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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-293637All States/Provinces: 2022-23 NCEA Data Collection Updates

Data collection updates to support 2022-23 NCEA Data Bank reporting are now available for the Diocese, School and Student pages. There are no changes to the NCEA Staff page. The related report updates will follow in a subsequent release.

  • District > Diocese Information for NCEA Reporting: Updates for Principal Retention
    • Number of principals who were employed during the last school year: new source fields are added.
      • Elementary: [Prefs]NCEA_Princ_LastYear_Elem
      • Secondary: [Prefs]NCEA_Princ_LastYear_Sec
    • Number of principals who did not return for the current school year: source fields are unchanged.
      • Elementary: [Prefs]NCEA_Princ_Not_Return_Elem
      • Secondary: [Prefs]NCEA_Princ_Not_Return_Sec
  • School > General > School Information for NCEA Reporting: Elements are re-organized under new panels; explanatory text is added; fields are updated or added as noted.
    • General School Information
      • Exclude school from NCEA reporting
      • School Location
      • School Sponsorship
      • School Gender
      • School serves grades PK-12 or K-12 as a single school
    • Government Funded Programs
      • School receives Title I services: Explanatory text is added to indicate "If Title I services is not selected for the school, no students in the school can be reported as receiving Title I services."
      • School receives Title II services
      • School receives Title III services
      • School receives Title IV services
      • School offers federal nutrition programs: Explanatory text is added to indicate "If federal nutrition programs is not selected for the school, no students in the school can be reported as receiving free/reduced lunch."
      • New field: All students in the school receive free/reduced lunch
        • S_SCH_NCEA_X.FederalNutritionAll_TF
        • Select this box if the school provides free/reduced lunch to all students regardless of income qualification.
        • All students will be automatically reported as receiving free/reduced lunch without the need to code students individually on the NCEA Student page.
    • Additional Information
      • School has Board, Commission or Council: New data collection model and source field (S_SCH_NCEA_X.BoardType). Select the appropriate code from the dropdown list.
        • (A) Advisory
        • (C) Consultative
        • (F) Full Authority
        • (L) Limited Jurisdiction
        • (N) No Board
      • School has Extended Day Program
      • School has waiting list
      • School received E-rate telecom discounts last school year
      • School offers Dual Language Immersion Program
      • School offers International Baccalaureate Program
    • Number of Staff by Type: New field for Librarians is added (S_SCH_NCEA_X.Staff_Lib).
    • Teacher Retention
      • Number of teachers who were employed during the last school year: New source field is added (S_SCH_NCEA_NCEA_Teacher_Last_Year).
      • Number of teachers who did not return for the current school year: Source field is unchanged (S_SCH_NCEA_X.Teacher_Not_Return).
  • Student > Information > NCEA Student Information
    • New explanatory text added for “Has diagnosed disability” to indicate "Includes ADD/ADHD, Autism, Emotional/behavioral, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, speech/language impairments, visual impairments".
    • The obsolete “Eligible for Title I Services” element is removed.
    • New logic for “Receives free/reduced meals” is implemented.
      • If the school-level setting for federal nutrition program is not checked, no students can be flagged for free/reduced lunch and the field displays “Not Offered.” Explanatory text indicates “School offers federal nutrition programs is not selected on the NCEA school page.”
      • If the school-level setting for “All students in the school receive free/reduced lunch” is checked, the field displays “Yes.” Explanatory text indicates “All students will be reported as receiving free/reduced lunch based on the NCEA school page setting.”
      • If the school offers federal nutrition, but the setting for “All students in the school receive free/reduced lunch” is not checked, the checkbox for “Receives free/reduced meals” is enabled and individual students can be selected as applicable.
    • Eligible for free/reduced meals: New explanatory text is added to indicate “Students whose household income is below the U.S. Department of Agriculture threshold should be selected as eligible for free or reduced priced lunch regardless of whether the school offers federal nutrition programs.”
PSSR-2940082022-23 Updates for PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator

Updates are now available to support the calculation of the PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code for the PEIMS Fall and Summer Submissions for both TEA Legacy and Ed-Fi reporting for the 2022-23 school year. Next year, this element will no longer be calculated on the fly within the interchanges. Instead, the calculation will now run during a new Texas nightly process. The resulting calculations are stored in the database and available within the Pre-K Special Program record. Overrides to the calculated fields are also available in the Pre-K Special Program record to be used for PK students enrolled as PK in a different district in the prior year, or for other special scenarios.

