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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259988All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting - minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated. This can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.
PSSR-269849All States/Provinces: Contact Relationship Details Enterprise Report Update

Additional Reference: PSSR-270776, PSSR-260290

Contact Relationship Details (Enterprise Report): Version 2.0

Updated the Contact Relationship Details Enterprise report with the following changes:

  • Corrected issue where phone, email, or address might not display when there is data in the contact’s record.
  • Added second email address.
  • Added many new student fields, including Track, legal name, legal gender, and guardian alert.
  • Added all fields from the PersonCoreFields table.
  • Added field-level security (FLS) support to all supported student and contact fields.
  • Other design enhancements have been made, including a reset button and full-screen button.
PSSR-258130All States/Provinces: Contact Tracing Report Update - Attendance Data

Student Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.4

The Contact Tracing report has been updated and now pulls attendance data based on a newly added report parameter. When this parameter is selected, the attendance for the selected students will be reported by Day/Period (depending on if the default for the student’s FTE is meeting or daily attendance).

PSSR-270782All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.2

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated and will no longer pull invalid inventory records that result in a negative inventory value.

PSSR-2681482020-21 TEA Code Table and Data Collection Updates

The following pages and fields are now updated to implement TEA data element changes for the 2021-22 school year.

  • State/Province - TX > Student Crisis Codes
    • Removed unused COVID-19 Code 02 03/31/2021 from the page for all school years.
    • Rendered as read-only all other codes under the 2020-21 School Year section:
      • COVID-19 Code 08 09/28/2020
      • COVID-19 Code 09 10/30/2020
      • COVID-19 Code 01 01/29/2021
  • Special Programs > SELA > Language Acquisition Services Provided (E1662)
    • Updated the checkbox label from "Indirect" to "Indirect/Consultative" for the 21-22 school year and beyond.
    • Removed the obsolete checkbox for "Consultative" and the corresponding dropdown lists for Frequency of Services (E1663) and Hours Spent Receiving Services (E1664) for the 21-22 school year and beyond.
    • The obsolete fields and options remain visible in records for the prior school year.
  • School Setup > Calendar Setup > School Day Event Code
    • This element is now hidden on the Calendar page for the 21-22 school year and beyond.
    • The Element remains visible for the prior school year.
  • State/Province - TX > PEIMS General Information > Attribution Code (E1000)
    • Obsolete code (31) Open Enrollment Charter School: Outside Attendance/Geographic Boundaries is hidden in the dropdown list from the dropdown for the 21-22 school year and beyond.
    • This code remains visible for records in the prior year.
  • Staff > Staff Information > Staff Responsibility Records
    • Validations for TEA fatal edits related to mandatory and disallowed fields based on Role ID for the Fall PEIMS Submission are now active on the page for the 2021-22 school year.
    • Records built by state reporting logic for scheduled class assignments already respect these edits. The validations apply to manually created records for non-scheduled responsibilities.
      • 30090-0007: If ROLE-ID is "002", "007", "015", "016", "017", "018", "021", "026", "032", "033", "036", "047", or "087", then the following must be provided: CLASS-ID-NUMBER, NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS, CLASS-TYPE-CODE, and MONTHLY-MINUTES.
      • 30090-0008: If ROLE-ID is NOT "002", "007", "008", "015", "016", "017", "018", "021", "026", "032", "033", "036", "047", or "087", then the following must be blank: CLASS-ID-NUMBER, NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS, CLASS-TYPE-CODE, and MONTHLY-MINUTES.
  • District Finance > Actual and Staff Payroll > New Fund Codes
    • 281 - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund II (ESSER II) of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act
    • 282 - ESSER III of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
  • State/Province - TX > Graduation Information > Performance Acknowledgements > Industry Certifications
    • The data type for the IBC Exam Fee is modified to accept decimal places to support the new TEA range of values of 0.00 - 700.00
PSSR-2681302021-22 Updates to the PowerSchool Service ID Table

The Texas Service ID table (S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S) is now updated to add 2021-22 records per the TEA C022 table in the current 2022.2.2 Addendum Version of the TSDS Data Standards. Customers should review the obsolete and new Service ID's in the TEA Change Log.

