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Texas Six Week Attendance Roster Report


The report is modeled after the PowerSchool “Class Attendance Audit” system report, but offers an improved layout, various enhancements, and Texas-specific features. The report is designed to be used at the end of each six week reporting period to confirm and report ADA period class attendance and to optionally collect teacher signatures. Six Week Rosters can be generated for classes at schools that are set as Exclude from State Reporting, but which offer remote classes to students in reportable schools.

This is a school-level report only and cannot be run from the District Office; selections for schools and teachers are disabled.

  • Report Layout: The PDF layout is optimized to support a single-page output for classes with 30 students in a typical report period covering 30 days of attendance. A class with a maximum of 38 students and 32 days can be printed on a single page.

  • Report Header/Title: Six Week Attendance Roster, School Name, Report Period Name, Start Date and End Date, Count of Days in the Report Period or Date Range are included.

  • Report Period: A runtime parameter leverages the existing Texas six-week attendance reporting periods in Years and Terms as used for other Texas attendance reports. Override Start Date and End Date can also be specified if needed.

Selection Criteria

  • By default, the current school is selected.

    • Teachers: Select all teachers, or a subset of teachers as needed. At least one teacher must be selected.

    • Classes

      • The report automatically filters for ADA period classes only based on the school bell schedule and cycle day configuration.

      • Non-ADA period classes are not included in the report

    • Students flagged as Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS are not included.

  • Student Information

    • Student Name, Student Number, Grade Level, School Entry and Exit Dates, Days Mem, Days Pres and Days Abs are included.

    • Texas ADA Eligibility Codes are considered when calculating and displaying Days in Membership. On any day where a student has ADA Code 0 or 9, that day does not count as a Day in Membership, but Days Present and Absent are calculated.

  • Class Attendance Information

    • Header Row: Month, Cycle Day, Day of Week, and Calendar Date are included.

    • Detail Rows:

      • In-Session Days: The student’s attendance code for each day (blank if default present) or “n/e” if the student was not enrolled in the section is displayed.

      • Non In-Session Days: For days other than weekends, the abbreviated Day Type (such as “H” for holiday or “P” for professional development) is displayed.

  • Signature and Date

    • A teacher signature line and date are provided at the bottom of the attendance roster.

    • While the signature line is optional for districts using the Electronic Attendance Audit plug-in, this feature is provided for schools that wish to retain paper copies of the sign-off sheets.

Report Input



Select Schools

Choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.

  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

By default, the current school is selected.

School Year

Select the school year for which you want to run the report. 

Run Report For

Select the Report Period or Date Range.

Report Period

By default the system considers the existing Texas six week attendance reporting periods in Years and Terms as used for other Texas attendance reports. Override Start Date and End Date can also be specified if needed.


Select all teachers, or a subset of teachers as needed. At least one teacher must be selected.

When logged into a school, the list of teachers displayed now includes only those teachers assigned to that school.

  • Note: In this version, while all district teachers are displayed n the list, the report will include only those teachers with ADA period class sections at the selected school.

Report Output

  • A Totals line displays for student Days Mem, Days Pres and Days Abs for all students in the class. If the class wraps to multiple pages, the Totals display once only after the last student and before the Teacher Signature.

  • Six Week Rosters can now be generated for classes at schools that are set as Exclude from State Reporting, but which offer remote classes to students in reportable schools.

  • The timestamp in the report footer displays the correct local time based on the LEA’s location as set in District Setup > Attendance > Electronic Attendance Audit Setup.

Data Element


School Name

The name of the school.

Reportable CDE

The reportable TEA school number.

Report Period

The Report Period or Date Range selected.

Start Date

The start date.

End Date

The end date.

Days Taught

The number of in-session days in the report period or date range.

Teacher Last Name

Teacher’s Last Name.

Teacher First Name MI

Teacher’s First Name.

Teacher Unique ID (UID)

Teacher’s Unique ID (StatePrid).


The Section (Course Name, Number --Section Number).


The expression for the section.

Student Name

The student's name: Last, First

Student #

The student’s number.

Grade Level

The student’s grade level.

Enrollment Dates

The student’s entry date and exit dates for the school.

  • In the class attendance grid, “n/e” displays for any date where the student was not enrolled in the section.

Days Mem

The student’s Days in Membership.

  • Students do not earn Days in Membership on any day where the ADA Eligibility Code is 0 or 9.

Days Pres

The student’s Days Present.

Days Abs

The student’s Days Absent.

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