an associated course.

Course Name

The course name associated with the attendance taken.

Note: Time attendance does not have an associated course.




The section number associated with the attendance taken.

Note: Time attendance does not have an associated section.





The period for which attendance was recorded

Note: Time attendance will have a blank period.

Periods that use Interval Attendance will be denoted as follows:

Period.IntervalNumber (eg. 2.1, 2.2)

CodeThe attendance code[Attendance]Attendance_CodeID

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