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Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report



The Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report is designed to aid in the verification that all necessary elements required for state reporting are populated in manual entry stored grade records. Depending on the scenario, these records may be reported in the PEIMS Summer Submission, and are also reported on the AAR and in TREx.

For each included school and student, the report selects stored grades records where the Section ID is 0, and outputs the results in .csv format. The report can be filtered in Excel to identify missing or potentially incorrect data entry.

The Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report is PowerSchool report TX81.

This report uses the State Reporting Platform format and requires that the All States Reporting Installer be applied. This report is accessed using System Reports > State Reports.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

The report selects manually entered Stored Grades records based on the following criteria:

  • The stored grade is associated with the School Year selected on the report page.
  • The Section ID in the stored grades record is 0 (None).

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Select School Year

Select the school year to be used for the report.

Report Run Mode

Select the report run mode.

  • Normal Mode (Default) – Run the report to extract AAR and TREx records for current and/or prior school years.
  • Validation Mode – Run the report to extract errors in current PEIMS, AAR, and TREx records.
School YearFrom the list, select school years to report. To select multiple years, use Ctrl+Click and select each school year to include.

Run Now

Select this option if the user wants to run the report immediately.


Select this option if the user wants to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:

  • Run Once
    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.
  • Repeat
    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.
      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.
      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.
      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.
      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.
  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

This report outputs a .csv file for both normal and verification mode.

Normal Mode

When run for multiple school years, the report sorts records first by school year (most recent to least recent), then school name, then the course number.


Data Element/Column Header



Student Name

The name of the student.[Students]LastFirst
BLocal IDThe student's local ID number assigned by the district.[Students]Student_Number

Unique ID

The student’s Texas Unique ID (Unique Student Identifier).



School Year

The school year associated with the record; required. This field populates based on the school year selected in the report parameters.

Derived from [StoredGrades]TermID

Historical Grade Level

The student’s grade level when the stored grade was earned; required.


School Name

The school name associated with the record.



School Number

The school number associated with the record.

Derived from [StoredGrades]SchoolID and



Alternate CDC

The County District Campus Number of the Texas school that awarded credit for this course; applies when the student’s reportable school differs from the school of enrollment.


Course Name

The local course name; see notes for Course Number.

JAbbrev Course NameThe abbreviation of the course name.[S_TX_SGR_X]Abbrev_Course_Name 

Course Number

The local course number. If the district has this course in the Course catalog, the Course Name is optional but the course number is needed to determine the appropriate Service ID to be reported. If the district does not have this course in the Course catalog, the LEA may enter the course and create a course number. However, they may choose to leave the course number blank and include the Course Name. In this case the Alternate Course Number is required on the stored grade.


Alternate Course Number

The state course number/Service ID for the course.


MAAR Subject CategoryThe Acadameic Achievement Record subject category for this course.[StoredGrades]AAR_Subject_Category 
NCredit TypePreviously used as the Subject Area for the AAR; included to allow verification that the Credit Type value was successfull coverted to the corresponding AAR Subject Category.[StoredGrades]Credit_Type 
OTerm IdThe section term ID.[StoredGrades]TermID

Store Code

The store code associated with the record; required



The grade earned for the course; required if Percent is blank and the Pass/Fail Indicator is to be calculated in the report.



The numeric grade earned for the course; required if Grade is blank and the Pass/Fail Indicator is to be calculated in the report.


Earned Credit Hours

The credit hours earned for the course; required.


Potential Credit Hours

The potential credit hours for the course; may be required for GPA calculations.

UAAR Avg OvrThe yearly average if the LEA does not have a Y1 type store code, and the student earns full credit on the course based on a passing yearly average although S1 or S2 are failing.[S_TX_SGR_X]AAR_Avg_Override

Course Sequence

The course sequence override for the course.



Course Completion

The course completion indicator for the course.


Explanation Code Combined

The special explanation code for the course. For the PEIMS Summer Collection, records with codes L, 3, or R will be excluded; for high school courses taken at the middle school level, the code must include J. If the record has multiple Explanation Codes, they appear in a comma-separated list.


Pass/Fail Indicator

The PEIMS Pass/Fail Credit Indicator code for the course.

ZLoss of Cr-AbsIndicates if the student lost course credit due to absence.[StoredGrades]Course_Equiv

Begin Date

The first date the student was enrolled in the course.


End Date

The date after the last date the student was enrolled in the course. Note that the beginning and ending dates in the record cannot be the same date unless the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code is 08.


Class ID Number

The class ID number that will be reported for this record in the PEIMS Summer Collection (if applicable).



Non Campus Based Instruction Code

Indicates if the course was taken off-campus (college, electronic, virtual, etc.). For the PEIMS Summer Collection, if the code is 00, both a Master Schedule and Staff Association record will be needed for this stored grade. A section must be created in the master schedule with a teacher responsible for this grade in order to generate a Staff Association record. If the code is not 00, a Staff Association record is not required.


Dual Credit Indicator Code

Indicates if the course qualifies for college credit; required if applicable.



College Credit Code

The number of college credit hours earned for a dual credit course; required if applicable.

