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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Enhanced UI - Current Selection Functionality Update

The Current Student Selection functionality was not working correctly in PowerSchool SIS with PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting 23.10.2.x in the Enhanced User Interface (UI). This could potentially involve actions for one student being applied to another student. This was a regression issue caused by changes that allowed end users using the Enhanced UI to favorite System and Compliance reports.

These changes were rolled back and the Current Student Selection now behaves as expected. A new fix will be implemented in a future release to allow end users (using the Enhanced UI) to favorite reports (System & Compliance).


AAR Updates for Subject Area Grouping

AAR: Version 23.11.1

AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 23.11.1

AAR - Unofficial Transcript: Version 23.11.1

The handling of the Subject Area groups on the AAR reports is updated to ensure groups are not split into non-contiguous listings. Depending on the number of courses within a subject area, the group may wrap to the next column if needed, but all courses within that group will be displayed chronologically.


Fall PEIMS Student Interchange Updated for New Previous Home Setting Language Code

TX Interchange Student: Version 23.11.1

The Student Interchange is update for Fall PEIMS reporting with the following logic:

  • If Student Language Code (StudentCoreFields.secondarylanguage) is English (98), but Previous Home Setting Language Code is any language other than English, report Student Language Code with the language code for the Previous Home Setting.

  • If Student Language Code is any language other than English, continue to report the code for that language.

  • Note: Student Home Language and Student Language Code must be coded for all students enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date. If left blank, no default output is applied and these mandatory elements will be omitted, resulting in TEA xml validation errors.


New Non-Enrolled UIL Participant Student Data Collection

New school and student data entry fields are now available to support the collection of non-enrolled students participating in UIL activities in public school districts. This information will be reported beginning in the 2023-24 school year in the Summer PEIMS submission.


  • HB 3708 provides an annual allotment to a school district of $1,500 per UIL activity in which non-enrolled students participate.

  • A non-enrolled student is a home-schooled student who does not attend the public school, but who participates in activities at the school. Each LEA sets its own policy to allow or dis-allow this practice.

  • The data collection and reporting model will be similar to the Child Find and Charter Waitlist collections:

    • Identify a “Non-Enrolled UIL Participants Placeholder Campus” school.

    • Enroll home-schooled students in this school.

    • Collect the school(s) and activities in which the student participates each school year.

School Data Collection: Non-Enrolled UIL Participants Placeholder Campus

  • Districts that allow home-schooled students to participate in UIL activities must create a new PowerSchool placeholder school to serve as the campus of enrollment for these students.

  • From the District Office, navigate to the School Info page and create a new campus with a non-reportable school number.

    • Select the checkbox for Exclude from State Reporting (enforced by validation).

    • On the School Info page, scroll down to the Additional Texas Data Collection panel and set the Non-Enrolled UIL Participants Placeholder Campus field to Yes.

    • System > Security > Users by Group

      • Set up Admin Access and Roles for staff members who will manage student enrollments in the UIL Participants campus.

      • Log out and log back in.

  • Required School Setup

    • Log in and select the placeholder campus.

      • School > Years and Terms

        • Create the 2023-24 Year Term with dates that match the district year term and submit the page.

        • Click the hyperlink for the 2023-2024 Year. Set the value for Days to 2 and submit the page. Submit.

      • School Setup > Attendance Preferences:  Select “Meeting” and Submit.

      • School Setup > Attendance > Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE): click “New.”

        • Set the name, which can be anything such as UIL.

        • Set the Default Attendance Mode to Meeting.

        • Set the Default Attendance Conversion to Period to Day and Submit.

      • School Setup > Attendance Conversions:  click “New” to create a default conversion and Submit.

      • School Setup > Bell Schedules: click “New” to create a default Bell Schedule. You do not need to define any periods.

      • School Setup > Attendance Calendar Setup

        • Set the Cycle Day and Bell Schedule for the first day of the school year and Submit.

        • Navigate to the last month of the school year. Set the Cycle Day and Bell Schedule for the last day of the school year and Submit.

        • Note that the Cycle Day & Bell Schedule values can be anything – they just need to exist.

Student Data Collection: Non-Enrolled UIL Participants

  • Enroll the Non-Enrolled UIL Participant in the placeholder campus and complete the data entry described below.

  • A new child table of students holds the Non-Enrolled UIL student data: S_TX_STU_NONENR_UIL_C. Navigate to Student > Compliance (or State/Province - TX) > Miscellaneous and complete the following data entry.

    • School Year: YearID (required).

    • UIL School: E0266_NonEnroll_UIL_Campus_ID (required). This is the reportable campus the student would attend based the student’s address and attendance zone.

    • UIL Activity: E1739_E1739_NonEnroll_UIL_Activity (required)

      • This dropdown list field groups the TEA UIL Activity Codes into categories.

        • UIL - Academics (codes 001-030)

        • UIL - Music (codes 050-060)

        • UIL - Spirit (code 075)

        • UIL - Athletics (code 076-089)

        • UIL - A+ Activities (codes 100-119)

      • Select the activity in which the student participates.

    • Comments: optional field.

    • Create additional records if the student participates in more than one activity.

    • Validation requires that each combination of UIL School and UIL Activity must be unique within a school year.


PEIMS Special Programs Report for SELA

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report Version : 23.11. 1

The SELA Special Programs Verification Report is updated for 2023-24 to remove the obsolete Assessment Tools and add the new Assessment Tools in their place.

