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Teacher Portal - Creating Incidents


Permit Access to Incident Management from Teacher Portal

Access is provided to all teachers at the district level only.

To set up teacher access:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > District Info.
  2. Choose Yes to Access Incident Management from Teacher Portal.

Set up Email Generation for New Incident

To set up email generation for new incidents created in the Teacher Portal:

  1. Navigate to Start Page > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School.
  2. Enter the administrator email address in the following field: Email Copies of New Teacher Log Entries/Incident Management To

PowerSchool email setup must be configured to send emails through the Teacher Portal. Refer to the System Help in PowerSchool for more information.

Create Incident in Teacher Portal

To create Discipline Incidents from the Teacher Portal:

  1. In the Teacher Portal page, select a class and click the Backpack icon.
  2. Select a student.
  3. Click Select Screens.
  4. Choose Incident Management and fill out the following fields:

    Incident DateEnter the date and time the incident occurred.
    Incident DetailEnter the details of the incident.
    Incident TitleEnter a title for the Incident.
    Incident TypeChoose an incident type.
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