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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-273064EOC Substitution Assessment Updates for English I and English II

AAR: Version 21.9.1
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 21.9.1
TREx Extract: Version 21.9.1
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 21.9.1
Texas Graduation Profile Report: Version 21.9.1
Texas Individual Graduation Profile Report: Version 21.9.1
In the reports and on the EOC Status Page, the EOC Substitution Assessment logic for English I and English II is modified to prevent Oracle errors when run for students with a large number of assessment records and subtest scores, and to update the logic applied when evaluating ACT, SAT, TSIA, and TSIA2 subtest scores for a qualifying substitution.

  • When the EOC substitution logic evaluates a large number of subtest scores for the English I and II EOC's, the reports no longer fail with Oracle errors ORA-06502/ORA-06512: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small.
  • The evaluation of minimum passing scores in the applicable subtests for English I and II substitutions is modified as follows:
    • English I and English II substitutions for the ACT, SAT and TSIA2 now require that the qualifying subtest scores be extracted from the same test administration. Qualifying subtest scores across multiple test attempts are no longer considered valid.
      • ACT with Test Date < or = 06/01/2015: ACT_READ 21, ACT_ENWR 18
      • ACT with Test Date > or = 09/01/2015: ACT_READ 22, ACT_ENG 18
      • SAT with Test Date < 03/01/2016: SAT_Reading 500, SAT_Writing or SAT_Writing_Cumulative 500
      • SAT with Test Date > or = 03/01/2016: SAT_EBRW or SAT_Reading 480 (applies to English I only)
      • TSIA2 with Test Date > or = 01/11/2021: ELA 945, WritingEssay or Essay 5
    • For the older TSIA assessment taken on or before 01/10/2021, qualifying subtest scores can be sourced from multiple test administration dates: Reading 351, Writing 340, and WritingEssay 4.
PSSR-259864New Parameter and Student Selection Criteria Update for the Class Roster Collection

TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 21.9.1
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.9.1
The two student-based Class Roster interchanges are updated with a new run-time parameter to ensure the correct records are extracted per the TEA edits: "Exclude Students with No Reportable Classes on Snapshot Date".

  • If a student has no scheduled classes, or all of the classes are non-reportable based on Service ID's beginning in SA, SE, SR, SS, 8, or 9 or an Explanation Code of (L) Local Course, no Student Section records are reported in the Student Enrollment Interchange.
  • Previously, a record for the student was reported in the Student Parent Interchange, which caused this TEA fatal error: 40100-0187 - For each student reported by the LEA, there must be student section association data with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID.
  • Recommended Practices
    • When generating files for the Class Roster Collections, districts should initially set the new parameter to "No" in order to include and verify students with no reportable classes. In some cases, newly enrolled students may be missing a schedule, which should be corrected. In other cases, ADA 0 students and some Special Education students may correctly be enrolled in local classes only.
    • After updating student schedules as needed, districts should delete the existing records out of the TSDS system and then run the interchanges with the "Exclude Students with No Reportable Classes on Snapshot Date" parameter set to "Yes" in order to generate and load clean files.
  • An additional data collection update is also now available on the Staff Information page. The field label for "Exclude from 040" is updated to "Exclude from Basic Staff Extension Record" so that the purpose of the field is clearer. This exclusion applies to all PEIMS and TSDS collections.
PSSR-273227Student Selection Criteria Updates for PEIMS Extended Year Collection

TX Interchange Student: Version 21.9.1
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.9.1
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 21.9.1
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 21.9.1
TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 21.9.1
The student selection criteria are updated for the PEIMS Extended Year Collection to include students who were enrolled in the prior year, but who do not have an enrollment record in the new school year.

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