AGOnRampsIndicates if the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual credit course; required if applicable.[S_TX_SGR_X]E1597_OnRamps

ATC Indicator

Indicates a course for which college credit may be awarded under a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit (ATC) program agreement; required if applicable.



Exclude From 415

Indicates if the stored grade record is set to be excluded from the PEIMS Summer Collection transcript interchange.

AJExclude From TREX

Indicates if the stored grade record is set to be excluded from the TREx report.

AKExclude From AARIndicates if the stored grade record is set to be excluded from the Academic Achievement Report.[S_TX_SGR_X]Exclude_From_AAR

Validation Mode


Data Element/Column Header



Student Name

The name of the student.[Students]LastFirst
BLocal IDThe student's local ID number assigned by the district.[Students]Student_Number

Unique ID

The student’s Texas Unique ID (Unique Student Identifier).

DGrade LevelThe student's grade level at the time of the record.[StoredGrades]Grade_Level


School Year

The school year associated with the record; required. This field populates based on the school year selected in the report parameters.

Derived from [StoredGrades]TermID

School Name

The school name associated with the record.



School Number

The school number associated with the record.

Derived from [StoredGrades]SchoolID and



Alternate CDC

The County District Campus Number of the Texas school that awarded credit for this course; applies when the student’s reportable school differs from the school of enrollment.


Course Name

The local course name; see notes for Course Number.


Course Number

The local course number. If the district has this course in the Course catalog, the Course Name is optional but the course number is needed to determine the appropriate Service ID to be reported. If the district does not have this course in the Course catalog, the LEA may enter the course and create a course number. However, they may choose to leave the course number blank and include the Course Name. In this case the Alternate Course Number is required on the stored grade.

KTerm IdThe section term ID.[StoredGrades]TermID

Store Code

The store code associated with the record; required

Validation Mode should only be looking at store codes that are mapped in TX Stored Code Mapping as a Final Grade where Final Grade Type = S1, S2 or Average.   Below, there are numerous "C1" and other marking period grades which should not be on the report.  Need to use the same selection criteria as in the Transcript Interchange. In the Dallas dataset, School Two Hundred Forty-Four_-3_5 doesn't have any store code mapping set up, which will cause all of their records to report incorrectly as we will never be able to identify the completion grade (that is a different issue I will take up with Dallas).



The grade earned for the course; required if Percent is blank and the Pass/Fail Indicator is to be calculated in the report.



The numeric grade earned for the course; required if Grade is blank and the Pass/Fail Indicator is to be calculated in the report.


Error Abbreviated Course Name

The Abbreviated Course Name cannot be blank.

  • If the field is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".

If record references a district Course Number where Abbreviated Course Name is populated, the field should not be flagged as "Missing value"

PError AAR Subject Category

The AAR Subject Category must have a value of ELA, SP, MA, SC, SS, ECFE, HL, PE, LOTE, FA, TA, CTE, EL, or LC.

  • If the field is populated with an invalid code the report displays the error message, "Invalid", along with the invalid code.
  • If the field is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".

If record references a district Course Number where AAR Subject Category is populated, the field should not be flagged as "Missing value"

QError Pass/Fail Indicator Code

The Pass/Fail Indicator must use codes 0-14 for the 2015-16 school year or earlier, and codes 1-14 for the 2016-17 school year or later. If the field is not populated, the record is derived based on course and student grade records.

  • If the field is populated with an invalid code, the report displays the error message, "Invalid value :" along with the erroneous code.
RError Beginning Date

The Begin Date cannot be blank, must fall within the selected academic year and term, and must fall on or prior to the End Date.

  • If the Begin Date is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".
  • If the Begin Date is invalid, the report displays the error message, "Begin date [YYYY-MM-DD] after term last day [YYYY-MM-DD]".


SError Ending Date

The End Date cannot be blank, must fall within the selected academic year and term, and must fall on or after the Begin Date.

  • If the End Date is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".
  • If the End Date is invalid, the report displays the error message, "End date [YYYY-MM-DD] prior to term first day [YYYY-MM-DD]".
TError Class ID Number

The Class ID Number cannot be blank and must be at least 14 characters in length.

  • If the field is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".
  • If the Class ID Number is less than 14 characters long, the report displays the error message, "Length less than 14:" along with the erroneous ID number.
UError Course Sequence Override

The Course Sequence Override cannot be blank and must have a value of 0-9 or A.

  • If the field is blank, the report displays the error message, "Missing value".
  • If the field is populated with an invalid code, the report displays the error message, "Invalid value :" along with the erroneous code.

Per our discussion, we will require a Course Sequence Override in the stored grades record.  Any missing value should be reported.  However, Values of F & S are correct & should not be reported as Invalid.

VError Course Completion Indicator

The Course Completion Indicator must have a value of No (0) or Yes (1). If the field is not populated, the record is derived based on course and student grade records.

  • If the field is populated with an invalid code, the report displays the error message, "Invalid value :" along with the erroneous code.
WError Alternate Course Number

The Alternate Course Number, if populated, must be at least 8 characters in length. If the field is not populated, the record is derived based on course records.

  • If the Alternate Course Number is less than 8 characters long, the report displays the error message, "Length less than 8:" along with the erroneous ID number.
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