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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257645All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Update for Multi-Select Fields in PowerSchool 21.4

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.1
As the fields listed were changed to multi-select in PowerSchool version 21.4, the Office Visit Clinic Log is updated to handle multiple saved values for the Outcome field.
The report works as expected for districts that upgrade to PowerSchool version 21.4 as well as previously supported versions of PowerSchool.

  • Assessment
  • Visit Reason
  • Visit outcome
  • Procedure
  • Treatment
PSSR-258332AAR and TREx Updates for High School Credit Classes Taken Prior to 9th Grade

TREx Extract Version: 1.0.26
TREx Extract by Student Number Version: 1.0.20
AAR Version: 1.0.26
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection Version: 1.0.22
The course selection criteria is updated for high school credit classes taken prior to 9th grade.

  • Previously, high school credit courses taken prior to 9th grade were not included on the reports unless the Special Explanation Code was set to "J."
  • This dependency is now removed for courses that appear in the TEA C022 Service ID table for the 2019-20 school year and beyond. The AAR and TREx reports now automatically include all high school credit classes based on the "Eligible for HS Credit" column in the TEA C022 table (S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S).
  • Records where the Explanation Code contains a value of "J" in Courses, Sections, or Stored Grades also continue to be included in the reports.
  • Note that the "J" code remains required for historical courses with Service ID's that became obsolete prior to the 2019-20 school year.
  • Important: While the course selection criteria are no longer dependent on the manual entry of the "J" Special Explanation Code, districts should continue to enter the code where applicable in order to conform to the TEA AAR Minimum Standards.
PSSR-259730EdOrg Calendar Updates for New School Day Event Codes

TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar: Version 1.0.10
Education Organization Calendar Verification Report: Version 1.0.5
Updates are now available to support two new School Day Event Codes that apply to days when on-campus instruction was restricted due to COVID-19.

  • School Calendar Data Collection
    • A new School Day Event dropdown list field is added to the Calendar Setup page and appears on the right side of the page directly before the ADSY Day checkbox field (S_TX_CLD_X. School_Day_Event).
      • Select Code (default; the equivalent of NULL)
      • (03) COVID Restricted/TEA Approved Reason
      • (04) COVID Restricted/Other Reason
    • TEA Business Logic
      • On days flagged with Code 03, the full number of operational/instructional minutes (default minutes) for the school and each track can be reported.
        • Values are extracted from the Operational Minutes overrides on the School Calendar page if populated.
        • Otherwise, the Default Minutes for the school and any additional tracks are reported.
      • On days flagged with Code 04, only half of the regular number of operational/instructional minutes can be reported.
        • Values are extracted from the Operational Minutes overrides on the School Calendar page if populated. For School Day Event Code 4, any overrides entered should represent half of the normal minutes.
        • Otherwise, half of the Default Minutes for the school and any additional tracks are reported.
    • Data Entry Validations
      • If School Day Event Code = 03 or 04, "School In-Session" must be checked and "Membership Value" must = 1.
      • If School Day Event Code = 03 or 04, "Waiver Type" must be blank.
      • If School Day Event Code = 03 or 04, "Waiver Minutes" must be blank.
    • Additional Notes: Existing School Day Event Codes 01 and 02 are derived from other calendar data and are not manually entered on the School Calendar page:
      • (01) Student Instructional Day (whole or partial day): Derived based on the In-Session flag.
      • (02) Waiver Day: Derived based on the selection of a Waiver Day type.
  • EdOrg Calendar Interchange and EdOrg Calendar Verification Report
    • The report logic is updated to consider the new "School Day Event" code field for each day the school is in session and for each day any additional tracks are in-session
      • Blank/default track: Reported as Track 00
      • Additional tracks A-F: Reported as Tracks 01-06
    • Operational/Instructional Minutes are reported using the same logic as described above for the EdOrg Interchange.
PSSR-241272Graduation Profile Reports

Texas Graduation Profile Report Version: 1.0.6
Texas Individual Graduation Profile Report Version: 1.0.5
The Graduation Profile Reports are now updated to include students who have graduated from high school but who have not yet been moved to the Graduates school. These students are reported when the "Student Type" report parameter is set to "Graduates".

PSSR-238695Single Sign-on (SSO) to Texas Student Assessment Portal Now Supported from PowerSchool Parent Portal

Single sign-on (SSO) to the Texas Student Assessment Portal from the PowerSchool Public Portal is now available for both parents and students.

