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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning preferences - UI Update

The NY Digital Equity & Learning preferences page has been updated to support the common PowerSchool localization.


All States/Provinces: Discipline Incident Letter - Smart Pronoun Tag Update

Discipline Incident Letter Report Version 1.1

The Discipline Incident Letter report functionality has been updated and now honors all smart pronoun tags.


All States/Provinces: Discipline Incident Letter Does Not Complete When there are Large Number of Incidents

Discipline Incident Letters Version: 1.1

The Discipline Incident Letter report runs successfully.


All States/Provinces: Grade Level Immunization Compliance Mapping

For districts using LTK (Language Tool Kit) functionality to rename grade levels, a new UI screen is now available which will allow these renamed grade levels to be mapped to a native grade level value for immunization compliance calculations.

By mapping a renamed grade level to a native grade level, the immunization rules engine will consider that student as being the mapped grade level value when immunization compliance is determined.


All States/Provinces: System/Compliance Reports

SRP reports (reports with the icon to the left of the name), on the System Reports page, have been updated and can now be “favorited” in the Enhanced UI.

The minimum Core version for this to work is PS_23.11.0.0


Child Find Special Programs Verification Report

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 23.10.2

Acceptance Criteria

In both the CSV and PDF report outputs, when the selected School Year in the runtime parameter is 2023-24 or beyond, the following changes apply.

  • The ECI Indicator is removed.

  • ECI Effective Date Services - Calc (calculated) is added.

  • ECI Effective Date Services - Ovr (override) is added.

  • Parental Consent Date is re-labeled to Consent To Evaluation Date.

  • The obsolete element for Parental Consent Date - Calculated is removed.


Enhancements to Student Accelerated Instruction Data Collection

The following new features are now available in State/Province - TX (or Compliance) > Student Assessment > Accelerated Instruction,

New Parent Opt-Out Date

  • A new optional field to capture the date a student’s parent or guardian opts out of accelerated instruction now displays just below the Accelerated Instruction Participation Element


New Daily Time Log

  • A new child table of students (S_TX_STU_ACCEL_INSTR_LOG.C) is now avaialable to capture log records for each day the student attends accelerated instruction with the following fields:

    • Subject

    • Date

    • Minutes

    • YearID (School Year - internal field)

  • Each subject where “Assigned Hours” has been populated is eligible to have daily instruction log records.

  • “Time Log” now appears in the last position on the summary page with two hyperlinks:

    • View

      • Takes the user to the summary page for the Accelerated Instruction Time Log where entries can be reviewed.

      • A “New” button is also available for users with the appropriate page permissions to add a new record if desired.

    • New

      • Takes the user directly to a New Time Log pop-up page where a new time log record can be created.

      • The Subject is automatically displayed as that of the parent record.

  • Hours Completed Calculation

    • Once daily time logs are added or edited, the “Hours Completed” element is automatically calculated based on the total minutes logged for the subject.

    • Hours Completed is calculated in increments of 15 minutes, which are rounded up or down to arrive at the nearest 15 minute increment.


Fitnessgram Extract Updates

Fitnessgram Extract Version: 23.10.1

The FitnessGram Extract is updated to conform to the current CSV upload file requirements. The following changes apply for the 2023-24 school year.

  • SchoolID:  Logic based on the TEDS School Name field is added for districts with non-standard School Number setups as already implemented in the EdOrg Interchange.

  • Student and Teacher Name Fields:  The obsolete Texas Name Override fields are replaced by the core Legal Name fields.

  • Nicknames: Previously blank; now output as Student First Name or Users First Name.

  • Student Username: Previously Unique ID; now output as the local Student Number.

  • Student Password and Teacher Password: Updated to add an exclamation point to meet the requirement for a special character. Now output as First Name + Middle Initial + Last Name + DOB in MDDYY format + !

  • Parent Report Email and Email 2 : Updated to source from Student Contacts using the following hierarchy.

    • Custody Flag

    • Lives with Flag

    • Legal Guardian relationship

    • Mother relationship

    • Father relationship

    • If none of the above, the top two contacts in priority order

  • Class Name: Updated to Course Name, Sec #, Exp #, Term and Year such as PE 5_Sec 2_Exp 4A_YR_24

  • Class ID: Updated to use the Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056 - Calculated) from sections, or the override (if populated).


Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report

Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report: Version 23.10.2

Updates to support the 2023-24 TEA Business Rules for Discipline are now available.

