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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-276130All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version: 1.3
The report has been updated and will not display duplicate daily/meeting attendance records in the output. The order of the records has also been updated and the data will display in descending order.

PSSR-276219All States/Provinces: Office Powerteacher Multi-Day Attendance Page now Honors the "No Blank Attendance Flag"

The PowerTeacher Portal's Multi-day Attendance page has been updated and will now honor the "Prevent Attendance page submit if blank attendance is used (PowerTeacher)" setting on the Attendance Preferences page.

PSSR-281163Class Roster Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.12.2
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 21.12.2
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 21.12.2
Updates are now available to support the Class Roster collection.

  • Winter Class Roster Staff Interchange
    • Staff Extension
      • The selection criteria are updated to include records for school or district-level teachers who are reportable for the Teacher Incentive Allotment, but who have no scheduled sections on the Winter Class Roster snapshot date. Records are excluded for any teacher with the Exclude from CR Winter field set to Yes.
      • Years of Prior Teaching Experience (E1377) is implemented as a new data source in place of the prior field, Total Years Experience (E0130). If extracting basic Staff records from PowerSchool for the Winter Class Roster collection, ensure that all teaching staff have a value in the new field: S_TX_USR_X.E1377_Yrs_Prior_Teach_Exp. If left blank, the default output is 1.
      • Creditable Year of Service Indicator Code (E1721) is added to the output and appears just before the Teacher Incentive Allotment complex type.
      • E1722 Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code: the length of the field is updated from 2 to 20 characters to support multiple codes per teacher. Codes are stored as a comma-delimited list in S_TX_USR_X.E1722_Tch_Inc_Allot. Select all codes that apply.
        • (01) Active National Board Certified Teacher
        • (02) Active Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation
        • (03) LEA Submitted Designation Pending
      • Multiple records are output if applicable. If blank, the Teacher Incentive Allotment complex type is suppressed along with the Creditable Year of Service Indicator.
    • New Teacher School Association Complex Type
      • When the selected collection is TSDS Class Roster-Winter, an additional parameter is now available: Include the Teacher School Association Complex Type.
      • Set the option to Yes to include records for staff with no scheduled sections who have a non-NULL value for Teacher Incentive Allotment Designation Code (E1722) on the Staff Information page.
      • Qualifying teachers with multiple school assignments in PowerSchool are reported with a record for each school. District-level teachers are reported with a single record and the Campus ID is reported as the District ID with a suffix of 999.
      • Note: Staff are reported with either Teacher Section records or with at least one Teacher School Association record, but never both.
  • Master Schedule, Staff and Student Enrollment Interchange Updates for Course Sequence Codes: The output of the Course Sequence Code element for trimester and quarter classes is updated to ensure that course sequences of 3/D3, 4/D4, or 5/D5 are reported for trimester classes taught in the year term and codes 6/D6, 7/D7, 8/D8, or 9/D9 are reported for quarter classes taught in the year term.
PSSR-270944New "Passing Grade" Column in Numeric and Special Codes Grade Scales At Risk Auto-Code Update for Failing Grades

At-Risk Report and Auto-Code : Version 21.12.2

  • A new "Passing Grade" column is now available in the Numeric and Special Grade Scale pages. Select the checkbox to identify passing grades that are not standard numeric values.
  • The At Risk Auto-Code for Failing Grades is updated to revise the Oracle character to number conversion to prevent Oracle errors when non-standard characters exist in student stored grades.
PSSR-279056Student Assessment Pre-Code Updates

State/Province - TX > Student Assessment Pre-Code
On the Assessment Assigned Based on Enrollment and Assessment Assigned to the Student pages, the checkbox for the "E" attribute code (Spelling Assistance) is now available only for the English I and English EOC assessments.

PSSR-279846 Update Graduation Information Page for View-Only Access

The Graduation Information Page is now updated to display the selected values for each field as expected for users with View-Only Access.

PSSR-203453School CRDC Screen Updates

The School CRDC screen is updated to have additional validation. If multiple schools share the same CRDC School ID, only one school can be marked as the primary school.

If a school is marked as primary but has a blank SCH ID, then a validation error will appear.

PSSR-279391CRDC Course and Section Screen Updates - Advanced Placement (AP) Subject Area

The AP Subject Area of ‘OT - Other’ is re-enabled on the CRDC Course and Section pages.
The CRDC report template will include courses that are flagged as OT in the AP Course counts for collection items APIB-4 and APIB-6 when the report is available.

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