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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282995All States/Provinces: CRDC Report (2020-2021): CRDC School 3 File - Headers Update

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The Common template (shared by all states) of the CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to have the correct column headers for the new Staff Offenses columns as per the information provided in the 'CRDC School 3.csv' file.
Note: The base version of the CRDC 2020-2021 report is updated to 1.1 with this release. State-specific updates to the base version are denoted with a second dot version number (e.g., CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1.1).

PSSR-282741All States/Provinces: CRDC 2020-2021 Report: Student Enrollment in Remote Computer Science Classes

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The CRDC 2020-2021 Report Common Template is updated to return student information for remote school enrollments in Computer Science classes. Initially it was only returning information for home school enrollments.

PSSR-277063All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference Updated in Parent Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry page in the public portal has been updated and now records will not save if the Date field is blank.

PSSR-281977All States/Provinces: Digital Equity Device Type Field Added in Public Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference new record page, in the public portal, has been updated and now the Device Type field can be populated by parents and guardians if the district has opted to expose this page.

PSSR-269159All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.4

The Health Report has been updated and the Hearing Screening Outcome column is now returning the display values (Pass/Fail) rather than the State Name value.

PSSR-277894All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Clinic Log report has been updated and will no longer display previous school’s office visit records.

PSSR-281930CRDC Incident Management Verification Report Updates

CRDC Incident Management Verification Report: Version 22.1.2
The following updates are now available to support discipline reporting for the 2020-21 CRDC Collection.

  • Student Name: The Texas state reporting student name override fields are no longer displayed; the standard PowerSchool student name fields are now reported.
  • SPED, 504, and EL Indicators:
    • SPED status is now based on either the IDEA Count Date if specified at runtime; otherwise, the Fall Count Date. Status as of both count dates now displays in the report.
    • The 504 Indicator is also now sourced from the Texas 504 Special Program record and the status is based on the Fall Count Date.
    • The EL Indicator continues to be sourced from the EL/EB Special Program record and the status is based on the Fall Count Date.
  • Expulsion Action Codes: the selection criteria is updated to match that of the CRDC submission report. Code 50 was previously omitted and is now added; codes 15, 54, 55, and 57 are removed.
  • CRDC Offense Category Action Attribute: The following obsolete categories are removed.
    • 4-Robbery with a firearm or explosive device
    • 7-Physical Attack or Fight w/ Firearm/Explosive
    • 10-Threat Physical Attack w/ Firearm/Explosive
  • CRDC Victim, Harassment/Bullying – Religion: New columns are added to list the Perceived Religion(s) upon which the harassment was based.
    • Atheism/Agnostic
    • Buddhist
    • Catholic
    • Eastern Orthodox
    • Hindu
    • Islamic (Muslim)
    • Jehovah’s Witness
    • Jewish (Judaism)
    • Mormon (Latter-day Saint)
    • Multiple Religions, Group
    • Other Christian
    • Other Religions
    • Protestant
    • Sikh
PSSR-275592General Education Homebound (GEH) Special Program Verification Report

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 22.1.2
A new runtime option for General Education Homebound (GEH) is now available in the PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report.

  • Students with a GEH Indicator of Yes/1 on the specified Effective Date or during the Reporting Period or selected Date Range are included.
  • Report Elements
    • School ID
    • Unique ID
    • Local Student Number
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Grade Level
    • Birth Date
    • Enroll Status
    • Entry Date
    • Exit Date
    • Program Entry Date
    • Program Exit Date
    • GEH Ind
    • Type (C - CEHI or G - GEH)
    • Remote Instr Provided (1 or 0)
PSSR-278649TREx Extract Updates for Courses

TREx Extract: Version 22.1.2
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 22.1.2
Updates are now available for local credit courses and courses with different lead teachers during different terms of a year-long course.

  • Local Credit Courses

    • When a student takes a local credit course with a Service ID beginning in 8, the current logic defaults the Course Sequence to A and suppresses the Semester element because the course is not listed as Eligible for HS Credit in the C022 table.

    • The logic is updated to examine the potential credit value for the course and to process the course in the same way as any other high school credit course if potential credit is greater than 0. The Course Sequence is output with the appropriate value based on the course sequence assigned in Stored Grades, Sections, or Courses.

  • Courses with different lead teachers across terms: When the Lead Teacher for a year-long course changes during the year, duplicate records are no longer produced when reporting records for multiple course parts.

PSSR-270305New Child Find Collection Student Interchanges

TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 22.1.2
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.1.2
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 22.1.2
A new collection code of "TSDS - Child Find" is now available for the above Interchanges. Select this option to generate the required TSDS interchanges for the Child Find Collection, which includes students who have completed the SPED evaluation process during the current school year. The required EdOrg and EdOrg Calendar Interchanges for the Child Find Collection were made available in a previous release.

  • Student Selection Criteria
    • Students must be enrolled in a regular, reportable campus in the district or enrolled in a non-reportable campus where the Child Find Placeholder Campus field is set to Yes in Schools/School Info.
    • Students must have a Child Find Special Program record where the SPED Eligibility Determination Date falls on or between July 1 and June 30 of the current school year. The Entry Date of the Child Find record may be in a prior school year or the current school year.
  • The Student-Parent Interchange includes the Student Extension only.
  • The Student Enrollment Interchange includes the StudentSchoolAssociationExtension complex, which reports the student grade level and school of enrollment only. Note that students enrolled in a non-reportable Child Find Placeholder Campus are not reported with this interchange.
  • The Student Program Interchange includes the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension and the new StudentChildFindAssociationExtension complex with the following elements:
    • E1523 TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID (StudentUniqueStateId)
      • TX-ChildFind complex type
        • E1710 CAMPUS-ID-OF-EVALUATION (TX-CampusIdOfEvaluation)
        • E0975 INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-InstructionalTrack)
        • E1711 STUDENT-ABSENCES-WITHIN-TIMEFRAME (TX-StudentAbsencesWithinTimeframe)
      • TX-EarlyChildhoodTransition complex type
        • E1712 ECI-NOTIFICATION-DATE (TX-ECINotificationDate)
        • E1713 ECI-TRANSITION-CONFERENCE-DATE (TX-ECITransitionConferenceDate)
      • TX-ChildFindInitialEvaluation complex type
        • E1714 PARENTAL-CONSENT-DATE (TX-ParentalConsentDate)
        • E1715 INITIAL-EVALUATION-DATE (TX-InitialEvaluationDate)
      • TX-ChildFindEligibilityDetermination complex type
        • E1716 SPED-ELIGIBILITY-DETERMINATION-DATE (TX-SPEDEligibilityDeterminationDate)
        • E1717 SPED-DETERMINATION-CODE (TX-SPEDDeterminationDate)
      • TX-EvaluationDelay complex type
        • E1718 EVALUATION-DELAY-REASON (TX-EvaluationDelayReason)
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