  • Feature Details
    • This feature uses a simple HTTP post request to allow direct access for parents to the child’s Texas assessment scores and history with one click, including results for STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TAKS, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alternate administrations.
    • Parents and students are taken directly into the Texas online assessment Student Portal without needing the student’s Unique Access Code (PAC ID) found on the paper STAAR Report Card.
    • Links for both the English and Spanish versions of the Texas assessment portal are provided in the PowerSchool public portal.
  • Import Student Portal Access Codes
    • Student Portal Access Codes must first be populated in PowerSchool before access to the single sign-on feature is enabled. The six character portal access codes must be imported into the PAC field in the Texas extension table of students: S_TX_STU_X.PAC.
    • Once imported, each student’s PAC is displayed on a new page named "Texas State Assessment Portal Access", which is available under the Student > State/Province - TX link.
    • Student portal access codes and local Student Numbers are included in the student assessment data reporting files provided by the state.
      • STAAR, STAAR EOC and STAAR Alternate 2
        • In the fixed-length .txt version of the data files, the local Student ID is located in positions 123–131, and the PAC field is located in positions 157-162.
        • In the 2020-21 .csv version of the data files, the local Student ID is located in column AH, and the PAC field is located in column AO.
        • In the 2018-19 and earlier .csv versions of the data files, the local Student ID is located in column AI, and the PAC field is located in column AP.
      • 2019-20 TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate (fixed-length .txt only): the local Student ID is located in positions 145-153, and the PAC field is located in positions 185-190.
    • To import the PAC’s into PowerSchool:
      • The Student DCID (internal ID) is required for import.
      • Using Quick Export or Data Export Manager, create an export file that includes the Student DCID field along with basic student identifiers and the local Student Number, and open in a spreadsheet.
      • The PAC code must be extracted from the student assessment data file(s) and added to the spreadsheet. The local Student ID field can be used for record matching within the spreadsheet.
      • Once the import file is prepared, use Data Import Manager to populate the records. Map the STUDENTS.DCID and the S_TX_STU_X.PAC fields.
  • Enable Single Sign-on to the Texas Assessment Portal
    • Navigate to District > Schools/School > Additional Texas Data Collection and select the checkbox for "Enable Texas State Assessment Portal Link” under the Additional Texas Data Collection section of the page.
    • The Assessment Portal Link must be enabled for each school.
    • Once enabled, from the PowerSchool portal, parents and students can access the Texas State Assessment Portal by clicking on the "Texas State Assessment Portal (English)" link for English version or on the "Texas State Assessment Portal (Spanish)" link for Spanish version.
    • These links display only if the feature has first been enabled in Schools/School Info. In order to log in successfully, the student’s Date Of Birth and the Portal Access Code must be accurate in PowerSchool.
PSSR-262032Staff Interchange Update for ECDS Collection

TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.45
The Staff Interchange is now updated to report the basic StaffExtension complex for only teachers and aides who reported with records in the TeacherSectionAssociation complex.

PSSR-254966State Report Updates for Student Legal Gender

AAR: Version 1.0.26
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.22
Student Assessment Precode: Version 1.0.13
Student Detail Report: Version 1.0.15
TREx: Version 1.0.26
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.20
Withdrawal Form: Version 1.0.5
The report logic is updated to reference the new Legal Gender field previously added to the Demographics and Enroll New Student pages: StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Gender.
If populated, the Legal Gender value is reported; otherwise Students. Gender is reported. Note that data entry validations require a value for Legal Gender if the core Gender field does not contain a value of "F" or "M".

PSSR-261789Student Transcript Interchange Update for Summer PEIMS

TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 1.0.29
The Student Transcript Interchange is now updated to prevent an Oracle error introduced in the prior release. The interchange completes and reports student transcript records as expected.

PSSR-245290New Student Truancy Tracking Data Collection and Calculations

New features to support Texas student truancy tracking for PEIMS and local reporting are now available.

  • Summary

    • A new Student Truancy Tracking page is now displayed under the State/Province – TX link.

    • The primary purpose of this page is to support student truancy calculations and reporting for the new Student Truancy Extension complex type in the Student Attendance Interchange for the PEIMS Summer Submission.

      • Calculations automatically identify students who have reached the TEA truancy threshold of 10 days of unexcused absences in any six-month period.

      • Districts may also flag students with any number of unexcused absences for whom truancy prevention measures have been implemented. These records are also reported in the Student Truancy complex for PEIMS.

    • Additional calculations also identify students meeting a threshold of 3 unexcused absences in any four-week period to support local reporting and notifications to parents and students.

