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Enrollment Withdrawal Verification Report

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This report enables you to easily validate student enrollment records for PEIMS, PET, and general state reporting purposes. This report provides a CSV output containing the enrollment and withdrawal history for the students, schools, and date range specified at runtime.

Report Input

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report are described below. For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.

Note: To include all modifications within the specified start and end date, leave the Modified options blank.



Select Schools

The multi-select list allows the user to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

Note: At the school level, only the current school is available.

Select Students

Select one of the following to indicate which students to include in the report:

  • The Select [Number] Students Only - Run the report for a predefined selection of students.
  • All Students - Run the report for all students who meet selection criteria.


  • When running for a selection of students, select the students from the Start Page prior to running the report.
  • When All Students is the selected option, the report includes both active and inactive students who have at least one enrollment record during the date range for the report Start Date and End Date.

Start Date

Choose a start date for the report.
End DateChoose an end date for the report.
Include Students marked as Exclude from PEIMSSelect Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to include students marked as Exclude from PEIMS.
Include No ShowsSelect Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include No Show enrollments.
Include enrollments at other schools the student has attendedSelect Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include enrollments at other schools in the district that the student has attended.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element


Local IDThe student's locally assigned ID number.[Students]Student_Number
Unique IDThe student's state-assigned ID number.



The student's last name.

FirstThe student's first name.[Students]First_Name
MiddleThe student's middle name.[Students]Middle_Name
Local IDThe student's locally assigned ID number.[Students]Student_Number
Unique IDThe student's state-assigned ID number.


School IDThe school ID[Schools]ID
School NameThe school where the record exists.[Schools]Name
Grade LevelThe student's grade level at the time of the record.[Students]Grade_Level
State Grade LevelThe student's state-assigned grade level at the time of the record.



TrackThe student's academic track.



Entry DateThe student's entry date.



Entry CodeThe student's entry code.



Exit DateThe student's exit date.



Exit CodeThe student's exit code.



Exit CommentThe exit comment related to this record.



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