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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-228373AAR Performance Updates

AAR: Version 1.0.17
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.13
The AAR reports are updated with logic to increase performance. SQL queries and SRP rendering has been streamlined. Additionally, logic has been added for the student courses/grades section of the report to more evenly balance the display across the two columns of the report.

PSSR-223173Master Schedule Interchange Updates for PEIMS Summer Submission

TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.23
The TX Interchange Master Schedule report has been updated for the PEIMS Summer submission. The Interchange output is now limited to records that meet the new Submission 3 criteria. Records are now reported only for completed courses and course parts taken for high school credit, or completed courses taken via the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).

  • A new Texas table to hold courses and Service ID's from the TEA C022 is added to the database: S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S.
  • Record Selection
    • The Service ID must not start with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8.
    • The stored grades record, section, or course must not be set as Exclude from 090.
    • High School Courses: records are identified per the TEA C022 Code Table where "Eligible For High School Credit" = TRUE
    • Virtual School Network Courses: records are identified by Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes 04 and 05.
      • Courses and Sections: Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
      • Manual Entry Stored Grades: Section ID = 0 and Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
  • New Dual Credit Course Sequence Codes: when the Dual Credit Indicator in Stored Grades, Sections or Courses = 1/Yes, the normal Course Sequence Code preceded by a "D" is automatically output such as D0, D1, D2, etc.
  • The logic for Population Served is updated for manual entry stored grade records to ensure that the value from Courses is reported if the record has a reference to a district course number.
  • Elements previously reported for PK records are removed completely.
  • Additional performance tuning has also been implemented.
PSSR-220906Repo Schema Updates

Additional reference:  PSSR-227649 
Legacy Repo Schema Updates related to the sruser table have been removed from the startup scripts, and several obsolete reports have been deleted. In addition, the Incident Management action attribute seeding scripts have been updated to allow for schools with apostrophes in the name.

PSSR-222875Staff Interchange Parameters

TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.36
When running the Staff Interchange for any collection other than Fall PEIMS, the StaffEducationOrgEmploymentAssociation complex is no longer included; the parameter for this complex type continues to be conditionally hidden, but is now automatically set to a value of No in the background.

PSSR-223354Student Discipline Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 1.0.11

  • The following obsolete elements have been removed from the xml output:
    • PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE: TX-PrimaryDisability
  • Updated Data Sources
    • The interchange now extracts Campus of Assignment and Campus of Responsibility from the new Action Attribute fields introduced at the start of school.
    • Behavior Location is now extracted from the core Location field instead instead of the obsolete Texas Behavior Location field.
  • Behavior Location Code Logic
    • Under the new model, all Location Codes have a State Report Detail Code, and for all incidents that occur on school property, the State Report Detail Code = 01.
    • Within these incidents, TEA edits require that the Behavior Location Code be reported as 00 instead of 01 based on the specific Behavior Code assigned to the student in the record.
      • If the student's Behavior Code is 21-23, 41, 42, 44, 45, 55, 56, or 61, Behavior Location is automatically reported as 00.
      • Otherwise, for any other Behavior Code where the State Report Detail Code is 01, a value of 01 is reported.
      • If the State Report Detail Code is any value other than 01, that value is reported.
PSSR-223352Student Enrollment Interchange Updates for the PEIMS Summer Submission

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.44
The Student Enrollment Interchange is updated for the PEIMS Summer Submission. The Interchange output is now limited to records that meet the new Submission 3 criteria along with other miscellaneous updates.

  • Student School Association
    • Logic related to the output of the Last Date of Enrollment for withdrawn students is updated to report the student's actual last day of active enrollment, and not the Exit Date seen in Transfer Info; logic for active students remains the same.
    • Logic related to the output of elements in the PEIMS General record for withdrawn students is updated to report the values in effect on the student's final day of enrollment. This applies to the scenario where the student was withdrawn but an additional PEIMS General record with a date after the withdrawal exists.
  • Student Section Association
    • Records are now reported only for completed courses and course parts taken for high school credit, or completed courses taken via the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).
      • The Service ID must not start with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8.
      • The stored grades record, section, or course must not be set as Exclude from 090.
      • High School Courses: records are identified per the TEA C022 Code Table where "Eligible For High School Credit" = TRUE. The TEA table is now held in a new Texas database table: S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S.
      • Virtual School Network Courses: records are identified by Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes 04 and 05.
        • Courses and Sections: Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
        • Manual Entry Stored Grades: Section ID = 0 and Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
    • Logic and xml output for completed courses and course parts
      • Due to the reporting of completed sections only, a single record per student per completed course or course part is reported. If the course was not completed, it is excluded.
      • A course or course part is considered as completed if the student received a final grade mapped to S1 or S2 in Texas Store Code Mapping, or if the student was actively enrolled in the class on the final day of the class' scheduling term.
      • Begin Date: If a student had multiple attempts (multiple Begin Dates) for the same section, report the latest Begin Date prior to the student completing the course or course part.
      • End Date: If a student had multiple attempts (multiple End Dates) for the same section, report the latest End Date for the attempt where the student completed the course or course part.
    • New Dual Credit Course Sequence Codes: when the Dual Credit Indicator in Stored Grades, Sections or Courses = 1/Yes, the normal Course Sequence Code preceded by a "D" is automatically output such as D0, D1, D2, etc.
    • The Homeroom Indicator is now obsolete for the PEIMS collection and has been removed from the output.
PSSR-216555Student Program Indicator Roster Updates