PSSR-270150Class Roster Interchanges: Course Sequence Code Logic Updates for Self-Paced Classes and Default Course Sequence A

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.8.2
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 21.8.2
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 21.8.2

  • Self-Paced Classes: The Class Roster Interchanges are now updated to support semester-length high school credit classes taught in the Year term. The Course Sequence Code as entered in Courses, Sections, or Stored Grades is now output as follows:
    • 0 or D0 is output for 1-semester courses only (Course Sequence = 1 in Courses or Course Sequence = 0 in Sections or Stored Grades)
    • 1 or D1 is output for the First Half of a 2-semester course (Course Sequence = F in Courses or Course Sequence = 1 in Sections or Stored Grades)
    • 2 or D2 is output for the Second Half of a 2-semester course (Course Sequence = S in Courses or Course Sequence = 2 in Sections or Stored Grades)
  • Course Sequence A: Additionally, updates are made to output non-HS Credit Courses with Course Sequence A regardless of the scheduled term for the section. A Course Sequence override of A in Sections or Stored Grades is no longer required to report non-HS Credit Courses that are not taught in the year term.
PSSR-268784New Child Find Special Program Data Collection

A new Child Find tab is now available in Special Programs to support the TSDS Child Find Collection for the 2021-22 school year. The required Child Find Interchanges will be provided in a subsequent update.

  • General Information
    • The Child Find Collection is a continuous TSDS collection throughout the school year with a final deadline in July of each year. Records should be uploaded as students complete the special education evaluation/eligibility determination process.
    • The Child Find record captures information for two State Performance Plan (SPP) Indicators in TSDS:
      • SPPI-11: Refers to the timely evaluation of students, ages 3 21, for special education
        services under Part B of IDEA.
      • SPPI-12: Refers to children who are referred from Part C of IDEA prior to age 3, found eligible for Part B of IDEA, and have an individualized education plan (IEP) developed and implemented by their third birthday to receive early childhood special education (ECSE) services from a local education agency (LEA).
    • Child Find records are required for any student for whom the special education evaluation/eligibility process was completed with an eligibility determination date on or between July 1, 20YY and June 30, 20YY of a given school year.
    • This includes “holdover” students for whom the evaluation process was initiated in the prior school year, but not completed until the current school year.
    • In some cases, this may include non-enrolled students such as homeschooled students, private school students, or children who received Early Childhood Intervention services through another state
  • New Child Find Placeholder Campus
    • To support the inclusion of non-enrolled students in the Child Find collection, a new “Child Find Placeholder Campus” checkbox field is now available on the Schools/School Info page (S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.ChildFind_Placeholder).
    • This field will serve to identify one or more non-reportable campus(es) in the district where students who are not enrolled in a regular, reportable campus can be enrolled while undergoing and completing the evaluation process.
    • Districts that do not already have a placeholder campus for Child Find must create a new PowerSchool campus for this purpose and complete the required setup, which is similar to that of the Graduates School.
      • Schools/School Info: Select the Exclude from State Reporting and Child Find Placeholder checkboxes.
      • School Setup > Years and Terms: Create a Year Term with Start and End Dates that match the Year Term for the District Office.
      • School Setup > Full-Time Equivalencies: define a default FTE for each year.
      • School Setup > Bell Schedule: define a default bell schedule for each year; no periods are needed.
      • School Setup > Calendar Setup
        • Assign default Cycle Day A and the default Bell Schedule to the first day of the school year; check the In-Session box; submit the page.
        • Assign default Cycle Day A and the default Bell Schedule to the last day of the school year; check the In-Session box; submit the page.
  • Child Find Special Program Data Collection
    • A new Child Find Special Program is now seeded into District Setup.
    • A new Texas extension table of the SpEnrollments table holds the Child Find records: review the  S_TX_SEN_CHILDFIND_X Data Dictionary for details on each field.
    • In order to successfully report a student in the Child Find Collection, all applicable fields and dates must be populated.
      • Initially when the Child Find record is created for a student, values for some fields and future dates may not yet be known. Therefore, data entry validations cannot be implemented to require values in each TEA-required field.
      • In a subsequent release, a new Child Find option will be added to the PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report to allow districts to review their records for compliance.
    • Child Find Elements
      • Comment: optional for local use
      • Entry Date: required
      • Exit Date: leave blank until the student completes the evaluation process
      • Campus ID of Evaluation (E1710): required in all records
        • This is the campus where the student was initially evaluated for special education services.
        • This must be a reportable campus. If a “non-enrolled” student is enrolled only in the Child Find Placeholder campus, select the zoned campus in which the student would normally be enrolled.
      • ECI Notification Date (E1712): conditionally required for students who are/were served in the ECI program and who were evaluated for eligibility for Part B services in early childhood special education (ECSE).
      • ECI Transition Conference Date (E1713): conditionally required for students who are/were served in the ECI program as above.
      • Parental Consent Date (E1714): required in all records. This is the first instructional day following the date on which the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) from the student's parent.
      • Initial Evaluation Date (E1715): required in all records. This is the date when the written full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) report was completed.
      • Special Ed Eligibility Determination Date (E1716): required in all records. This is the date when the ARD committee met to determine the child’s initial eligibility for special education and related services. For students determined to be eligible, this is also the date the student’s IEP was developed and implemented.
      • Special Ed Determination Code (E1717): required in all records. Select 1/Yes or 0/No to indicate if the student was determined to be eligible for services.
      • Evaluation Delay Reason Code (E1718): conditionally required if the student’s evaluation (FIIE) report was completed beyond the required 45 instructional day timeframe, or the justification as to why a child who was receiving ECI services had their eligibility determination for early childhood special education (ECSE) after the child’s third birthday.
        • Select Code
        • (01) LEA Delay - Lack of Available Assmt Personnel
        • (02) LEA Delay - Scheduling
        • (03) LEA Delay - Late Report from Contracted Personnel
        • (04) Parent Delay - No Records Regarding Parent who Fails/Refuses to Produce Child for Eval
        • (05) Parent Delay - Detailed Records Regarding Parent who Fails/Refuses to Produce Child for Eval
        • (06) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (No Records Maintained)
        • (07) LEA Agreement with Parent to Timeframe (Records Maintained)
        • (08) Part C (ECI) Did Not Notify/Refer Child to Part B at Least 90 Days Prior to Child’s Third Birthday
        • (09) Other
PSSR-272556Performance Tuning for PEIMS Extended Year Interchanges