  • Unexcused Absence Calculations

    • Only unexcused absence codes are considered based on the “Unexcused” checkbox on the Attendance Code page; the specific codes will vary by district.

    • Unexcused absences across all schools the student attended during the year are included as well as attendance for remote classes taken at a campus other than the student’s home school.

    • Unexcused absences from all periods where attendance is taken are considered, not just those in the ADA period.

    • Any day where a student has at least one unexcused absence in any period counts as one day unexcused; multiple unexcused absences in a single day still count as one day.

    • Each time the Student Truancy page is opened, the calculation for that student is refreshed on-the-fly so that the page always reflects the current data in PowerSchool.

    • Note: In the subsequent state reporting release, a new Truancy Status Report will be available to run and refresh the truancy calculations for all students on demand, and to report students meeting designated absence thresholds or those who meet the PEIMS truancy criteria.

  • Student Truancy Tracking Page: Select Student > State/Province - TX > Student Truancy Tracking

    • Student Truancy Panel: At the top of the page, the main record for the PEIMS Truancy Extension is displayed. A record is created when the student has at least one unexcused absence in the current year. These records are held in the S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C table.

      • School Year: auto-calculated.

      • YTD UnEx Absences: auto-calculated; the total number of days with at least one unexcused absence this school year.

        • In the main Student Truancy panel, click the YTD UnEx link to view the details of the student’s unexcused class absences including the Date, School, Course Name, Section, Expression, Teacher, and Attendance Code. The detail records are held in the S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_DET_C table.

        • For each date, the first-class/period where an unexcused absence was recorded automatically displays.

        • Click the “Show All UnEx Link” to view the details for additional unexcused classes for that date.

        • The YTD total displays as 0 if the student previously had an unexcused absence that has subsequently been changed to excused or present.

      • Truancy Campus (E0782): auto-calculated; the school where the student first met the 10 unexcused in six months threshold. A student may accrue 5 absences at School A and transfer out; if the student then accrues 5 more absences at School B, School B is the campus reported as the Truancy Campus.

      • Truancy Grade Level (E0017): auto-calculated; the student’s grade level at the time the 10 unexcused in six months threshold was met.

      • Excessive UnEx Abs Indicator (E1657): auto-calculated; populated as Yes (1) when the student has met the 10 unexcused in 6 months threshold, otherwise blank.

      • Excessive UnEx Abs Indicator Override (E1657): manually entered; in cases with extenuating circumstances, allows the district to override the PEIMS Truancy calculation. When checked, the student is considered “Not Truant” and will not be reported with an Unexcused Absence Indicator in PEIMS. Note that this override serves only to negate the auto-calculation, and the student cannot be flagged as truant by the district if the student does not have the supporting unexcused absences.

      • Truancy Prevention Measure Indicator (E1658): manually entered; districts must set the indicator to “Yes” to report the student as having been assigned a truancy prevention measure.

      • Truancy Complaint Filed Indicator (E1659): manually entered; districts must set the indicator to “Yes” to report that a truancy complaint was filed against the parent/guardian.

      • Comments: manually entered; optional 500 character text field.

    • Student Truancy Thresholds Met Panel: The lower panel displays automatically if the student has met at least one of the truancy thresholds: 3 unexcused in 4 weeks and/or 10 unexcused in 6 months.

      • A record is created each time the student meets one or more thresholds.

      • For PEIMS Truancy reporting, a single Student Truancy Extension is reported under the campus where the 10 unexcused absence threshold was first met.

      • Click the Threshold Type link to view the details of the unexcused class absences contributing to that threshold.


Electronic Attendance Plugin Update

A required file for the successful enablement of the Electronic Attendance Plugin was identified as having been unintentionally altered and is now updated.

  • Districts that had previously enabled the plugin and have been using the Electronic Attendance Audit features should not have experienced any issues.

  • The issue occurred only if the plugin needed to be enabled or re-enabled beginning in late November 2020. In this case, an error message displays at the top of the page: "Electronic Attendance plugin cannot be enabled due to an error in creating views related to Electronic Attendance Audit Reporting."

  • Districts can verify that Electronic Attendance is successfully enabled by checking that the "All Present" radio button displays as expected on the class attendance page in the teacher portal and on the teacher Current Schedule class attendance page from a school admin log-in, and by running the Electronic Attendance Audit Report.

  • If needed, the plug-in can be re-enabled in System > System Settings > Plugin Management Configuration.

  • Otherwise, no action is required by the district.

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