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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-307121As of Status Code Calculation and Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student: Version 22.11.2
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.11.2
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 22.11.2
Updates for the Student As of Status Code calculations are now available.

  • The calculation is updated to handle current year No Show students who also have no days of active enrollment in the prior year.
    • Previously, the As of Status code was left blank for these students, which caused the students to be incorrectly included in the current year student interchanges.
    • The code is now populated as N-Not reportable
  • The calculation is updated to handle students in grades 8 and above who first enroll in the district after the Fall PEIMS snapshot date. 
    • Previously, the As of Status code was incorrectly calculated as G, which caused the students to be included in the current year student interchanges.
    • The code is now populated as N-Not reportable

The As of Status Codes nightly process will execute overnight after the state reporting release is installed. Districts should then run a new set of interchanges based on the updated calculations. Students with no active enrollment in both the current and prior year are not reportable and are now excluded as expected. Additional updates ensure that the student's reportable school and grade level report as expected.

PSSR-300465ECDS Interchange Updates for PK School Type Field in Sections

TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 22.11.2
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.11.2
The interchanges are updated for the TSDS ECDS collection to add the PK School Type override field on the sections page as an additional data source.

  • If the PK School Type (E1555) element is populated in the section, that value is extracted.
  • If the section value is blank, the value from the school-level field in Schools/School Info is extracted if populated.
  • Otherwise, the district-level value in District Info is extracted.
  • If the values for all three fields are blank, a default of Public Pre-K is reported in the interchanges.
PSSR-306579New Excluded Students File for Census Block Export

Student Census Block Export: Version 22.11.2
A new companion “Excluded Students” file is now included when running the Student Census Block Export. Students with missing required fields or invalid values in the address fields no longer appear in the submission file. These students instead appear in a separate Excluded Students file, similar to that provided for the Student UID Request and ET Enrollment Event extracts.

  • This improvement is designed to address issues with the TEA Census Block Group tool and to mitigate errors or invalid output during the Census Block assignment process.
  • The file output is now a .zip file to support the inclusion of both the .csv Submission file and the .csv Excluded Students file.
  • The Excluded Students file contains student records for the following error conditions:
    • Invalid or missing UID
    • Missing/Invalid Street Address: Value is blank or contains only numbers
    • Missing/Invalid City: Value is blank or contains only numbers
    • Missing/Invalid State: Value is blank or is not a valid value of “TX”
    • Missing/Invalid Zip Code: Value is blank or is not 5 digits
  • Excluded Students Output File
    • Current School Code
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Student Number
    • Reason for Exclusion
    • Detail: Includes the erroneous data as populated or blank in PowerSchool
PSSR-306974PEIMS Error Check Enhancements

Student PEIMS Error Check Report: Version 22.11.2
Staff PEIMS Error Check Report: Version 22.11.2
The PEIMS Error Check Reports for students and staff are updated to include the error checks that were revised or added as new validations in the prior release.

  • Student Selection Criteria
    • Students enrolled in non-reportable schools that are NOT flagged as the Charter Waitlist or Child Find Placeholder campuses are now excluded from all error checks.
    • Students who are enrolled in the non-reportable Charter Waitlist or Child Find placeholder campuses are included in these two categories only and excluded from all others:
      • Student Demographics
      • Student FTE
  • Error Checks and Data Entry Validations for Missing/Invalid SSN's - Students and Staff
    • The logic related to invalid SSN is enhanced to ensure that the values entered conform to the broader set of rules that dictate valid SSN's:
      • Must have 9 digits
      • The first 3 digits should not be 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.
      • The 4th & 5th digits should be between 01 to 99.
      • The 5th through 9th digits should be between 0001 to 9999.
  • New Student Error Check: Missing Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason
    • These checks apply only to students in grade KG (0) or 1, and are designed to enforce new TEA fatal error 40100-0234: If DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE is "03", then DYSLEXIA-SCREENING-EXCEPTION-REASON must not be blank.
    • Grade KG student has a value of (03) Not Screened for Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644), but the value for Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732) is blank.
    • Grade 1 student has a value of (03) Not Screened for Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644), but the value for Grade 01 Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732) is blank
  • New Student Error Check: Missing Student Census Block
    • This new error check appears on the Student PEIMS tab directly below the check for Missing Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason.
    • The check applies only to students who are required to be reported with a Census Block code for the PEIMS Fall Submission based on the following criteria:
      • Enrolled on Fall Snapshot Date.
      • Student does not have a Census Block record in effect for the Fall Snapshot Date.
      • Economic Disadvantaged Code not 00 or blank
      • Homeless Status Code is 0 or blank
      • ADA Eligibility Code not 0, 4, 5, or 8
      • Attribution Code not 21 or 23
  • New Error Check Tab: Student Enrollment
    • This new tab appears directly after the Student PEIMS tab, and has two panels: Current Enrollment and Previous Enrollments.
    • Missing Track for PK Student
      • Student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment
      • There is no Track assignment in the enrollment record
      • Error message details: Student Name (Student Number, Grade, Track)
    • Invalid Track for PK Student
      • Student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment
      • The record has a Track assignment, but it is not valid based on the Schools/School Info setup for School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type at the school of enrollment in the record.
      • Student must have an assigned Track at the school where Instructional Program Type is one of the valid codes for PK programs: 04, 14 or 15
      • Error message details include the assigned track and the Instructional Program Type assigned to that track in Schools/School Info per these examples:
        • 12345, PK4, Track B, Instr Prog Type 02: Charter School
        • 67893, PK3, Track D, Instr Prog Type 06: DAEP
    • Invalid Track for Non-PK Student
      • Student grade level = 0-12
      • The record has a Track assignment, but it is for a Track assigned to PK students based on the Schools/School Info setup for School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type.
      • If the record has a Track, it cannot be for a track at the school where Instructional Program Type is one of the codes for PK programs: 04, 14 or 15
      • The error message details also include the student's assigned track and the Instructional Program Type for that track.
PSSR-306580Revised Ed-Fi Section Identifier Format in Sections and Manual Entry Stored Grades

The format of the Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056 - Calculated) element on the Sections and Stored Grades pages is modified to display the 14 character legacy Class ID field in the first position instead of the last position in order to support easier identification of matching records during the TSDS Ed-Fi pilot and parallel years. The Ed-Fi Section Identifier now displays as follows with underscores separating each element.

  • Sections
    • 14 character Class ID (override if populated, otherwise the calculated value)
    • School Year (such as 22 for the 2022-23 school year)
    • School # (such as 001)
    • Course # (such as 4567Alg1A)
    • Section # (such as 1234)
    • Term (such as YR, S1, S2, T1, T2, etc.)
  • Manual Entry Stored Grades
    • 14 character Class ID (from the Class ID override)
    • School Year (such as 22 for the 2022-23 school year)
    • Local Student Number
    • School # (such as 001)
    • Course # (such as 4567Alg1A or 8978)
    • Store Code (such as S1, S2, Y1, T1, T2, T3, Q1, Q2, etc.)
    • Grade (Numeric Grade if exists, otherwise Letter Grade)
    • Stored Grades record internal ID
PSSR-306232Teacher Portal Attendance Page

The display of the "All students are present" checkbox for Texas electronic attendance auditing is adjusted and now appears directly to the right of the other options in the header instead of on the far side of the page.

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