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.8.2
TX Interchange Student: Version 21.8.2
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 21.8.2

The Extended Year Interchanges are now updated to rework the query related to the addition of the ADSY program this year in order to improve performance.

PSSR-269934Security Updates for Texas State Reporting Pages

Additional Reference: PSSR-270692

Updates are now available to prevent security attacks in affected pages in State/Province - TX, District > District Info, and District > Texas State Assessment Setup.

PSSR-256839Staff Information Updates for Class Roster Winter Collection

The Texas Users extension table (S_TX_USR_X) and the Staff Information page are now updated to include the addition of four new fields to support the Class Roster Winter Collection.

  • Years of Prior Teaching Experience (E1377): E1377_Yrs_Prior_Teach_Exp
  • Creditable Year Of Service Indicator Code (E1721): E1721_Credit_Year_Svc_Ind
  • Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code (E1722): E1722_Tch_Inc_Allot
    • Select Code (NULL) - default
    • 01 Active National Board Certified Teacher
    • 02 Active Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation
    • 03 LEA Submitted Designation Pending
  • Exclude from Class Roster Winter: Exclude_CR_Winter
  • In addition, the obsolete "Exclude from Summer Submission" field has been removed as Staff are no longer reported in the PEIMS Submission 3.
PSSR-270208Update Course Sequence Code Verification Report to Support Self-Paced Classes and Course Sequence A Default

Course Sequence Code Verification Report: Version 21.8.2
The Course Sequence Code Verification Report is now updated with the following changes to support Self-Paced Classes and Course Sequence A Default.

