Defining SELA Program
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Special Programs > SELA
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Data Type |
Entry Date | School Entry Date This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school. Format is mm/dd/yyyy Required. | [Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollments]EntryDate | |
Exit Date | School Exit Date This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school. Format is mm/dd/yyyy Required. | [Students]ExitDate or [Reenrollments]ExitDate | |
Preferred Home Communication (E1661) | Identifies the preferred unique communication method used by the child at home. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1661_Pref_Home_Comm | Varchar2(2) |
Disabilities - SPED | Indicates that language acquisition services are not provided. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1662_Lang_Acq_Srvcs_NA | Number(1,0) |
Instructional Setting - SPED | Indicates if the student receives direct language acquisition services. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1662_Lang_Acq_Srvcs_Dir | Number(1,0) |
Language Acquisition Services | Indicates if the student receives indirect language acquisition services. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1662_Lang_Acq_Srvcs_Indir | Number(1,0) |
Language Acquisition Services Provided (E1662) | Indicates if the student receives consultative language acquisition services. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1662_Lang_Acq_Srvcs_Cons | Number(1,0) |
Identifies the frequency of direct language acquisition services. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1663_Freq_Srvcs_Dir | Varchar2(2) | |
Identifies the frequency of indirect language acquisition services. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1663_Freq_Srvcs_Indir | Varchar2(2) | |
Hearing Amplification Type (E1665) | Indicates a hearing amplification type of hearing aids. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1665_Amp_Hear_Aids | Number(1,0) |
Indicates a hearing amplification type of hearing aids. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1665_Amp_Hear_Aids | Number(1,0) | |
Identifies whether the student has access to hearing aids for the full-day or partial day. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1666_Amp_Accs_Hear_Aids | Varchar2(2) | |
Identifies whether the student has access to bone anchored hearing aids for the full-day or partial day. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1666_Amp_Accs_BAHA | Varchar2(2) | |
Identifies whether the student has access to implants for the full-day or partial day. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1666_Amp_Accs_Implants | Varchar2(2) | |
Identifies whether the student has access to supplementals for the full-day or partial day. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1666_Amp_Accs_Supp | Varchar2(2) | |
Tool or Assessment Used (E1668) | Identifies the average amount of time hearing aids are used in a day.
| [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1667_Amp_Avg_Hear_Aids | Varchar2(2) |
Indicates that the student was not assessed for language acquisition. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1668_Assessment_Used_NA | Number(1,0) | |
OWLS II (Diagnostic) Applicable for any records dated 08/01/2023 & beyond. | Indicates results obtained for the OWLS II Diagnostic Assessment Tool. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X]E1669_Assmt_Rslts_Owls | Varchar2(2) |
CASLLS (Proficiency) Applicable for any records dated 08/01/2023 & beyond. | Indicates results obtained for the CASLLS Proficiency Assessment Tool. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X]E1669_Assmt_Rslts_Caslls | Varchar2(2) |
Communication Matrix (Proficiency) Applicable for any records dated 08/01/2023 & beyond. | Indicates results obtained for the Communication Matrix Proficiency Assessment Tool. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X]E1669_Assmt_Rslts_Comm | Varchar2(2) |
ASLA (Diagnostic) Applicable for any records dated 08/01/2023 & beyond. | Indicates results obtained for the ASLA Diagnostic Assessment Tool. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X]E1669_Assmt_Rslts_Asla | Varchar2(2) |
VCSL (Proficiency) Applicable for any records dated 08/01/2023 & beyond. | Indicates results obtained for the VCSL Proficiency Assessment Tool. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X]E1669_Assmt_Rslts_Vcsl | Varchar2(2) |
Indicates a proficiency assessment was administered. (Applicable to 2022 school year) | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1668_Assessment_Used_Prof | Number(1,0) | |
Indicates a diagnostic assessment was administered. (Applicable to 2022 school year) | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1668_Assessment_Used_Diag | Number(1,0) | |
Indicates an achievement assessment was administered. (Applicable to 2022 school year) | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1668_Assessment_Used_Ach | Number(1,0) | |
Indicates a rubric assessment was administered. | [S_TX_SEN_SELA_X] E1668_Assessment_Used_Rub | Number(1,0) | |
Indicates another type of assessment was administered. | E1668_Assessment_Used_Oth | Number(1,0) |