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State Reporting Release Notes

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Release Note

PSSR-259609Attendance Interchange Update for PEIMS Extended Year Submission and ADSY

TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 21.7.1
Updates to the Student Attendance Interchange are now available to support the PEIMS Extended Year Submission reporting of attendance records for the Additional Days School Year Program (ADSY).

  • Parameters
    • Selected schools: Each ADSY program school should be selected.
    • Collection Code: A new EXYR option is added to the dropdown list on the report page.
    • Include the Basic Attendance Complex Type
    • Include the Special Programs Attendance Complex Type
    • Note that the Truancy Extension is not reported for Submission 4.
  • Record Selection Criteria
    • At least one record is reported for each ADSY student who meets the overall ADSY criteria.
    • If a student participated in the ADSY program while enrolled at multiple campuses, additional records are output.
    • The student must have an ADA Eligibility Code of 1, 2, 3, or 6 in order to generate records for the ADSY program.
    • Note that remote RA and RS Days Eligible are not currently supported and all records default to a value of 0.0 in the Basic Attendance Complex; these elements are automatically suppressed in the Special Attendance complex.
  • Basic Attendance Complex Output
    • E1523 TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (StudentUniqueStateId)
    • E0785 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment)
      • This is the campus where the student was enrolled on the ADSY day.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
    • E1085 ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR (TX-AttendanceEventIndicator): a value of 01 (Student Instructional Day) is reported by default.
    • E0975 INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-InstructionalTrack): a value of 99 is reported by default.
    • E0934 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-ReportingPeriod): a value of 9 is reported by default.
    • E0935 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (TX-NumberDaysTaught)
      • This is the count of ADSY days in the School Calendar.
      • For students with multiple ADSY campuses, the number of days taught may vary between campuses, but will typically be 30 days.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
    • E0017 GRADE-LEVEL-CODE (TX-GradeLevel)
      • This is the student’s grade level when the ADSY days occurred.
      • For students with an enrollment record in the 2021-22 school year, the grade level is sourced exclusively from the Previous Enrollment.
      • For students who withdrew from school prior to the end of the 2020-21 school year, the grade level may be sourced from both the Current Enrollment and/or the Previous Enrollment depending on the specific student scenario.
    • E0036 TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT (TX-TotalDaysAbsent): a value of 0 is reported by default.
    • E0937 TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent)
      • This is the number of days where the student has an ADSY special program record in the ADSY Campus of Enrollment; each day counts as one-half day (0.5).
      • All Days are reported as half-days (0.5), regardless of whether the student has a full day or half-day ADA Eligibility Code.
    • E1678 RS-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (TX-RSTotalEligibleDaysPresent): a value of 0.0 is reported by default.
    • E1679 RA-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (TX-RATotalEligibleDaysPresent): a value of 0.0 is reported by default.
  • Special Programs Attendance Complex Output
    • ADSY students with one or more of the following special program records in effect on an ADSY day are reported with at least one type of special attendance; some students may not have special attendance records, and some may have multiple types.
      • Bilingual/ESL: Attendance Event Indicator 02
      • PRS: Attendance Event Indicator 04
      • SPED: Attendance Event Indicator 05
      • SPED Mainstream: Attendance Event Indicator
    • Special Program Attendance for ADSY is not reported for CTE, RFT, or Flex Attendance.
    • E1523 TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (StudentUniqueStateId)
    • E0785 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT (TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment)
      • This is the campus where the student was enrolled on the ADSY day when a special program record was also in effect.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
    • E0975 INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-InstructionalTrack): a value of 99 is reported by default.
    • E0934 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-ReportingPeriod): a value of 9 is reported by default.
    • E0935 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT (TX-NumberDaysTaught)
      • This is the count of ADSY days in the School Calendar.
      • For students with multiple ADSY campuses, the number of days taught may vary between campuses, but will typically be 30 days.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses with special program participation on an ADSY day, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
    • E1085 ATTENDANCE-EVENT-INDICATOR (TX-AttendanceEventIndicator)
      • This indicates the attendance event type of the Special Program.
      • A value of either 02 (bilingual/ESL), 04 (PRS), 05 (SP-ED) or 11 (SP-ED Mainstream) is reported.
    • E0938 TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT (TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent)
      • This is the number of days where the student has an ADSY special program record and a qualifying Bilingual/ESL special program record in the ADSY Campus of Enrollment; each day counts as one half day (0.5).
      • If a student has multiple unique Bilingual/ESL Funding codes during the student’s ADSY days, separate records are reported for each Bilingual/ESL Funding Code and days are apportioned to the correct Bilingual/ESL Funding Code.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses with qualifying Bilingual/ESL special program, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
    • E1651BILINGUAL/ESL-FUNDING-CODE (TX-BilingualESLFundingCode):
      • This indicates the language program in which the student participates during the student’s ADSY days, and it corresponds to the student’s Bilingual, ESL, or Alternative Language Program
      • A value of either BE (standard or alternative Bilingual or ESL program), D1 (Bilingual Dual Language Immersion/One-Way program), or D2 (Bilingual Dual Language Immersion/Two-Way program) is reported.
      • This is calculated based on the specific program code, the Parental Permission Code and the LEP Indicator Code in the same manner as done for Summer PEIMS.
    • E0939 TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT: This is the number of days where the student has an ADSY special program record and a qualifying PRS special program record in the ADSY Campus of Enrollment; each day counts as one half day (0.5).
    • E0173 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (TX-InstructionalSetting)
      • If the SPED student does not receive Speech (Speech Therapy Code = 0) an Instructional Setting other than 00 is reported.
      • If the SPED student receives only Speech (Speech Therapy Code = 1), Instructional Setting is reported as 00.
      • If the SPED student receives Speech + Additional Services (Speech Therapy Code = 2), at least two records are reported: one with an Instructional Setting Code other than 00 and another with Instructional Setting Code 00 (for Speech).
    • E0944 ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent)
      • This is the number of days where the student has an ADSY special program record and a qualifying SPED special program record (in any Instructional Setting except 40 Mainstream) in the ADSY Campus of Enrollment; each day counts as one half day (0.5).
      • If a student has multiple unique SPED Instructional Settings during the student’s ADSY days, separate records are reported for each Instructional Setting and days are apportioned to the correct SPED Instructional Setting.
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses with qualifying SPED special program record (any Instructional Setting except 40 Mainstream), separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
      • This element is always paired with TX-InstructionalSetting
    • E0933 REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE (TX-RegDaySchProgDeaf)
      • This indicates the student is receiving instructional services from the regional day school program for the deaf (RDSPD)
      • A value of 0 (not receiving services from RDSPD) or 3 (receiving services from RDSPD) is reported; default is 0
    • E1528 DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE (TX-LEAOfRDSPDService): This element is reported if the value for TX-RegDaySchProgDeaf is 3 (receiving services from RDSPD); otherwise, the element is suppressed.
    • E0945 EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (TX-ExcessHoursInstrSetting): a value of 0 is reported by default as no CTE Attendance pertains to ADSY.
    • E0940 TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent)
      • This is the number of days where the student has an ADSY special program record and a qualifying SPED Mainstream special program record (Instructional Setting of 40) in the ADSY Campus of Enrollment; each day counts as one half day (0.5).
      • If a student has multiple ADSY campuses with a qualifying SPED Mainstream special program record, separate records are reported for each campus and the days are apportioned to the correct campus.
  • Additional Update to the ADSY Special Program Data Collection
    • Since all ADSY records must span a maximum of a single day, for ease of data entry, the special program page is updated to automatically set the Exit Date to the day after the Entry Date, and to render the Exit Date as read-only.
    • The same update is also available in the Mass Enroll Special Program Page (Student Selection > Group Functions > Mass Enroll into Special Program) when the ADSY program is selected.
PSSR-267924Summer PEIMS Student Interchange: Resubmission Updates for PK Elements