  • Updated Validation for Action Code and Behavior Code

    • 44425-0018: If Action Code is 27 or 28, Behavior Code must be 02, 04-09, 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 26-32, 35, 36, 46-48, 55, 57, 60, or 62-64.

      • Removed Code (37) Felony Alcohol Violation

      • Added Codes (62) Marihuana/THC, (63) E-Cigarette, (64) Other Controlled Substance

  • New Validation for Obsolete Behavior Code 04 and Action Date Range Begin Date

    • 44425-0078: If Behavior Code is 04, Action Date Range Begin Date must be before 09/01/2023.

    • Behavior Code (04) Marihuana Or Other Controlled Substance is valid only prior to September 1.

  • New Validation for New Behavior Codes 62, 63, 64 and Action Date Range Begin Date

    • 44425-0079: If Behavior Code is 62, 63, or 64, Action Date Range Begin Date must be on or after 09/01/2023.

    • The new behavior codes are valid from September 1 and beyond.

  • New Validation for Duration Code 11 and Action Date Range Begin Date

    • 44425-0080: If DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE is "11", then DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must be greater than or equal to September 1, 2023.

    • Implement based on the combination of the Duration Code and the Action Date Range Begin Date in the Action record:

      • If Duration Code is 11, Action Date Range Begin Date must be on or after 09/01/2023.

  • New Validation for Duration Code 11 and Behavior Codes

    • 44425-0081: If Duration Code is 11, Behavior Code must be 05-06 or 62-24

    • New Code (11) Term Modified By District – Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Capacity applies when the DAEP is at capacity is at capacity, or a position is needed for a student who engaged in violent conduct.


New AAR Report for Unofficial Transcript

AAR - Unofficial Transcript: Version 23.10.2

This new version of the AAR is intended for staff who work with student transcript data, but who may not be authorized to print the official AAR. The report offers similar runtime options as the AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection version but with the specific changes described below.

  • The options for “School Official Title”, “Include Digital Signature” and “Include Graduation Seals” are removed.

  • The parameter and output for “Transcript Date” is re-labeled to “Report Date.”

  • The title of of the report displays as “AAR - Unofficial Transcript” instead of “State of Texas Academic Achievement Record (Accredited).”

  • In the upper right, the Official Signature and Title are removed.

  • A background watermark of “Unofficial Transcript” displays in light gray font cross the page.


Update Student Program Indicator Roster Reports

Student Program Indicator Roster: Version 23.10.2

Student Program Indicator Roster with Eco Dis: Version 23.10.2

The two Student Program Indicator Roster reports are updated to restore the Total and Grand Total counts for EB/EL students with a non-0 LEP Indicator Code. The footer formatting is also improved for usability.


AAR Updates for Subject Area Groups

AAR: Version 23.10.2

AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 23.10.2

The AAR reports are updated to restore the prior sort order for the subject areas. The remaining known issue of courses in the same subject area sometimes being split into two separate groups will be addressed in the subsequent release.


2023-24 ECDS Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 23.10.2
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 23.10.2

Updates to support the TEA reporting changes for the ECDS collection are now available. These changes apply to the PK collection only. There are no changes to the KG collection for this year.

  • E1726 Child Care Operation Number

    • This element is removed from the EdOrg LEA complex and now appears as in the section records in the Master Schedule interchange to the LEA extension in EdOrg.

    • Child Care Operation Number is required and reported only for PK Homeroom sections with a Service ID of 01010000, and the value can now differ between schools and sections.

    • The available list of Child Care Operation Numbers is sourced from District Setup > Texas District Management > Child Care Operators

      • This data entry must be completed in order to populate the dropdown lists at the school and section levels.

      • Create a record for each active Child Care partnership organization used in the district.

      • Flag any inactive organizations with an Inactive Date.

      • All Child Care Operators must have an 8 digit TEA-assigned number.

    • If all or most sections within a school use the same PK partnership organization, code the Child Care Operation Number in District Setup > School Info: E1726 Child Care Operation Number.

    • If some sections use a different organization, log into the School and code those exceptions in the Section record.

  • E1626 Program Evaluation Type

    • This element was previously reported for each section in the Master Schedule interchange. This year, it will be reported once overall for the district in the LEA complex of the EdOrg Interchange.

    • Navigate to District Setup > Texas District Management > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > Program Evaluation Type (E1626) to select the applicable code:

      • (00) None

      • (01) TEA Self-Assessment Tool

      • (99) Other

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