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Dyslexia Screenings and Risk Codes Report


This report provides verification of student screening data for and risk codes for dyslexia.

Report Input

Field  Description

Select the schools for which you want to run the report. 

(To select all schools, hold shift key while selecting. To select multiple schools, hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) key while selecting.)

Select the students for which you want to run the report.

  • The Selected Students Only
  • All Students   
Enter the school year

Select the report output type:

  • PDF
  • CSV

Select Yes if you want to include students with missing records.

Report Output

Data Element


[Table] Field Name

School ID

The school ID.

Unique IDThe ID of the student


Student NumberThe student number


Grade LevelThe student's grade level[Students]GradeLevel
NameThe student last name followed by first name



Birth DateThe student's date of birth.[Students]DOB
Grade KG Dyslexia Screen DateThe date of the student's kindergarten screening.[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]Dyslexia_Screen_Date_KG
Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644)The student's risk code.[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_KG

Grade KG  Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732)

The Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]E1732_Dys_Scr_Exc_Reas
Grade 01 Dyslexia Screen DateThe date of the student's grade 01 screening.[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]Dyslexia_Screen_Date_01
Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644)Student's risk code.[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_01

Grade 01  Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732)

The Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason[S_TX_SEN_DYS_X]E1732_Dys_Scr_Exc_Reas
Dyslexia Indicator (E1530)

Indicates whether the student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders in the Dyslexia special program record.

Note: The data entry validation related to the Services Code in the Dyslexia Special Program record requires a Services Code if the Dyslexia Indicator is (1) Yes.

Dyslexia Services Codes (E1650)

The type of dyslexia or related services a student has received during the school year.

Special Education Indicator

An indicator of whether the student is participating in a Special Education program on the dyslexia program entry date.

This field is read-only.

Derived from:



504 Indicator

An indicator of whether the student is participating in a 504 program on the dyslexia program entry date.

This field is read-only.

Derived from:



Special Programs Entry Date

The date the student entered the program.


Special Programs Exit DateThe date the student exited the program.[SpEnrollments]Exit_Date
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