TX Interchange Student: Version 21.7.1
Final updates for the Summer PEIMS Resubmission are available for the Student Interchange.

  • Star of Texas
    • This element is now reported only for students who are currently in Grade PK since TEA is sourcing the grade level exclusively from the StudentSchoolAssociation record, and not the Attendance records.
    • TEA Edit: 40100-0166 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "PK", then STAR-OF-TEXAS-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank.
  • PK Eligible Previous Year
    • In some edge cases where the prior year records did not conform to the expected values, the PK Eligible Previous Year element was incorrectly output as NULL even though the student qualifies for free funded PK in the current year based on LEP/EL, Economic Disadvantage, Military Connected, Foster Care, Homeless, or Star of Texas.
    • The element is reported as 0 for any PK student who meets the eligibility criteria in the current year.
    • If a PK student's age is 4 on September 1 of the current year, and the student does not qualify for funded PK, the student's prior year records are examined. PK Eligible Previous Year is output as 1 if:
      • The student was served as an eligible student with an ADA Eligibility Code of 1, 2, 3, or 6 at some point in the prior year.
      • The student met the eligibility criteria under one of the above conditions in the prior year.
        The student has a PK Eligible Previous Year override of 1 in the Pre-K Special Program record.
    • Otherwise, PK Eligible Previous Year is output with a default of 0.
PSSR-263123Texas Year End Process Automation Updates for Special Programs and PEIMS General

Additional Reference: PSSR-263122
Year End Process Automation updates and improvement are now available for the records described below.

