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Class ID/Unique Section Code Verification Report



This report is used to verify section and manually entered stored grade records referenced in the Summer PEIMS validation edits for the Master Schedule, Staff, Student Enrollment, and Student Transcript Interchanges. The report produces a CSV file containing the class IDs and other key information. 

Selection Criteria

This report has no specified selection criteria.

Report Input

  For help with navigation and running the report, see Generate Reports.



Select Schools*

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.
  • All Schools (default) – The report includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.
School Year

Choose the school year for which to run this report.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element



1School IDThe school number.



2School NameThe school name.[Schools]Name
3Course NameThe course name.


4Course NumberThe course ID number.



5Alternate Course NumberThe alternate course number.




6Section NumberThe section number.




The period that the section meets.

8TermThe ID number for the term in which the section was taught.


9Class ID (Calculated)The calculated class ID.Calculated
10Class ID (Section or Stored Grades Override)The override class ID, if populated.



11Homeroom SectionIndicates if this is the homeroom section.[S_TX_SEC_X]E1440_Homeroom_Section
12Teacher Name

The name of the section instructor.

Note: This field is only reported for scheduled Sections records.


13Teacher Unique ID

The teacher's unique state ID number.

Note: This field is only reported for scheduled Sections records.

14Teacher Number

The teacher's locally assigned ID number.

Note: This field is only reported for scheduled Sections records.

15Student Name

The student's name.

Note: This field is only reported for manually entered stored grades records.

16Student Number

The student's locally assigned ID number.

Note: This field is only reported for manually entered stored grades records.

17Student Unique ID

The student's unique state ID number.

Note: This field is only reported for manually entered stored grades records.


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