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TX Interchange Student-Parent

This interchange includes information for any school not excluded from state reporting. It is the interchange schema for Student-Parent information including the student demographic information and student identifiers. The parent information captures the relationship between the student and the parent as well as flags for which parent is the primary contact. This report is only used for the TSDS Dashboard.

Student Selection Criteria

    • Students must be enrolled in a regular, reportable campus in the district or enrolled in a non-reportable campus where the Child Find Placeholder Campus field is set to Yes in Schools/School Info.

    • Students must have a Child Find Special Program record where the SPED Eligibility Determination Date falls on or between July 1 and June 30 of the current school year. The Entry Date of the Child Find record may be in a prior school year or the current school year.

Report Input

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report is described below.



Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

Select Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Collection CodeChoose the Collection from the pop-up menu for the report generated.

School Year

Choose the school year. This value is used in the file name as well as determining which year to use for the data extraction.

ECDS Version (Only PK and KG students)Select this option when generating the Student-Parent Interchange for the Early Childhood Data System (ECDS). The option limits the report to students in grades PK and KG with ECDS assessment data to report, and also limits the elements output in the interchange to conform to the ECDS requirements.

Run Now

Select this option if the user wants to run the report immediately.


Select this option if the user wants to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:

  • Run Once
    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.
  • Repeat
    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.
      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.
      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.
      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.
      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.
  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end.

Report Output: XML for Dashboard

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Filename for the Dashboard:

The filename must be in the following format:

District Code: Position 1-6

Underscore: Position 7, 11, 20 and 33.

Campus ID: Position 8-10 – If the file is generated by a user from the District Office, this value is 000. If the file is generated by a user from a school, this value is the three-digit campus id for that user. This allows partial files to be submitted that contain data only for one school.

Collection Code: Position 12-19. This starts with the ending year of the school year followed by TSDS.

Timestamp: Position 21-32 – This is YYYYMMDDHHMM where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, HH is hour, and MM is minute.

Interchange: Position 34 starts the name of the Interchange – InterchangeStudentParentExtension.xml

Report Output: XML

Data Element



Student – This complex type is repeated for each student that has been enrolled at least one day during the school year being processed whether they are excluded from PEIMS or not.

Student Unique State ID

Unique State Student Number. An underscore "_" appears at the front of the ID.

Example: Student id = "_1246639548"


Student Identification Code

Identification System

Hard coded as "State"


Identification Code

Unique State ID Number


Student Identification Code

Identification System

Hard coded as "Local"

Identification Code

Local Student ID


First Name

Student’s First Name


Middle Name

Student’s Middle Name

Last Name

Student’s Last Name


Generation Code Suffix

Description of the student’s generation code


Gender of the student

Birth Data

Birth Date

Student’s date of birth.




Street Number Name

Student’s Physical Address

Apartment Room Suite NumberStudent's Apartment Room Suite Number


Student’s Physical City

State Abbreviation

Student’s Physical State

Postal Code

Student’s Physical Zip

Country CodeStudent's Country Code



Street Number Name

Student’s Mailing Address

Apartment Room Suite NumberStudent's Apartment Room Suite Number


Student’s Mailing City

State Abbreviation

Student’s Mailing State

Postal Code

Student’s Mailing Zip

Country CodeStudent's Country Code

Telephone – Hard Code to TelephoneNumberType = “Home”

Telephone Number

Student’s Home Phone Number

Electronic Mail – Hard Code to EmailAddressType=”Home/Personal”

Email Address

Student’s Email Address

Hispanic Latino Ethnicity

Student’s Federal Ethnicity. True or False.


Racial Category

Student’s race. This is repeated for each race coded.

Economic Disadvantaged

Student’s current economic disadvantage status.

Student Characteristics


Student is flagged as Displaced Homemaker, Foster Care, Homeless, Immigrant, Migratory, Parent in Military, Pregnant, Single Parent, Unaccompanied Youth, Unschooled Asylee, or Unschooled Refugee if current status is coded as participating.

Limited English Proficiency

Student’s LEP status as Limited, Limited Monitored 1, Limited Monitored 2 or Not Limited.

Disabilities – Included only if the student has disabilities.


Student’s Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Disability. Multiple Disabilities is also noted.

Order of Disability

Denotes primary, secondary or tertiary.

Student Indicators

Indicator Name

Included for all students whether At Risk or not.


True or False depending on the student’s status

TX LEA Reference

Education Org Identity

State Organization ID

Student’s District of Enrollment


Parent – This complex type is repeated for each contact that is linked to the student that is flagged responsible for the student. Id=”PAR_xxx” where xxx is the internal id for the contact.

Parent Unique State ID

Internal Contact ID


First Name

Contact’s First Name

Last Name

Contact’s Last Name



Street Number Name

Contact’s Physical Address


Contact’s Physical City

State Abbreviation

Contact’s Physical State

Postal Code

Contact’s Physical Zip



Street Number Name

Contact’s Mailing Address


Contact’s Mailing City

State Abbreviation

Contact’s Mailing State

Postal Code

Contact’s Mailing Zip

Telephone – Hard Code to TelephoneNumberType = “Home”

Telephone Number

Contact’s Home Phone Number

Electronic Mail – Hard Code to EmailAddressType=”Home/Personal” or EmailAddressType=”Work”

Email Address

Contact’s Email Address

Student Parent Association

Student Reference

Ref=”STU_xxx” where xxx is the Local Student Number

Parent Reference

Ref=”PAR_xxx” where xxx is the Contact ID


Contact Relationship to the student.


Primary Contact Status

True if the contact is responsible for the student.


Lives With

True if the Student Resides With is Yes for this contact.


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