  • Summary
    • Important: Prior to running the core PowerSchool Year End Process, all districts should review the Texas Year End Process Preferences on the District Info page and update the selections as needed.
    • Automation can be enabled for all or selected special programs and PEIMS General records. For some record types, additional preferences are available to control specific features of the automation.
    • In general, it is recommended that all districts enable these automations.
    • Districts with customizations or integrations to other systems for specific special programs may prefer to handle the closing and opening of records outside of the Texas Year End Automation, and in this case may choose not to enable the preference for some record types.
    • The automation processes close all open records for both active and inactive students. The Exit Date is set to the day after the student’s final day of enrollment in the year that is concluding.
    • In most but not all cases, new records are opened for students returning for the start of school, and the Entry Date is set to the first day of school.
    • The System Comment in the records is updated with a timestamp to indicate if the record was closed or opened by the Year End Automation process.
  • PEIMS General
    • References to the obsolete State Grade Level field are removed, and standard PowerSchool grade levels are used:
      • Grade EE = -3 or below
      • Grade PK = -1 & - 2
      • Grade KG = 0
    • The district preference and the behavior related to ADA Code 0 for EE/PK students is modified.
      • If an EE student with ADA Eligibility Code 0 remains enrolled in grade EE, the ADA code is automatically preserved in the new record.
      • The revised preference allows districts to specify ADA Code 0 handling for PK students in districts that do not offer funded PK programs: "Override default ADA code to 0 for PK students in Year End Process (otherwise ADA code defaults to 2)."
    • The Flexible Attendance Program Type field that was added for the 2020-21 school year is now included in the PEIMS General logic.
      • Any existing values in this field are rolled forward to the new record along with the student’s ADA Eligibility Code of 7 or 8.
      • After the year end process, schools offering any of the Flex Attendance programs should review and update the PEIMS General records for these students as needed.
    • The existing preference to “Reset Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Foster Care, and Military Connected in Year End Process” remains unchanged. Enable this preference to have these fields reset to their defaults of 0 or blank per TEA guidance that these elements should be re-evaluated at the start of each school yar.
  • Career and Tech
    • The process is updated to handle the new CTE Auto-Code Status field added earlier this year.
    • No new Career and Tech records are opened during the Year End Process.
    • Once the new school year starts, the ongoing CTE Auto-Code process will handle the creation of new records based on the CTE classes in the students’ schedules if that automation is enabled.
  • Dyslexia
    • When this preference is enabled, the automation will close all open Dyslexia records for both inactive and active students.
    • The obsolete Dyslexia Risk Code and Screening Date fields for students in Grades KG and 1 are removed from the process.
    • New records are opened for returning students with an Entry Date equal to the first day of school if the student’s final Dyslexia Indicator for the year is 1/Yes.
  • SELA
    • A new Year End Process preference is added for the SELA records.
    • When enabled, all open records are closed, and new records are created only for those returning students who will be age 8 or less on September 1 of the new school year. Students who no longer meet the age criteria are not reported for SELA.
    • All existing values are rolled forward to the new record. Districts should edit these records is any of the values need to be updated for the 21-22 SELA Collection.
    • While SELA records normally require that students also have a matching SPED special program record with a disability code of Auditory Impairment and/or Deaf-Blind, there is no dependency on SPED records for the SELA Year End Process Automation as each district’s SPED system interfaces and customizations may differ.
  • Title I
    • The existing Title I Automation preference is revised, and new preferences are added to separate the functionality for different Title I codes.
      • A “master” preference is now available: “Enable Title I Record Automation in Year End Process and Close All Open Records.”
      • When enabled, this preference serves only to close all open Title I records for all active and inactive students.
      • This master preference must be enabled before the two related preferences for the creation of new Title I records can be enabled.
    • A new preference for Title I Schoolwide Code 6 records is now available: "Create Schoolwide Title I Code 6 records for students enrolling in Schoolwide campuses."
      • When enabled, new records are opened for any returning student whose new school year enrollment is at a campus that is flagged as a Schoolwide Title I campus on the Schools/School Info.
      • Note that these records are optional and not required for PEIMS reporting. Students enrolled in a Schoolwide campus at any point during the year are automatically reported with the appropriate Title I record(s) in the Student Program Interchange.
      • Districts may wish to nevertheless have these records in the database for internal reporting purposes.
    • A new preference for Title I Targeted Assistance Code 7 records is now available: "Create Title I Code 7 records for Targeted Assistance students enrolling in Targeted Assistance campuses."
      • If enabled, new Targeted Assistance Title I records will be created only if the student meets these criteria:
        • Student was enrolled on the final day of school with an open Targeted Assistance Title I record.
        • Student’s school of enrollment in the new year is also at a Targeted Assistance campus (either the same one or a different one).
    • New Title I records are not automatically opened for students with Title I codes of A (Neglected) or 9 (Homeless). These students must be reevaluated at the start of school.
PSSR-268895TREx Update for Course Credits

