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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-264922Selection Criteria Updates for Explanation Codes J and R: PEIMS Course, Section, and Transcript Records

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.44
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.36
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.60
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 1.0.30

Updates are now available for record selection logic related to Special Explanation Code J (HS Course Taken Prior to 9th Grade) and Code R (Course taken in Summer/Night School). These updates serve to include additional courses in EdOrg, additional section records in Master Schedule, and additional course records in the Transcript Interchange.

  • Explanation Code J: Records for middle school students taking high school courses no longer need to be flagged with Code J in courses, sections, or stored grades in order to be included in the PEIMS Summer Submission.

  • Explanation Code R: Records with Code R are no longer suppressed in the PEIMS Summer Submission. Instead, logic is implemented to examine the term for the sections or the student Beginning and End Dates in stored grades to determine if the record belongs to the regular school year.


Student Attendance Interchange: Flexible Attendance Updates

TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 1.0.19

Flexible Attendance based on student class minutes is now supported, and manual Flexible Attendance also continues to be supported. The calculations are the same as already implemented in the Student Detail and Campus/District Summary reports.

  • General Requirements

    • District Preference: District Info > Texas Preferences > Flexible Attendance Data Source

      • Each district offering the OFSDP or HSEP programs must set this preference.

      • Choose from Calculated Minutes or Manual Entry Minutes.

    • Important: Flex Attendance can only be reported for in-person instruction.

      • At the start of school when all instruction was remote (RA or RS), students should not be assigned to a Flex Attendance Program or have a Flex ADA Eligibility Code.

      • If students have a Flex Program Code in effect on any day where attendance in the ADA period is RA or RS present, the attendance code is ignored, and attendance will be reported as flex. The Flex Program Code trumps the RA/RS Attendance Code.

    • PEIMS General Records

      • When students begin participation in the OFSDP or HSEP program, the existing PEIMS General Record must be ended, and the Exit Date should be the first date the student has flex attendance.

      • Create a new record using the same date as the Exit Date on the prior record.

        • Set the ADA Eligibility Code to 7 for eligible flex students, or 8 for ineligible students.

        • Select the appropriate Flexible Attendance Program Code.

  • Manual Flexible Attendance

    • Student > State/Province - TX > Manual Flexible Attendance: Create a record for each day the flex student attends and record the minutes.

    • The Flex Program Code is no longer part of the manual record and must now be entered in PEIMS General.

    • Reminder: CTE Attendance is not supported for manual flex attendance.

    • There are no changes to the calculation of minutes and all other functionality remains the same.

  • Flexible Attendance Calculated from Student Class Minutes

    • Students must be scheduled into at least one class.

    • Minutes from the bell schedule across all of a student’s classes are used in the Flex Attendance Minutes calculation.

    • No additional data entry is required aside from any Clock-in/Clock-out records entered by admins in attendance to deduct minutes when students arrive late or leave early.

    • Clock-in/Clock-out Setup must be completed at each school: School > Attendance > Preferences

      • For Attendance Recording Methods, ensure Meeting attendance is selected.

      • Select the checkbox for Enable Clock In/Clock Out.

  • Flex Attendance Rules and Calculations

    • A student must have at least 45 instructional minutes on any given day in order for the flexible minutes to count for funding; days with minutes below 45 are discarded in the calculations.

    • A student cannot have more than 600 instructional minutes on any given day; daily minutes above 600 are discarded in the calculations.

    • Flex Attendance Event Indicator Codes

      • 06 Flexible - Regular

      • 07 Flexible - Bilingual/ESL

      • 08 Flexible - CTE

      • 09 Flexible - PRS

      • 10 Flexible - SpecialEd

      • 12 Flexible - SpecialEd Mainstream

      • 14 Flexible - Residential Facility

    • Regular Flex Attendance

      • For each of the six reporting periods, based on ADA Eligibility Codes 7 or 8, the student’s total minutes are summed and reported as FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1046), or as FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT (E1047).

    • Special Programs Flex Attendance

      • Special program flex days eligible are reported as the number of days during the reporting period when the student was a participant in both the flex program and the special program, similar to regular attendance.

      • Within a reporting period, a student may have a mix of regular attendance, and flex attendance.

        • Regular attendance can consist of in-person attendance, RA, and RS attendance.

        • Flexible attendance consists only of in-person attendance.

    • TEA funding calculations

      • OFSDP: TEA converts each increment of 240 eligible minutes to one eligible day present.

      • HSEP: TEA converts each increment of 360 eligible minutes to one eligible day present.

      • If a student’s equivalent eligible days present exceeds the number of days in the reporting period, the student’s eligible days present are capped at the number of days taught in the reporting period.

PSSR-265350Student Attendance Updates

TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 1.0.19
Texas Truancy Status Report: Version 1.0.1
Student Detail: Version 1.0.16

Updates are now available to address issues with Special Programs attendance validations and with Oracle errors related to Student Truancy. In addition, the Student Detail report is also updated to ensure consistency with the Attendance Interchange when students have a gap in the PEIMS General records with a missing ADA Eligibility Code.

  • Bilingual/ESL Attendance: Attendance Event Indicator 02

    • Students are reported only with the categories of attendance days that have a value > 0 for the reporting period. Inapplicable attendance categories are suppressed.

    • When days are reported, the corresponding Bilingual/ESL Funding code is also reported.

      • TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent + TX-BilingualESLFundingCode

      • TX-RSTotalEligibleDaysPresent + TX-RSBilingualESLFundingCode

      • TX-RATotalEligibleDaysPresent + TX-RABilingualESLFundingCode

  • Regular SPED Attendance: Attendance Event Indicator 05

    • The logic is updated to always output ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (TX-TotalEligibleDaysPresent) even if the student’s regular attendance days in the period = 0. TX-InstructionalSetting and TX-ExcessHoursInstrSetting are also reported in all records.

    • RS-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (TX-RSTotalEligibleDaysPresent) and the related RS data elements are only reported when the RS SPED Days > 0; otherwise suppressed. When suppressing RS days, the two related elements are also suppressed: TX-RSInstructionalSetting and TX-RSExcessHoursInstrSetting

    • RA-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (TX-RATotalEligibleDaysPresent) and the related RA data elements are reported only when the RA SPED Days > 0 for the reporting period; otherwise suppressed. When suppressing RA days, the two related elements are also suppressed: TX-RAInstructionalSetting and TX-RAExcessHoursInstrSetting.

  • PRS Attendance (Event Indicator 04), SPED Mainstream (Event Indicator 11), and RFT (Event Indicator13): Students are reported only with the categories of attendance days that have a value > 0 for the reporting period. Inapplicable attendance categories are suppressed.

  • Regular CTE Attendance: Attendance Event Indicator 03

    • The required regular attendance day elements are always reported, even if the student’s regular attendance days = 0.

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV1

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV2

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV3

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV4

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV5

      • TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV6

      • TX-RSCTEEligibleDaysPresentV1 – V6 are reported only when the student has CTE RS days; otherwise suppressed.

      • TX-RACTEEligibleDaysPresentV1 – V6 are reported only when the student has CTE RA days; otherwise suppressed.

  • Student Truancy Extension Complex: The Attendance Interchange no longer fails with Oracle error ORA-01422: “Exact fetch returns more than the requested number of rows.”

  • Truancy Status Report: Students who reach the TEA Truancy threshold ten times or more within the school year no longer cause the report to fail with Oracle error ORA-06512: “numeric or value error: number precision too large.”

  • Student Detail: The reports are updated to ensure the "Days Taught" element is always reported as the number of days in the reporting period for students who are missing an ADA Eligibility Code for one or more days.

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