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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.


2023-24 AskTED School Directory

The August 2023 version of the TEA AskTED School Directory has been imported into PowerSchool to support searching adn data entry of CDC numbers and Texas Campus Names in Stored Grades and in the Campus ID of Residence field in the PEIMS General record.


2023-24 Student Assessment Pre-Code Data Collection and Assessment Pre-Code Reset Report

Reset Student Assessment Pre-Code Fields: Version 23.8.2

Updates for the 2023-24 state assessment pre-code data collection to conform to the announced Cambium file upload changes for Student Attributes and Additional Student Fields are now available on the student Assessment tabs. In addition, the Reset Student Assessment Pre-Code Fields report is also updated to consider the new fields when the 2023-24 school year is selected.

  • STAAR 3-8 - STAAR/STAAR Alt2

    • Renamed TI Calculator to Basic TI Calculator: Math and Science

    • Added new Proctored Administration attribute: All Subjects

    • Added new Word Prediction (Co:Writer) attribute: All subjects except Math

    • Spelling Assistance is re-labeled to Spell Check: All subjects except Math

    • Paper Test Format - Added new codes for Braille Contracted w/ Regular Print Embedded Supports (BCS) and Braille Uncontracted w/ Regular Print Embedded Supports (BUS): All Subjects

    • Other Designated Supports is re-labeled to STAAR Non-Embedded Supports: All Subjects


    • Added new Proctored Administration attribute: All Subjects

    • Added new Word Prediction (Co:Writer) attribute: All subjects except Algebra I

    • Spelling Assistance is re-labeled to Spell Check: All subjects except Algebra I

    • Paper Test Format - Added new codes for Braille Contracted w/ Regular Print Embedded Supports (BCS) and Braille Uncontracted w/ Regular Print Embedded Supports (BUS): All Subjects

    • Other Designated Supports is re-labeled to STAAR Non-Embedded Supports: All Subjects


    • Added new Proctored Administration attribute: TELPAS Reading/Writing only

    • Removed obsolete Other Designated Supports fields: TELPAS Reading/Writing and Listening/Speaking


2023-24 Student Attribution Code Updates

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 23.8.2

Two new Student Attribution Codes are now available in the dropdown list in PEIMS General records dates 08/01/2023 or later.

  • (33) Child of Peace Officer

  • (34) Child Of Military Servicemember

Additionally, the Student Enrollment Interchange for the PEIMS submissions is updated to the new codes when entered for a student.


2023-24 Updates for Student Test Attributes Upload File

Student Test Attributes Upload File Report: Version 23.8.2

Updates to support the Cambium Student Test Attributes changes for the 2023-24 state assessments are now available. The Student Assessment Registration File must be loaded to Cambium prior to loading the Attributes file.


  • For Subjects Mathematics and Science, update Tool Name: change from TI Calculator to Basic TI Calculator.

  • For Subjects Reading, Science and Social Studies, update Tool Name: change from Spelling Assistance to Spell Check.

  • For Subjects Mathematics, Reading, Science and Social Studies, add new Tool Name: Proctored Administration.

  • For Subjects Reading, Science and Social Studies, add new Tool Name: Word Prediction (Co:Writer).


  • For Subjects Biology, English 1, English II and US History, update Tool Name: change from Spelling Assistance to Spell Check.

  • For Subjects Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and US History, add new Tool Name: Proctored Administration.

  • For Subjects Biology, English I, English II, and US History, add new Tool Name: Word Prediction (Co:Writer).


  • For Subject TELPAS Reading/Writing, add new Tool Name: Proctored Administration.


Incident Management Updates

Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report: Version 23.8.2

The following updates to Texas Incident Management are now available.

Action Attributes

To ensure that all districts have the required TEA fields, the following Action Attribute codes have been re-seeded into the Incident Management Setup.

  • E1725 Non-Membership Discipline Ind: This is a calculated field that displays in read-only format to flag Special Education students with ADA Eligibility Code 0 for all days of enrollment.

  • E1734 Safe Supportive School Program Team Review: For 2023-24. this attribute must now be coded as Yes or No for specific action codes (see below).

New Validation for Safe Supportive School Program Team Review

  • Data Entry Validation

    • On both the Quick Incident and Detailed Incident pages, the action record is updated to display a new validation based on TEA fatal edit 44425-0077: If Action Code is 01-07, 13-14, 25-28, 50-54, or 60, Safe Supportive School Program Team Review must not be blank.

    • The user must select Yes or No to indicate if a threat assessment was conducted in order to save the record.

  • Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report: The same validation is added to the discipline edits report.


Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification - New AAR/TREx Report

Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report - AAR/TREx : version 23.8.2

A new, additional version of the Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report is now available to support the verification of historical grades records reported on the AAR and in TREx for unscheduled classes and for transfer students. This new version is available under the Student Records and Transcripts category on the State Reports page.

Record Selection Criteria: All records meeting the criteria below are included

  • Section ID = 0 (Associated Section = None)

  • Eligible for HS Credit in the C022 Service ID table = 1

  • The store code is mapped as a Final Grade (S1, S2, AV)

  • Exclude from AAR and Exclude from TREx are both not Yes


  • Standard selection of schools and students

  • School Year: select one or more school years from the multi-select list

Additional Updates

  • Students with No Show enrollments at a school are now correctly excluded from that school’s output.

  • Records are no longer duplicated when multiple school years are selected.