  • Pre-K Special Program Record
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) – Calculated FALL: The existing PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) field (S_TX_SEN_PREK_X.E1649_PK_ELIG_PREV_YEAR) is converted to a read-only field and re-labeled. This field will store the Fall PEIMS calculation.
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) – Override FALL: New override field for Fall PEIMS (S_TX_SEN_PREK_X.E1649_PK_ELIG_PREV_YEAR_OVR).
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) – Calculated SUMR: New read-only field to store the Summer PEIMS calculation (S_TX_SEN_PREK_X.E1649_PK_ELG_PRE_YR_SUMR).
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) – Override SUMR: New override field for Summer PEIMS (S_TX_SEN_PREK_X. E1649_PK_ELG_OVR_SUMR).
  • New Nightly PK Eligible Previous Year Calculation Process: This is initially implemented as a separate preference in District Setup but will be incorporated into a new global Texas nightly process in a subsequent release.
    • Student selection for calculation
      • Student is not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting
      • Student is enrolled in a reportable school
      • Student is or was actively enrolled in Grade PK for at least one day during the year with an ADA Eligibility Code = 1, 2, 3, or 6. (exclude No-Show enrollment records).
      • Student has at least one Pre-K Special Program record in effect during the current year.
    • Pre-K Special Program Record(s) to Populate
      • Most students will have a single Pre-K record in effect per school year; the calcualted values are populated in this record.
      • If a student has multiple Pre-K records in effect in the current year, the calculated values are populated in the most recent record and any prior current year record(s) are left intact.
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Calculated as 0
      • PK students whose age is less than 4 on Sept. 1 of the current year.
      • PK students who currently meet at least one of the following funded PK criteria:
        • Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) = 1
        • Economically Disadvantaged = 99, 01 or 02
        • Military Connected = 1
        • Foster Care = 1, 2, or 3
        • Homeless = 1
        • Star of Texas = 1
      • Default of 0: Any PK students who do not meet any of the criteria for a calculated value of 0 or 1, including students who were not enrolled in the prior year, students with ineligible type ADA codes, and possible other edge case scenarios.
    • PK Eligible Previous Year Calculated as 1: student must meet all criteria
      • Student age on September 1 of the current year is 4 or 5.
      • In the current year, the student does not meet any of the Funded PK Eligibility Criteria listed above.
      • In the prior year, the student met at least one of these criteria.
PSSR-281871Course Sequence Code Special Cases and TREx Updates for Waivers in Test Results

TREx Extract: Version 22.7.1
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 22.7.1
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.7.1
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 22.7.1

  • PEIMS Interchanges and TREx: Course Sequence Code X-Accelerated Course for Courses Taught in Year Term
    • Normally, the X-Accelerated Course Sequence Code applies to courses taught in the semester terms where the full year curriculum is completed in half the time. This scenario requires that quarter terms be defined to support reporting of Part 1 and Part 2 records to TEA.
    • New logic is now implemented to also support the X-Accelerated Course Sequence Code for courses scheduled in the year term.
      • These courses are now calculated as two-semester high school courses and reported with Course Sequence Codes 1 and 2 .
      • The final grade mapped in S1 is used to determine the Pass/Fail Indicator for Course Sequence 1.
      • The final grade mapped in S2 is used to determine the Pass/Fail Indicator for Course Sequence 2.
  • Additional TREx Updates
    • A new Course Sequence Code default is implemented for completed transcript courses when the code cannot be calculated based on the source data.
      • Instead of generating a blank code, stored grades records with Term ID's ending in 01 with a store code of S1 report as Course Sequence 1.
      • Records with Term ID's ending in 02 with a store code of S2 report as Course Sequence 2.
    • Logic adjustments are implemented for four-semester classes with Course Sequence Codes 6, 7, 8, and 9 scheduled in the the semester terms to ensure the records are output as expected.
    • Waivers Entered in Student Test Results (Num Score = 1; Alpha Score = E)
      • An issue with missing leading zero’s in the TestLevel element for grade levels such as 8 or 9 is now fixed.
      • The grade level is now reported as expected such as <TestLevel>09<TestLevel.
PSSR-294448New Store Ed-Fi Section Identifier Fields and Calculation Process for Manual Entry Stored Grades

New fields are available on the Historical Grades page to support the new TEA Ed-Fi ODS reporting model for PEIMS and TSDS pilots beginning in the 2022-23 school year. New Ed-Fi Section Identifier fields are added to the stored grades records for manual entry stored grades with no associated section. In addition, a new nightly process updates the calculated Ed-Fi Section identifier as needed such as when records have been imported into historical grades.. Note that these fields and calculations do not impact current reporting for the 2021-22 school year.

  • New Fields on Historical Grades Page: Two new columns are added to the S_TX_SGR_X table and to the stored grades page. These fields apply only to manual entry stored grades where the Section ID is 0.
    • Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Calculated): S_TX_SGR_X.E1056_SectionIden_Calc
      • This is a calculated, read-only field which appears below the existing Class ID Override field.
      • For Ed-Fi reporting, the new 255 character Section Identifier will replace the existing 14 character Class ID (Unique Section Code) field used in the current xml interchange reporting.
      • The Ed-Fi Section Identifiers will be reported in Master Schedule Sections, Staff Sections, Student Sections and Student Transcript records to fulfill a similar purpose as the current Class ID code.
      • The calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier is composed of the following elements, each separated by an underscore character, to allow easy identification of the source PowerSchool section record:
        • Local Student Number
        • School # (such as 001)
        • Course # (such as 4567Alg1A or 8978)
        • Store Code (such as S1, S2, Y1, T1, T2, T3, Q1, Q2, etc.)
        • Grade (Numeric Grade if exists, otherwise Letter Grade)
        • Stored Grades record internal ID
    • Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Override): S_TX_SEC_X. E1056_SectionIden_Ovr
      • This 255 character field appears directly below the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier.
      • If populated, this will serve as an override to the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier with a similar purpose as the existing Class ID Override in the current xml reporting.
    • The existing calculated Class ID and Class ID override fields remain valid for the current xml reporting until the 2024-25 school year.
  • New Ed-Fi Section Identifier Calculation and Nightly Process
    • A new preference is added to the Texas Preferences panel in District Setup to allow the district to set the time for the auto-code process. The default is 3:30 am.
    • The nightly process runs automatically at the designated time to calculate and store the Ed-Fi Section Identifiers in any new manual entry stored records.
    • Existing Section Identifiers are left in place and are not recalculated.
PSSR-297207Nightly Process Update for Child Find Records

The Texas Child Find nightly process is now updated to retain the previous year values for absences in open records with a Special Education Eligibility date in the prior year.

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