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Staff Information

The following data elements are required for staff setup. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Navigation: Go to Start Page, Staff, and Select Staff Member.

  1. On the Start Page, click Staff.

  2. Select a staff member or New Staff Entry.

  3. Select Edit Information for existing staff members.

Add/Edit Staff Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name



Enter the staff member's SSN.


Note: The SSN must conform to one of the following formats: NNN-NN-NNNN or NNNNNNNNN

  • Must have 9 digits

  • The first 3 digits and should not be 000, 666, or between 900 and 999.

  • The 4th & 5th digits should be between 01 to 99.

  • The 5th through 9th digits should be from 0001 to 9999.



Name (Last, First Middle, Generation Code)

Enter the staff member's last, first, and middle names as it is to be reported in PEIMS/TSDS.

Last and first names are required.

Note: Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into these fields.







Legal Name (Last, First Middle Generation Code)

Enter overrides for the staff member's last name, first name, middle name, and generational suffix to be reported in PEIMS/TSDS. The legal name fields override the staff name fields on state reports. The last and first name fields are required if the legal name does not match the preferred name.

If the staff member's legal name matches the preferred name, click Copy to populate the legal name fields.


  • Only A-Z, 0-9, spaces, apostrophes ( ' ), and hyphens ( - ) can be entered into these fields.

  • As of the 2019-20 school year, the maximum length allowed for TSDS/PEIMS for staff names is 60 characters. Names that exceed this character length will be truncated in the extracts.









Email Address

Enter the staff member's school email address.




Choose the staff member's gender.




 Legal Gender

Choose the staff member's legal gender. This field overrides staff gender on state reports. This field is required if the staff member's legal gender does not match the value in the gender field.

If the staff member's legal gender matches the value in the gender field, click Copy to populate the legal gender field.



Federal Ethnicity and Race


Select Yes or No for the staff’s Ethnicity.






Federal Ethnicity and Race


Select the staff's race. One or more may be selected.



[TeacherRace] is linked with [SchoolStaff]ID and [TeacherRace]TeacherID

RaceCd (this is the RaceCd from the Gen Table.

A record is created for each race staff has.



Enter the unique staff identifier provided by the state of Texas.



Date of Birth

Enter the staff date of birth.




Select the school or district that this staff is assigned primarily.



Staff Type

Select the appropriate status for the staff.




If selected this Indicates whether the staff is currently active.



Staff Type Code (E1073)

Enter the appropriate value based on the code table C181 in the PEIMS Data Standards.


If this value is left blank, it defaults to 1.



Years Experience in District (E0161)

Enter the number of verified years of experience in the district.



Total Years Experience (E0130)

Indicates the number of verified years of experience as specified in 19 TAC, Chapter 153.

Optional if the district is using another system to build the 040 records.



Years of Prior Teaching Experience (E1377):

Enter the prior teaching experience in years.



Highest Degree Level (E0730)

Select the appropriate value that identifies the highest post-secondary degree a person has earned from an institution recognized as accredited by the Agency.



PK Teacher Requirement (E1581)

Select the appropriate value that identifies the type of certification this staff member has if the staff teaches PK classes.

  • 01', 'Montessori Certification'

  • '02', 'At least 8 years experience teaching in a nationally accredited child care program'

  • '03', 'PK teacher in district with PK professional development'

  • '04', 'A graduate or undergraduate degree in early childhood or early childhood special education'

  • '05', 'Child Development Associate (CDA) credential'

  • '06', 'Documented completion of Texas School Ready Training Program (TSR Comprehensive)'

  • '07', 'Associate or baccalaureate in early childhood education or related field'

  • '08', 'At least 8 yrs teaching experience in nationally accredited child care program or Texas Rising Star'

  • '98', 'PK teacher in a school district with no additional HQPK Qualification'

  • '09', 'Contract: At least 2 yrs teaching experience in nationally accredited child care program or Texas Rising Star Program and a CDA or other approved credential'

  • '10', 'Contract: At least 2 yrs  teaching experience in nationally accredited child care program or Texas Rising Star Program and a Montessori certification'

  • '11', 'Contract: PK teacher in district with PK professional development'

  • '12', 'Contract: Associate or baccalaureate in early childhood education or related field'

  • '13', 'Contract: At least 8 yrs teaching experience in nationally accredited child care program or Texas Rising Star Program'

  • '99', 'Contract: Employed as a prekindergarten teacher in a school district with no additional high-quality prekindergarten qualifications.



Paraprofessional Certification Indicator (E1670)

Select Yes if the staff person is a certified paraprofessional. This indicator is only reported for paraprofessional staff that provide services to Special Education students. Educational Aides (ROLE-ID 033) serving special education students.



Creditable Year Of Service Indicator Code (E1721):

Enter the creditable year of service indicator code for the Teacher Incentive Allotment data collection:

  • Select Code (NULL) - default

  • (0) Not Receiving Services

  • (1) Participant in Program or Service



Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code

Select as many codes as apply for the Teacher Incentive Allotment data collection:

    • Select Code (NULL) - default

    • 01 Active National Board Certified Teacher

    • 02 Active Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation

    • 03 LEA Submitted Designation Pending



Auxiliary Role ID (E1594)

Choose the appropriate auxiliary role for non-professional staff employed by the LEA.  Used for PEIMS Fall Submission.



Hire Date

Enter the date the staff member was hired. Used for Ed-Fi reporting.



End Date

Enter the date the staff member's employment ended. Used for Ed-Fi reporting.



Exclude from Basic Staff Extension Record

Select this option to exclude Staff Extension records for the staff member.




Exclude from Class Roster Winter

Select Yes if the staff person should be excluded from reporting in the Class Roster Winter collection.



Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS

Select Yes to exclude the staff person from all TEA reporting.



Exclude from Ed-Fi

Choose Yes to exclude this staff from Ed-Fi reporting.

Optional. Default is No.



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