Student Program Indicator Roster: Version 1.0.2
Student Program Indicator Roster with Eco Dis: Version 1.0.2

    • The header is updated from BIL/ESL to BIL/ESL/ALP to include the Alternative Language Program field.
    • The existing logic for this column is updated to output a value of "ALP" if the value for the new Alternative Language Program field in the LEP/EL record on the Effective Date is not 00 or blank.
    • Source: S_TX_SEN_ESL_X.E1642_Alt_Language_Program
    • If the student has a LEP/EL record for the Alternative Language Program in effect on the Effective Date specified at runtime, the column displays Y.
  • RFT
    • A new column with header "RFT" is added to display participation in the Residential Facility special program (RFT); this is positioned in between the existing columns for Speech and 504.
    • Source: S_TX_SEN_RFT_X
    • If the student has an RFT record in effect on the Effective Date specified at runtime, the column displays Y.
    • A new column with header "NEW TECH" is added to indicate that the student attends a school flagged as a New Tech school; this is positioned as the last field on the report after PTECH.
    • If the student is enrolled in a school on the Effective Date where the New Tech Indicator = 1, the column displays Y.
  • Dyslexia: The source for the Dyslexia Indicator was updated in a prior release, but is included here for informational purposes.
    • Previous Source: S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C.E1530_Dyslexia
    • New Source: S_TX_SEN_DYS_X.E1530_Dyslexia_Ind
    • If the student's Dyslexia Indicator = 1 on the Effective Date, the column displays Y.
PSSR-223353Student Transcript Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 1.0.25
The Transcript Interchange has been updated for the PEIMS Summer submission. The Interchange output is now limited to records that meet the new Submission 3 criteria. Records are reported only for completed courses and course parts taken for high school credit, or completed courses taken via the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN).

  • Record Selection
    • The Service ID must not start with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8.
    • The stored grades record, section, or course must not be set as Exclude from 090.
    • High School Courses: records are identified in per the TEA C022 Code Table where "Eligible For High School Credit" = TRUE
    • Virtual School Network Courses: records are identified by Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes 04 and 05.
      • Courses and Sections: Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
      • Manual Entry Stored Grades: Section ID = 0 and Non-Campus Based Instruction = 04 or 05
  • New Dual Credit Course Sequence Codes: when the Dual Credit Indicator in Stored Grades, Sections or Courses = 1/Yes, the normal Course Sequence Code preceded by a "D" is automatically output such as D0, D1, D2, etc.
  • Pass/Fail Indicator Code: Logic is updated to ensure that high school credit courses report with the expected Pass/Fail indicators for classes that are still in progress at the time the interchange is generated.
PSSR-230367Updated ELO Data Collection for PEIMS Summer EdOrg

The ELO data collection pages, at District > Schools/School Info > School Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) have been updated to simplify the data entry, add new ELO Category Indicator checkbox fields, and apply data entry validation to ensure that at least one ELO category has been specified.

  • To view the database fields for this record, reference the Schools ELO Table in the Texas Data Dictionary
  • To populate Expanded Learning Opportunity records for the summer submission, navigate to District > Schools/School Info. Scroll down to the Additional Texas Data Collection panel and click the link for School Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO). Create records for each applicable school as follows:
    • Click "Add School Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Record"
    • Select the current School Year from the drop-down list
    • Select the ELO Type Code (E1641) from the drop-down list. For the summer submission, the most common ELO Type Code will be (03) Voluntary Expanded Learning - Before School and After School; schools may also enter records as applicable for ELO Type Codes (01) Non-Voluntary Extended School Day and (02) Non-Voluntary Extended School Year.
    • For each ELO Type Code, enter the average ELO Minutes Scheduled Per Day (E1621) for that ELO Type, comprised of activities in the following categories:
      • E1615 ELO Rigorous Coursework
      • E1616 ELO Mentoring
      • E1617 ELO Tutoring
      • E1618 ELO Physical Activity
      • E1619 ELO Academic Support
      • E1620 ELO Educational Enrichment
    • At least one of the above indicators must be selected; select all that apply.
    • The optional ELO Description comments field is for local use only.
    • Submit the page to save the record.
    • If the school offers more than one ELO Type, create additional records as needed.
    • If the school does not offer ELO's, no record is required. The E1613 Expanded Learning Opportunity Indicator Code will default to 0 (no) in the EdOrg Interchange.

Important: The Education Organization Interchange for Summer PEIMS has not yet been updated for the new ELO data collection model. Currently, the E1613 EXPANDED-LEARNING-OPPORTUNITY-INDICATOR-CODE element (xml: TX-ExpandedLearningOpportunityIndicator) temporarily defaults to 0/No for all schools, which will allow the districts to submit files now and proceed with the Summer Submission. Districts can begin entering records for School ELO's now. In the April release, the EdOrg Interchange will be updated to extract the ELO records.

PSSR-214618Updates to the Quick Incident Page

Updates previously made to the Incident Detail page are now implemented on the Quick Incident Page

  • The three obsolete CRDC Action Attributes already marked as "Do Not Use" have been removed from the database.
  • Obsolete Behavior Codes for 2019-20 are flagged as retired and hidden for data entry in any records where Incident Date = or > 08/01/2019. These codes remain visible in any older records (< 08/01/2019) where they exist:
    • 33 - Tobacco Product
    • 34 - School-Related Gang Violence
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