  • In the Assessment Tools ouput, remove obsolete codes from the output for any records dated 08/01/2023 and beyond

    • 01 Proficiency

    • 02 Diagnostic

    • 03 Achievement

  • Add the new Assessment Tools to the output for any records dated 08/01/2023 and beyond

    • OW OWLS II (Diagnostic)

    • CA CASLLS (Proficiency)

    • CM Communication Matrix (Proficiency)

    • AS ASLA (Diagnostic)

    • VC VCSL (Proficiency)


Selection Criteria in Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification - PEIMS

Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification - PEIMS: Version 23.11.1

The record selection critiera for the PEIMS collections is updated based on Student Beginning and Ending Dates in the stored grades records.

  • Summer: Records are included if Beginning and Ending Dates fall within the regular school year or are missing.

  • Extended Year: Records are included if special explanation code R is set (summer/night school), and the Beginning and Ending Dates fall within the summer, after the last day of school and prior to the start of the new year.

In all cases, records with special explanation code 03 or L are excluded.


Timestamps Updated in Electronic Attendance Audit Reports

Attendance All Present Audit Report: Version 23.11.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report: Version 23.11.1
Section Attendance Status: Version 23.11.1

The timestamps for the time attendance was taken or modified as well as the report run time in the footer are updated to correctly display central time for hosted districts where the PowerSchool App and Database servers are in different time zones.


TREx 5.4.1 Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-331088

TREx Extract: Version 23.11.1

TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 23.11.1

Updates to support the latest 5.4.1 TREx Data Standards are now available.

  • Demographics Complex

    • Student Accelerated Education Plan (StudentAcceleratedEducationPlan)

      • This new element is calculated based on whether the student has an assigned Accelerated Instruction Plan in the current year or not.

      • 1 is reported if the student has an assigned plan; otherwise the default is 0.

    • Behavioral Threat Assessment Indicator (BehavioralThreatAssessment)

      • This new element indicates a student’s behavior has resulted or will result in a threat assessment under TEC §37.115.

      • This element is reported as 1 (Yes) if manually coded for the student in Compliance > Miscellaneous > Behavioral Threat Assessment.

      • Note that this element differs from the Safe Supportive School Program Team Review indicator in Incident Management.

  • Attendance Complex: Prior Year Days Attended (PriorDaysAttended) is corrected from the prior version where the number of days was sometimes duplicated.

  • Discipline Complex

    • Previously, the only discipline information transmitted in TREx was for unexpired actions still in effect when the student transferred out of the district.

    • In the new model, all current year Texas discipline incidents that meet the TEA Summer PEIMS criteria are included in TREx with the following elements:

      • Disciplinary Action Number

      • Disciplinary Action Code

      • Disciplinary Action Reason (Behavior)

      • Disciplinary Incident Number

      • Discipline School Year

      • Date of Disciplinary Action

      • Actual Length of Disciplinary Assignment

      • Campus ID of Disciplinary Responsibility

      • Official Length of Disciplinary Assignment

      • Disciplinary Length Difference Reason

      • Inconsistent Code of Conduct Indicator Code

      • Behavior Location Code

      • Safe Supportive School Program Team Review

  • Academic Status Complex

    • Associate Degree Indicator Code (AssociateDegree): The extract is modified to handle the new coding for the Associate Degree Indicator.

      • If the new Associate Degre Indicator (1596) is populated with a code value of 2-6, that value is reported.

      • Otherwise, if the prior Associate Degree field is populated as Yes, a value of 1 is reported.

      • If the student has not earned an Associate Degree, the element is suppressed.

    • Graduation Diploma Type (GraduationDiplomaType): New code 40 for the Texas First Early High School Graduation Program now reports if assigned to the student.

    • Texas First Early HS Graduate (TexasFirstEarlyHSGraduate)

      • If the student has completed and graduated under the Texas Early First program, and the corresponding field on the Graduation Information page is coded as (02) Completed, a value of 1 is reported.

      • Note that TREx reporting differs from PEIMS; in TREx a simple indicator is reported whereas in PEIMS, codes 01 or 02 are reported to identify if the student graduated two or more semesters early or less than two semesters early.

    • New Accelerated Instruction Type Complex

      • If applicable, this new complex appears directly after the FinancialAidApplicationMetDate element.

      • Accelerated Instruction records are reported for each subject assigned to the student in the current year with the following elements:

        • Subject (AcceleratedInstructionSubject)

          • Reported with code values of 01-04

          • Since specific codes for the EOC subjects are not available, code mapping is implemented to crosswalk the EOC subjects to the available codes.

            • (01) Reading/English

            • (02) Math

            • (03) Social Studies

            • (04) Science

            • (05) Algebra I: mapped to code 02

            • (06) Biology: mapped to code 04

            • (07) English I: mapped to code 01

            • (08) English II: mapped to code 01

            • (09) US History: mapped to code 03

        • Accelerated Instruction Participation (StudentAcceleratedInstructionParticipation)

          • (01) Participates In Supplemental Accel Instruc

          • (02) Does Not Participate – Parent Opt Out

          • (03) Does Not Participate – Assigned TIA Teacher

          • (04) Does Not Participate – Assigned Accel Instruc In Two Other Subjects

          • (05) Does Not Participate – Retained

          • (06) LEA Exempt From Providing Accel Instruc

      • Assigned Instruction Hours (AssignedHoursAcceleratedInstruction)

        • Output only if Participation Code indicates the student is participating in the Accelerated Instruction program: code 01

        • The value entered is reported; formatted as NN.NN

      • YTD Hours Completed (YTDNumberHoursCompleted)

        • Only output if Participation Code = 01

        • The value entered is reported; formatted as NN.NN (default to 0 if no hours completed)

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