  • Non-high school credit classes offered by elementary and middle schools and taught in a term other than the Year Term no longer require the entry of a Course Sequence Code in courses or sections. A Course Sequence Code of A will now be defaulted based on the TEA C022 Service ID table. Districts can leave all non-high school credit courses set to "Use Default Course Setup."
    • Rule #1: "Default Elem/MS Course Sequence A must be in year term" is now removed from the report.
  • Semester-length high school credit classes (Course Sequence 0, 1, or 2) with sections scheduled in the Year Term are now supported as valid scenarios for Texas state reporting. In the self-paced class scenario, students may begin a section at any time and exit the section at any time.
    • Rule #4: "Single term HS course cannot be in year term" is now modified to "Verify: single term course scheduled in the year term."
    • Rules #8 and #9: "Semester course cannot be in year term" is now modified to "Verify: semester course scheduled in the year term."
PSSR-267725Update CTE Hours Exclusion in Sections to Support Multiple Date Ranges

The Edit Section Page is now updated to capture multiple periods of exclusion for CTE Vocational Hours.

  • A new child table (S_TX_SEC_EXCLUDE_CTE_C) now supports multiple records for exclusion Start Dates and End Dates with the following fields:
    • Start Date: Exclude_CTE_Hrs_Start_Date
    • End Date: Exclude_CTE_Hrs_End_Date
  • Users are now able to:
    • Click on the New Button to add a new CTE Hours Exclusion Record
    • Click on the Edit Icon to Edit/Delete a CTE Hours Exclusion Record
  • In addition, the following validations are now implemented for these fields:
    • Start Date must not be blank.
    • Start Date must be less than End Date.
    • Start Date and End Date must not fall between or overlap an existing CTE Hours Exclusion Start Date and End Date Range.
    • Start Date and End Date must be valid dates within the Term and Year defined for the section
    • End Date defaults to the last day of the term.
  • Any existing CTE Hours Exclusion Start Date and End Date values from the prior school year are automatically migrated to the new child table.
PSSR-239475Updates for Class ID/Unique Section Code and Courses/Sections Verification Reports

Courses and Sections Verification Report: Version 21.8.2
Class ID/Unique Section Code Verification Report: Version 21.8.2

The reports are updated to provide new runtime options and features.

  • Class ID/Unique Section Code Verification Report
    A new Collection Code parameter is now available. To verify the Class ID values for a specific PEIMS or TSDS Collection, select the corresponding Collection Code. The output includes only those Class ID values that meet the record selection criteria for the collection.
    • ALL: when selected, the output includes all courses and sections
    • SUMR
    • EXYR
    • TSDS - Class Roster-Fall: an additional Class Roster Fall Snapshot Date parameter is also displayed.
    • TSDS - Class Roster-Winter: an additional Class Roster Winter Snapshot Date parameter is also displayed.
    • TSDS – ECDS: additional parameters that mirror the options for the ECDS Interchanges are now available:
      • ECDS: Limit to Grade K and/or PK
        • KG only: additional BOY ECDS Assessment Start Date and End Date parameters are displayed.
        • PK only: additional BOY ECDS Assessment Start Date and End Date, EOY ECDS Assessment Start Date and End Date are displayed.
        • Both KG & PK: additional BOY ECDS Assessment Start Date and End Date, EOY ECDS Assessment Start Date and End Date are displayed.
      • New ECDS Date Range parameters are displayed
        • To extract both PK BOY and EOY, enter both sets of dates; to extract PK BOY or EOY only, enter the dates for one collection only.
        • To extract KG BOY, enter the dates for BOY Start Date and End Date parameters.
        • If student-level ECDS Assessment Dates are entered in State/Province - TX > ECDS Assessment Dates, the Homeroom Section in which the student was enrolled on the specified ECDS Assessment Date(s) is extracted.
        • If the student assessment dates are blank, student section records are extracted based on the Assessment Start and End Date parameters specified at runtime.
  • Courses and Sections Verification Report
    • The runtime parameters for ECDS are enhanced to match those of the Class ID/Unique Section Code Verification Report
    • The Effective Date parameter is removed for All/SUMR/EXYR collections, and the FALL collection code is removed from the list of options.
    • All reportable Manual Entry Stored Grades records are now included along with the Courses and Sections.
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