Report Output

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Student Number

  • UID - Student Unique ID

  • Grade Level - Student Current Grade Level

  • Hist Grade Level - From Stored Grades

  • School Year - From Stored Grades

  • School Name - From Stored Grades

  • School Number - From Stored Grades

  • Alternate CDC - From Stored Grades

  • Alternate CDC School - From Stored Grades

  • Course Number - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Course Name - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Alternate Crs Number - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses; display "Missing" if blank

  • Abbrev Course Name - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • AAR Subject Category - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Credit Type - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Store Code - S1, S2, Y1

  • Final Grade Type - S1, S2 or AV

  • Grade - Letter Grade

  • Percent - Percent Grade

  • Earned Credit - From Stored Grades

  • Potential Credit - From Stored Grades

  • AAR Avg Override - From Stored Grades

  • Pass/Fail Ind - Override from Stored Grades; else calculated based on grade earned

  • Loss of Credit-Absence - From Stored Grades

  • Course Sequence - Override from Stored Grades; else calculated from Courses

  • Explanation Code - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Dual Credit - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Exclude From PEIMS/TSDS - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Exclude From TREX - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Exclude From AAR - Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses


New Ed-Fi Enrollments Page

To support Ed-Fi reporting for the TEA ODS Upgrade project, a new Ed-Fi Enrollments table and page are now available in PowerSchool.

  • Legacy Navigation: Student > State/Province - TX > Ed-Fi Reporting > Ed-Fi Enrollments

  • Enhanced Navigation: Student > Compliance > Ed-Fi Reporting > Ed-Fi Enrollments

Records in this table will be automatically calculated and populated by a new Texas State Reporting internal process to be released in a follow-on update. These records mirror those reported in the Texas Student School Association entity in the Ed-Fi Enrollment domain, which combines school enrollment data from Transfer Info with ADA Eligibility and Student Attribution Codes from the PEIMS General record.

This new features leverages the PowerSchool Data Change Framework (DCF) to monitor transactions in the Students, Reenrollments, and PEIMS General tables for new schools enrollments, changes to enrollments, and changes to ADA Eligibility and Student Attribution. When records are created, edited, or deleted, the changes are logged in the Ed-Fi Enrollments table so that Ed-Fi JSON transactions can be published to the district’s TEA ODS server.

Ed-Fi Enrollments View (S_TX_STU_SCHOOL_ENR_C)

Each new record or change to any of the following fields must be reported with a new Entry Date and Ed-Fi enrollment record. The Entry Date in the PEIMS General record for a change to ADA Eligibility or Attribution is reported in Ed-Fi as a new or modified enrollment Entry Date.

  • School ID

  • Entry Date

  • Entry Code

  • Exit Date

  • Exit Code

  • GradeLevel

  • Track

  • ADA Eligibility Code

  • Attribution Code


New Legacy Fields Tab Under Postsecondary Readiness

Various fields that are rarely used or do not apply to Foundation High School Program students have been moved from the Graduation Information page to a new Legacy Fields tab under the Postsecondary Readiness category.

  • On-screen text displays the following: “These fields are no longer actively used for TSDS reporting, but may continue to be used for the AAR or TREx and are retained for reference in older records.”

  • Re-located Fields

    • FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator

    • Cert. of Coursework Completion Date

    • Texas Grant Indicator

    • Texas Success Initiative Exemption

    • Legacy Distinguished Achievement Program Indicators: Advanced Measures 1-4

    • Legacy TAKS Assessment Exit Requirement Met Dates for the 4 TAKS subjects


TEA SELA Data Collection and Program Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Program: Version 23.8.2

The following updates for Tool or Assessment Used (E1668) are now available to support the 23-23 SELA Collection.

  • In the SELA special program record, the following obsolete codes no longer display in records dated 08/01/2023 or later: Proficiency, Diagnostic and Achievement.

  • When the Entry Date in the record is 08/01/2023 or later, these new codes display; select all that apply.

    • OWLS II (Diagnostic)

    • CASLLS (Proficiency)

    • Communication Matrix (Proficiency)

    • ASLA (Diagnostic)

    • VCSL (Proficiency)

  • If the SELA student was not assessed, the Not Assessed checkbox should be selected.

  • In the Student Program Interchange, the SELA StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension now reports the new Assessment tools.

  • Important! If the district did not enable the Texas Year End Process Preference for SELA automation when the summer rollover was performed, records from the prior year may remain open with a blank Exit Date. These records must be closed and new records created for 2023-24 reporting to ensure that the current valid TEA values are reported.


TX - Update Student Registration Upload File

Student Assessment Registration File: Version

2023-24 updates to the Student Assessment Registration File to conform to the changes announced by Cambium are now available.

  • New Field: Student with Interrupted Formal Education Code (SIFE)

    • This field appears in column AA of the registration file directed after Unschooled Asylee/Refugee.

    • The existing source for this element is in the EB/EL special program record (S_TX_SEN_ESL_X.SIFE) with similar logic as used for TREx. If the student has a current EB/EL record in effect with a value of 1 for the SIFE field, Y is reported; else N.

  • Removed Fields: Interim Grade

    • For 2023-24, the Interim Grade fields will no longer be included in the student registration file.

    • Instead, the Cambium Interim Grades template will now be used to upload or modify the interim grade levels. By default, students are eligible for interim assessments in their enrolled grade.

      • Interim Test Grade - Algebra I

      • Interim Test Grade - Biology

      • Interim Test Grade - English I

      • Interim Test Grade - English II

      • Interim Test Grade - U.S. History

      • Interim Test Grade - Mathematics

      • Interim Test Grade - Reading

      • Interim Test Grade - Science

      • Interim Test Grade - Social Studies

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