TREx Extract: Version 21.7.1
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 21.7.1
The extracts are updated to handle a specific stored grades scenario that could cause credits to be overstated in Course Sequence 2 records.

  • If a student took a two-part course where full credit was awarded on the Y1 Final Average, the credit value from that record could be incorrectly inherited by subsequent courses processed by the report.
  • Course credits for Course Sequence 2 stored grades are now reported as expected and match the values displayed on the AAR.
PSSR-263081Updates for Student Interchanges for PEIMS Extended Year Submission and ADSY

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.7.1
TX Interchange Student: Version 21.7.1
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 21.7.1
Updates to support the 2020-21 PEIMS Extended Year Submission and the ADSY Program are now available. All districts that will be reporting records for Submission 4 must install this version.

  • Extended Year Student Selection Criteria
    • ADSY: a record is included in each interchange for students who participated in the Additional Days School Year program (ADSY) during the 2020-21 school year and/or summer school, and who meet these criteria:
      • The student was in grades PK-5 student was enrolled in an ADSY school during the 2020-21 school year.
      • The student has at least one ADSY special program record with an Entry Date within the 2020-21 year calendar on a day flagged as an ADSY Day in the school calendar.
      • The student’s ADA Eligibility Code was 1, 2, 3, or 6 on an ADSY day.
    • Selection Criteria for Other Extended Year Students
      • Bil/ESL Summer School: the student is eligible to enroll as a PK or Grade 1 student in the 21-22 school year, and has a value of 1/Yes for the Bilingual/ESL Summer School Indicator or the Previous Year Bilingual/ESL Summer School Indicator in the 20-21 LEP/EL special program record.
      • Extended School Year (ESY): the Special Education student has an Extended School Year (ESY) record for the 2020-21 year as entered in State/Province - TX > Extended Year Services.
      • Dual Credit and College Prep Summer School Courses: the student has at least one manual entry stored grades record in the 2020-21 school year with a section ID of 0 and a special explanation code of “R” for a Dual Credit college course, an English Language Arts College Prep course (Service ID - CP110100), or a Mathematics College Prep Course (Service ID - CP111200).
  • Student Interchange Updates
    • A record for each student who meets at least one of the Extended Year Submission criteria is included.
    • All students are reported with the required basic demographic elements and the mandatory Migrant and Foster Care Indicators.
      • The LEP Indicator is included along with any applicable indicators for T-STEM, ECHS, P-TECH, and New Tech.
      • Crisis Codes are not applicable to the 2020-21 Extended Year Submission and are not reported.
  • Student Enrollment Interchange
    • A record for each student who meets at least one of the Extended Year Submission criteria is included.
    • The Campus ID of Enrollment element is only reported for Bil/ESL Summer School students.
  • Student Program Interchange
    • A record for each student who meets at least one of the Extended Year Submission criteria is included.
    • All students are reported with the mandatory Bilingual/ESL Summer School element. Students are reported as 1/Yes or 0/No based on the LEP/EL special program record.
    • The new E1708 PRIOR-YEAR-BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-PriorYearBilingualESLSummer) is added to the output and is reported only for students with an indicator value of 1/Yes in the LEP/EL record.
    • The mandatory Gifted and Talented element is reported for all students based on the Gifted special program record.
    • The new E1672 ADDITIONAL-DAYS-PROGRAM-PARTICIPATION-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-AdditionalDaysProgramParticipationIndicator) is added to the output.
      • TEA Description: Indicates if an ADA eligible grade PK through 5 student participates in the additional days school year program.
      • If a student attended an ADSY school during the 2020-21 school year, the ADSY indicator is required and is output as 1/Yes or 0/No for each student.
      • If the student was not an ADSY participant and the student's final campus for the 20-21 school year does not offer the ADSY program, the ADSY Indicator is not required for those students and is suppressed.
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